Friday, 9 August 2013


How can SEX, on one hand, and GENDER on the other hand, affect interpersonal communication?


  1. omoregie jennifer gunmwendia HND1 mass comm. ict/213120373Friday, August 09, 2013 3:27:00 pm

    Many people use the words gender and sex interchangeably, however these words do not mean the same thing. The word sex refers to the genetic and biological status of being male or female, while gender refers to the psychological and social manifestations of being male or female, i.e. the socially defined, learned, constructed accoutrements of sex, such as hairstyle, dress, nonverbal mannerisms, and interests. Gender therefore focuses on the social construct regarding the behavioral, cultural, or psychological traits typically associated with one sex. It concentrates on the roles and responsibilities, expectations, and aptitude of men and women that are learned, and modified as a result of the interaction of culture, society and environment. there re different styles of communication between men and women. To this extent, there are four areas where gender differences in communication are believed to exist. These are problem solving, communication of feelings, needs and desires, understanding of a situation and relating to it and the approach to situations,When messages are transmitted from sender to receiver, there is a potential for distortion of the message due to how it may be perceived. Differences in communication between men and women may be a result of this distortion or differences in the style and content of the messages, These different styles of communication are believed to be the cause of miscommunication.and this is how they affect interpersonal communication.

  2. omoregie jennifer gunmwendia HND1 mass comm. ict/213120373Friday, August 09, 2013 3:28:00 pm

    Many people use the words gender and sex interchangeably, however these words do not mean the same thing. The word sex refers to the genetic and biological status of being male or female, while gender refers to the psychological and social manifestations of being male or female, i.e. the socially defined, learned, constructed accoutrements of sex, such as hairstyle, dress, nonverbal mannerisms, and interests. Gender therefore focuses on the social construct regarding the behavioral, cultural, or psychological traits typically associated with one sex. It concentrates on the roles and responsibilities, expectations, and aptitude of men and women that are learned, and modified as a result of the interaction of culture, society and environment. there re different styles of communication between men and women. To this extent, there are four areas where gender differences in communication are believed to exist. These are problem solving, communication of feelings, needs and desires, understanding of a situation and relating to it and the approach to situations,When messages are transmitted from sender to receiver, there is a potential for distortion of the message due to how it may be perceived. Differences in communication between men and women may be a result of this distortion or differences in the style and content of the messages, These different styles of communication are believed to be the cause of miscommunication.and this is how they affect interpersonal communication.

  3. omoregie jennifer gunmwendia HND1 mass comm. ict/213120373Friday, August 09, 2013 3:30:00 pm

    Many people use the words gender and sex interchangeably, however these words do not mean the same thing. The word sex refers to the genetic and biological status of being male or female, while gender refers to the psychological and social manifestations of being male or female, i.e. the socially defined, learned, constructed accoutrements of sex, such as hairstyle, dress, nonverbal mannerisms, and interests. Gender therefore focuses on the social construct regarding the behavioral, cultural, or psychological traits typically associated with one sex. It concentrates on the roles and responsibilities, expectations, and aptitude of men and women that are learned, and modified as a result of the interaction of culture, society and environment. there re different styles of communication between men and women. To this extent, there are four areas where gender differences in communication are believed to exist. These are problem solving, communication of feelings, needs and desires, understanding of a situation and relating to it and the approach to situations,When messages are transmitted from sender to receiver, there is a potential for distortion of the message due to how it may be perceived. Differences in communication between men and women may be a result of this distortion or differences in the style and content of the messages, These different styles of communication are believed to be the cause of miscommunication.and this is how they affect interpersonal communication.

  4. omoregie jennifer gunmwendia HND1 mass comm. ict/213120373Friday, August 09, 2013 3:36:00 pm

    Many people use the words gender and sex interchangeably, however these words do not mean the same thing. The word sex refers to the genetic and biological status of being male or female, while gender refers to the psychological and social manifestations of being male or female, i.e. the socially defined, learned, constructed accoutrements of sex, such as hairstyle, dress, nonverbal mannerisms, and interests. Gender therefore focuses on the social construct regarding the behavioral, cultural, or psychological traits typically associated with one sex. It concentrates on the roles and responsibilities, expectations, and aptitude of men and women that are learned, and modified as a result of the interaction of culture, society and environment. there re different styles of communication between men and women. To this extent, there are four areas where gender differences in communication are believed to exist. These are problem solving, communication of feelings, needs and desires, understanding of a situation and relating to it and the approach to situations,When messages are transmitted from sender to receiver, there is a potential for distortion of the message due to how it may be perceived. Differences in communication between men and women may be a result of this distortion or differences in the style and content of the messages, These different styles of communication are believed to be the cause of miscommunication.and this is how they affect interpersonal communication.

