This post marks the beginning of my practice-based Master's research project titled, DIGITISING TRADITIONAL MEDIA: The Case of Afan in Africa. Previous posts represent my personal thoughts and research on afan; and although are directly relevant yet they do not contribute to the contents of my Master's project.
Posts, hereafter, are artefacts generated and produced for my project. They will be read, watched, assessed and scored by my examiners. This part of the blog representing chapter four, constitutes the practice part, of my research. It is subdivided into two parts: audio/video clips of afan and photos showing the process of constructing afan.
There are 17 posts in all:
There are 17 posts in all:
- Six (6) are video clips of the afan exponent
- Six (6) are video clips showing how afan music can be appreciated outside its traditional environment
- Four (4) are audio clips
- One (1) shows the process of constructing afan.