    1. Emiantor.O. Blessing
      H.N.D 1 Mass comm.(Print)
      Interpersonal communication is the process of people exchanging ideas,feelings,and thought through verbal or non-verbal messages.
      SEX and GENDER in the effect of interpersonal communication are use interchangeably to mean male or female but these words do not mean the same thing,as sex refers to the genetic and biological status of being male or female; while gender refers to the psychological and social manisfestations of being male or female.however both of them affect interpersonal communication indenpently to increase the effectivness of the message being related, they work together to ensure clarity and understanding.
      One main effect of Gender on interpersonal communication is all in the thought process of the both sex, Women tend to articulate their thought women review much of their private life when they engage in discussion than men who only tend to give abstract ideas and less personal. Many people fail to recognize this important differences which make interpersonal communication difficult, also in this differrences many men see themselves as problem solver while women wants to be listened and pay attention when they air their problems and not providing solutions at that point of expression, these misconception affect the easy flow of interpersonal communication as it may bring up unfavourable arguement and misunderstanding.
      More so the positions of men in the society are rank high and appropriate when it involves them being the head and women the subordinate, these however dose not always go well with the women as they feel oppress and deprive of some legal right, men always want to be at the top,they describe it as holy ordination from God. Eg. In some part of Africa countries women are subjected to some practice because they are seen as mere slaves meant only for men's pleasure. although women have their roles in the society but are limited either by culture sociological or psychological reasoning these reasoning however does not contribute to the positive side of interpersonal communication.
      In summary Interpersonal communication is affected by the differnt ways men and women express themselves and interpret others, these usually exist in the communication of feelings,needs and desire,understanding a situation and relating to it and also their appraoch to situations.

      MAT NO: ICT/2131240440
      CLASS: HND 1
      How can SEX, on one hand, and GENDER on the other hand, affect interpersonal communication
      Though general in nature, these three subject areas encompass most of the communication issues faced by gender differing couples. Men focus on sex and tasks. Women focus on connection through dialogue and feelings. These primary gender differences predispose the Mars and Venus dichotomies made famous by John Gray’s popular self-help book. Let’s talk about them in more depth.
      “Thus, it is the quality of interpersonal communication that determines whether men or women get their differing needs met in intimate relationships”.
      Men, Women and Sex: In the interest of healthy interpersonal communication, women need to recognize, appreciate, and seek not to exploit the male’s omni-present awareness of, and need for sex. Men, on the other hand, need to learn to wear their highly charged sexuality respectfully, with awareness and respect both for how women differ, and for the need women have for safe and respectful boundaries. Violations of these simple maxims for healthy communication are replete in North American culture. The effect is toxic, in a myriad of ways, on a daily basis, in countless gendered relationships.
      Men and Women and Talk: In the interest of healthy interpersonal communication, men need to recognize, appreciate, and seek to fulfill the woman’s need for connection through dialogue. It is within this respectfully connected pattern or process of relationship where women can be erotic. Women, on the other hand, need to wear their need for connectivity through dialogue respectfully, with awareness and respect both for how men differ, and the need men have, both for distance as well as intimacy, and for safe and respectful connection through sex and the erotic. In brief, if a woman can feel tenderly connected through talk with a man (not to the same degree and in the same manner as with women friends), and a man can feel safely erotically connected with a woman, talk and love-making create a reciprocal circle, or cycle, in which there is a delightful blend. In such relationships, the beginning and ending of dialogue and the erotic are indistinguishable and interwoven in a self-perpetuating pattern of reciprocal, intimate gendered communication.
      Men, Women and Emotions: Foremost, men and women in relationships need to talk with each other about how each person experiences and communicates emotions. These dialogues need to be without judgment or blame. If we do not understand how the other often feels, as well as how these feelings are communicated, misinterpretations will abound. Resultant confusion and misunderstanding creates unnecessary distance in relationships. Secondarily, men and women need to talk about how the other experiences the other’s emotions, as communicated. In essence, we need to understand how the other feels when certain emotions are communicated. Again, these dialogues need to be without judgment or blame. This step is perhaps the most critical step in the process of establishing real and non-toxic connections in gendered relationships. Again, intimate relationships make us both vulnerable and volatile. How resultant emotions are communicated determines whether we build well-worn pathways to intimacy, or whether hard to find paths become overgrown and obscured with time and experience.


      Communication can be affected or hindered because of the different ways men and women express themselves and interpret others. Recognizing these differences in communication will allow us to prevent these misunderstandings when communicating with the opposite sex. After a little research, I came up with a few interesting explanations of this "battle of the sexes" phenomenon.

      MAT NO: ICT/213120422
      CLASS: HND 1
      How can SEX, on one hand, and GENDER on the other hand, affect interpersonal communication
      Language and communication are considered learned behavior which develops through a combination of nature and nurture, genetic predisposition and environmental stimulation. As a result, gender communication differences emerge in early childhood. Children learn how to talk from their parents as well as their peers, often imitating their same-sex models.
      In her book, You Just Don't Understand, Deborah Tanen asserts that "even if they grow up in the same neighborhood, on the same block, or in the same house, girls and boys grow up in different worlds or words." These gender differences in ways of talking have been observed in children as young as three years of age, about the time language is developed. While little girls talk to be liked; little boys often talk to boast. Little girls make requests; little boys make demands. Little girls speak to create harmony; little boys prolong conflict. Little girls talk more indirectly; little boys talk directly. Little girls talk more with words; little boys use more actions. While boys and girls both want to get their way, they use language differently to do so.
      These communication differences are noted during same gender and opposite gender conversations, during one-on-one and small group interactions. Neither gender style is considered best, but obvious differences from childhood to adulthood should be understood and adapted. Parents, spouses, co-workers, and church members need to become aware of differences in gender communication.
      Communication between men and women can be considered cross-cultural communication. People in different cultures speak different dialects. In fact, John Gray in his book, Men are From Mars, Women are From Venus, suggests that men and women communicate in such different ways that they seem to be from different planets. There are numerous general differences that characterize gender communication.
      Before clarifying some distinctive in gender communication, several basic assumptions must be accepted.
      1. Men and women do have different conversational styles.
      2. Both styles of communication are equally valid.
      3. The goal in gender communication is not change the style of communication but to adapt to the differences.
      Men and Sex: Men love sex. They love it so much that many men unfortunately become lost in their own obsessions with it. Modern American culture fosters and maintains this obsession. However, it is common in every historical period for men to become so captured by the erotic they destroy their careers, reputations, and relationships; sometimes losing their lives as a result of their obsessions. This problem has probably existed longer than our ability to record it. Men love the erotic.
      While sexual obsession can approach or enter the pathological, and can also foster relationship dysfunction, the erotic needs of men in intimate, gendered relationships cannot be ignored.
      Women and Sex: While contemporary women are progressively more comfortable enjoying sexuality and the erotic, women enter sexual or erotic experience through tender, affectionate connections with men. Men and women tended to be opposite in this manner. Since interpersonal communication is the process through which tender feelings are established and maintained, deductively,

      Communication can be affected or hindered because of the different ways men and women express themselves and interpret others. Recognizing these differences in communication will allow us to prevent these misunderstandings when communicating with the opposite sex. After a little research, I came up with a few interesting explanations of this "battle of the sexes" phenomenon.

  5. Asumah Benedicta onukwuozor HND1 Mass communication(print option).ICT/213120782 Friday,August,09,2013.06:36pmFriday, August 09, 2013 7:03:00 pm

    Interpersonal communication is something we do everyday,communicating with more than one person.Sex differences refer to behavioral variations between men and women based on biological differences gender differences refer to behavioral variations between people due to cultural,sociological,and/or psychological differences.This entry focuses on the manner in which sex differences affect interpersonal communication behavior(Gender and Discourse). Opinions abound regarding sex differences.In spite of these findings,it is generally believed women and men differ greatly in their styles of communication.The genetic make-up of men and women is partly responsible for these differences.Boys and girls are born different and even grow and develop differently.Further,they learn strikingly different behaviours.For example, it is postulated that men talk to ask or provide facts or assert themselves while women talk to establish relationships.It is also believed that women convey feelings easily and are quicker to ask for help,while men tend to compete more.
    Personally,I feel that nurture or social & cultural learning plays a more significant role in influencing communication and behavior than neuro-physiological differences between men and women.  But,it is obvious that these differences are a frequent cause of conflict between the sexes.In fact testosterone,the male sex hormone is associated with higher levels of aggression in men. Similarly,varying levels of estrogen and progesterone, during different stages of the menstrual cycle,alter neuro-transmitter levels in the brain and affect moods and emotions and therefore women’s perception,cognition and communication.To cut a long story short,men and women differ in their body language,facial expressions,speech patterns and behaviour.The interesting thing about these differences is that we may be predisposed by our gender to perceive realities in different ways.This means that the ways in which men and women use language (and non-verbal cues) to communicate can be so different that many people may actually be blind to the effects their messages have on the opposite sex - each person generating a perception in his or her mind and believing that something must be inherently wrong with the opposite sex for,they fail to grasp the obvious meaning of what is uttered or implied.Finally, I believe that if societies evolve to reduce stereotyped expectations from the genders then there will be a significant reduction in interpersonal communication conflict between the sexes,and life will be much easier for both.After all, men and women must function together and perform their biological and social roles in tandem for mutual fulfillment.

  6. gloria udoh ict/2131208052Friday, August 09, 2013 7:19:00 pm

    Udoh Gloria
    Ict 2131208052
    Hnd 1 mass communication. Broadcast

    Sex and gender are mostly use interchangeably but the contest in which it is used gives a definite understanding in many ways.for example men focus status and independence while women focus on intimacy nd connection. Another way which gender can affect interpersonal communication are: women use superlative metephor and generalization in their speech which men interprets literally causing miscommunication between the sexs. Understanding of a situation and relating to it and the approach to situations at hand can also affect interpersonal communication.

  7. Asumah Benedicta Onukwuozor HND1 Mass Communication(print option) ICT/213120782Friday, August 09, 2013 7:28:00 pm

    Interpersonal communication is something we do everyday,communicating with more than one person.Sex differences refer to behavioral variations between men and women based on biological differences gender differences refer to behavioral variations between people due to cultural,sociological,and/or psychological differences.This entry focuses on the manner in which sex differences affect interpersonal communication behavior(Gender and Discourse), Opinions abound regarding sex differences.In spite of these findings,it is generally believed women and men differ greatly in their styles of communication.The genetic make-up of men and women is partly responsible for these differences.Boys and girls are born different and even grow and develop differently.Further,they learn strikingly different behaviours.For example, it is postulated that men talk to ask or provide facts or assert themselves while women talk to establish relationships.It is also believed that women convey feelings easily and are quicker to ask for help,while men tend to compete more.
    Personally,I feel that nurture or social & cultural learning plays a more significant role in influencing communication and behavior than neuro-physiological differences between men and women.  But,it is obvious that these differences are a frequent cause of conflict between the sexes.In fact testosterone,the male sex hormone is associated with higher levels of aggression in men. Similarly,varying levels of estrogen and progesterone, during different stages of the menstrual cycle,alter neuro-transmitter levels in the brain and affect moods and emotions and therefore women’s perception,cognition and communication.To cut a long story short, men and women differ in their body language, facial expressions,speech patterns and behaviour.The interesting thing about these differences is that we may be predisposed by our gender to perceive realities in different ways.This means that the ways in which men and women use language (and non-verbal cues) to communicate can be so different that many people may actually be blind to the effects their messages have on the opposite sex - each person generating a perception in his or her mind and believing that something must be inherently wrong with the opposite sex; for, they fail to grasp the obvious meaning of what is uttered or implied.Finally,I believe that if societies evolve to reduce stereotyped expectations from the genders then there will be a significant reduction in interpersonal conflict between the sexes, and life will be much easier for both. After all, men and women must function together and perform their biological and social roles in tandem for mutual fulfillment.

  8. Orji Sylvia. HND mass communication Print option ICT 213120856. Sex and Gender can affect interpersonal Communication in S̶̲̥̅Ơ̴̴̴̴̴̴͡ many ways,for instance, Culture which is d total way of people may affect interpersonal Communication inthe sence that there are Sm culture that do not accept people of different Sex to interact, by. Doing this interpersonal communication will not be effective because its seen as a taboo to them. On the other hand a culture that does see gender as anything tend to grow Faster because, if. The opposite sex see anything that will harm another opposite sex, he/ she will be very free to communicate it because there is no restriction inaddition to this, is Religion. Religion can also affect gender in
    Interpersonal communication,you will agree with me that there are Some religion that see it as a sin, where a boy and a girl relate together closely not to talk of being friends. In
    This situation the level of interpersonal communication will be very low.further More, Individual Mind set, this can also affect interpersonal communication as there are Some people who finds it very difficult to interact with the opposite sex, not because thε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ are affrad of harm that might come their way, when D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ interact, but that is just their kind of person, while others are S̶̲̥̅Ơ̴̴̴̴̴̴͡ relaxed when interacting with the opposite sex.

  9. Bandoh Emmanuel S.C.
    Mass Communication
    HND1 (PRINT)

    Interpersonal communications can be affected by sex and Gender. This is because of the difference that exist between both sexes.
    During interpersonal communications with opposing genders, there is usually this conflict of interest, both sexes may not be fully comfortable. That's why there's always a different atmosphere when people of same sex engage in interpersonal communications. For instance the females; they get very chatty, and seem to express themselves more. But this only happens in the company of like sex. This is same with the male genders. They tend to converse more carefully when with opposing sex.
    During interpersonal communication, messages must be carefully selected through choices of words used. For example; a boy may say to another boy during interpersonal communication, "Stop being a woman", this literally means be strong, or toughen up, don't act like a woman. But if that same line is use by a boy during interpersonal communication with a girl, the message is bound to be affected.
    Gender can be tricky in interpersonal communication. Females are generally soft & more emotional than males. And this reflects during communication.
    Separating the terms gender and sex is very difficult. Especially since they play almost a similar role, however, they remain different. What remains very certain is that they can have a strong effect on interpersonal communication.

  10. MOMOH FAROUK IGEMOKHAI HND1 (BROADCAST OPTION)Saturday, August 10, 2013 7:45:00 am

    Sex is a biological designation and Gender is a set of socially constructed expectations for men and women. Sex differences refer to behavioral variation between men and women based on biological differences. Gender differences refer to behavioral variations between people due to cultural,sociological and psychological differences. The manner in which sex differences affects interpersonal communication. Communication can be affected or hindered because of the different ways men and women express themselves and interpret others. Recognizing these differences in communication will allow us to prevent these misunderstandings when communicating with the opposite sex.

  11. AKHANEMHE RITA ALOAYE HND1 (PRINT OPTION)Saturday, August 10, 2013 9:18:00 am

    Interpersonal communication can be affected by sex and gender because of the differences dat exist between sex and gender, sex differences refer to behavioral variations between men and women based on biological differences; gender differences refer to behavioral variations between people due to cultural, sociological, and/or psychological differences. This differences focuses on the manner in which sex and gender affects interpersonal communication. Sex and gender can affect interpersonal communication because interpersonal communication as to do with the process of people exchanging ideas, feelings and thoughts through verbal and non-verbal messages. It usually involves face to face interaction, because both the spoken and body language are used to communicate but because of the sex and gender differences it may be hard for different sex and gender to exchange ideas, feeling and thought and this can affect the flow of interpersonal communication. Sex and gender differences also as to do with men and women how they communicate with each other and how they behave towards one another and because of the sex and gender differences this may affect they way communicate an behave whenever they find themselves around there opposite sex and this can affect the flow of communication. Interpersonal communication can be affected by sex and gender because interpersonal communication is generally a form of communication that involves a close interaction between individuals whose dependency to each other is absolute which means that different sex and gender need to interact closely because they depend on each other for interpersonal communication to take place but because of sex and gender differences it may affect the flow of communication thereby affecting interpersonal communication.

    Sex can affect interpersonal communication because it is believed that men are more intelligent and smart than women and that women convey feelings easily. That women are naturally created to talk even when it it unnecessary, while men think before they talk. and that Male sex is naturally associated with aggression It is also generally believed that men speak to make a factual statement while women talk to establish a relationship.
    all of thees are mere postulate as it is neither true nor false, but because women are now perceived as talkative, it now affect their interpersonal communication in the sense that more attention is given when a man speaks than when a woman speaks due to the sex believe that men make more sense.
    Gender on the other hand also affect interpersonal communication because our gender predispose the way we perceive realities differently. Our social and cultural leanings also play a role in influencing our communication due to cultural belief and social attachment. for example, in Africa, men are more respected because they are the bread winner of the family but when a woman becomes the bread winner, that same respect is not always accorded to her because of her gender, thereby affecting the woman's interpersonal communication.

  13. IDRIS RUTH JEMILA HND1 (PRINT)Saturday, August 10, 2013 2:07:00 pm

    Communication is the process whereby ideas and information are spread from person to person. Its used to express feeling, opinion,emotion and values.
    Gender differences in communication may pose problems in interpersonal interactions leading to resentment and intolerance.
    Many people use the word gender and sex interchangeably, however those words have different meaning. The sex refers to the genetic and biological status of being male or female, while gender here refers to the psychological and social manifestation of being male or female. These are the two(2) ways regarding gender:
    1) The essentialist
    2) ThE social constructionist view.

    The essentialist see it (gender) as that with which you were born, which is the male or female.
    However communication style of women has been described as being more emotional than men. Women focus on feeling and building relationship while men focus on power and status, they (men) display a high percentage of task behaviours.

    Men and women might differ from each. sex difference refers to behavioural varitions between men and women based on biological differences gender differences refer to behavoural variations between people due to cultural,sociological difference. I assume that men and woman differ until proven other wise while other assume that men and women are siminlar represnt each side of a cone. We have seen situation when a silly argument turn into a full blow battle of the sexes. In some times men and women have felt as if they were from different planets. The root of this propblem may just be in the way we attempt to communicate with each other.But in some situation,its can be quite conical;but in others it can couse huge misunderstanding that ruin relationship.
    Communication can b affected or hindered becourse of the different way men and women express themselves and interpret others.
    Gender-related problems that need to be addressed in the interpersonal speech communication classroom can be broken down into three categories: awareness, involvement, and understanding. Awareness is the key to gender equity in the classroom. The faculty member has the responsibility to be aware of his or her habits regarding calling on individuals and to make sure students have the chance to participate if they want to. Understanding the role of a gender-sensitive instructor in the classroom is equally important. The instructor's awareness should be focused on the areas of language, classroom style, and responding to students. Language in the classroom can be easily handled by a simple exercise involving the students. The exercise deals with identifying sexist language, but in order to have an impact, this exercise must be conducted daily. Professors must try to keep the classroom climate open, both to men and women. Research shows that professors typically call on men by name more often than they do women; they are more attentive to men's comments and questions; they word questions as though no women were present; and they will even divert discussion to comment on a woman's appearance. After becoming aware of the classroom and gender-related practices in it, the professor must then involve his or her students in activities intended to raise their level of awareness of concepts and ideas of gender. One activity might involve

    MATRIC NO ICT/213120751


  16. Akande Blessing Sarah.
    Ict/213120723. Print Option

    In situations like this one need to know what sex, Gender, and interpersonal communication is, so as to know how they can affect interpersonal communication. Sex is the intercourse that happen between two opposit sex, though some persons practice it between same sex, while gender is the fact of being a male or female and on the other hand interpersonal communication is the presentation of oneself in our daily living. Sex and gender are interconnected because it is as result of the sexual intercourse between a man and woman that brings about gender.And these two factor are so important in interpersonal communication. Now the question how does sex affect interpersonal communication, this could also be para phrased as how does sex affect ur own relationship as an can affect interpersonal communication positively or negatively. Sex can only occur between two people who either have a thing between them or negotiation. Sex between two lovers bring a positve effect like intimacy, and unity, while sex between two people who have no defined relationship could be negative, because that might be the end of the relationship.and it might also lead to so many misunderstanding, most especially when it is had out of despiration. How does Gender affect interpersonal communication. Gender can affect interpersonal communication in two ways, one by having a hitch free flow of communication and less flow of communication. It is common that communication flows easily between two people of same sex most times, forinstance female to female friendship, they have the room to discuss every thing about themselves than they will to an opposite gender same thing is applicable with the male, male have more flows on general issue when they meet even if is a first meeting. Example male who meet is a video club to watch a foot ball conclusion sex can affeCt interpersonal comunication positively or negatively and also gender can affect interpersonal communication only when they are same sex.

  17. OSAMWONYI BLESSING OSAS,(BROADCAST) own opinion is thatGender communication Many people use the words gender and sex interchangeably, however these words do not mean the same thing. The word sex refers to the genetic and biological status of being male or female, while gender refers to the psychological and social manifestations of being male or female, i.e. the socially defined, learned, constructed accoutrements of sex, such as hairstyle, dress, nonverbal mannerisms, and interests (Lippa, 2002). Gender therefore focuses on the social construct regarding the behavioral, cultural, or psychological traits typically associated with one sex. It concentrates on the roles and responsibilities, expectations, and aptitude of men and women that are learned, and modified as a result of the interaction of culture, society and environment.

  18. OKOYE BIBIAN KELECHI HND1 (BROADCAST OPTION)Sunday, August 11, 2013 5:48:00 pm

    Interpersonal communication can be affected or
    hindered because of the different ways men and women express themselves and interpret others or in the ways we attempt to communicate with each other. Sex differences refers to behavioural variation between men Απϑ women based on biological differences while gender differences refers to behavioural variations between people due to cultural, sociological Απϑ psychological differences. As human beings we cannot seem to get away from one another. Men are easier going Απϑ laid back than women are i.e female like to know what is going on Απϑ have a structured pattern on what is going on in their life why on †ђξ other hand, men can go from beating each other up to being best friends overnight. Women Απϑ men are always going to have problems understanding one another. As women we have to understand how †ђξ male species function. Though sadly, men have to deal with women who have mood changes, Απϑ things that men would never desire to have. Humans are difficult to understand Απϑ with sex Απϑ gender playing into effect it makes life even more difficult to comprehend

  19. IHEME AKPEVWE BLESSING.[PRINT OPTION]ICT/2131290238.HND1.SEX and GENDER.Sex refers to ones psychological,social and interactive characterics [Man/Woman].first all of interpersonal communications made us to understan that is the presentation of self in ones daily living and the behavioural or cultural factor of a group of people or persons.let's face it women and men are always going to have problems,understanding one another that's were interpersonal communication comes in.As a woman I have understand [though is difficult]how the male species functions.Though sadly,Men have to deal with us Women who have mood changes,and things that men would never desire to have.The phrase “MEN”,canlive without them and vice versa.Men areeasier going and laid back than Women are.However,I still ask myself this “that don't understand how Men can go from beating their spouse up to being best friends overnight”.Really Humans are difficult to understand and with SEX and GENDER playing into effect in INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION,it makes life even more difficult to rap up,we should really learn how to understand one better as different species.

    interpersonal communication is something that will do everyday in our daily living.
    Sex affect interpersonal communication by the way of behavioural variations between men and women based on biological differences.
    While Gender is between people due to cultural, sociological and psychological differences.
    Gender affect it as away of understanding the social context in which the issue might be the best addressed.
    What I really understand here is that, SEX and GENDER G̶̲̥̅̊☹ hand in hand because as human begin we cannot seem to get away from one another I.e men are easier going and laid back than women are. For example, women generally get along better with men and vice versa.
    However, SEX and GENDER can affect interpersonal communication by body language. Take example of conversation between a husband and a wife and there is also another factors to consider when studing the differences in communication between men n women. The way we communicate based on our gender is also learned.

    interpersonal communication is something that will do everyday in our daily living.
    Sex affect interpersonal communication by the way of behavioural variations between men and women based on biological differences.
    While Gender is between people due to cultural, sociological and psychological differences.
    Gender affect it as away of understanding the social context in which the issue might be the best addressed.
    What I really understand here is that, SEX and GENDER G̶̲̥̅̊☹ hand in hand because as human begin we cannot seem to get away from one another I.e men are easier going and laid back than women are. For example, women generally get along better with men and vice versa.
    However, SEX and GENDER can affect interpersonal communication by body language. Take example of conversation between a husband and a wife and there is also another factors to consider when studing the differences in communication between men n women. The way we communicate based on our gender is also learned.

    Interpersonal communication is the personal process of co-ordinating meaning between at least two people in a situation that allows mutual oppotunity for both speaking and listening.
    Firstly I wil define sex and gender,Sex refers to the genetic and biological status of male or female.Gender refers to the phychological and social manifestation of being male or female.
    Sex can affect interpersonal communication positively and negatively,positive effect wil cause intimacy and mutual understanding.while negative effect is misunderstaning in a relationship.when there is misunderstanding in a relationship it wil definately affect the relationship which wil not give room for interpersonal communication.its not d quantity of sex that enhance interpersonal communication but the quality and how effective sex is that enhances interpersonal communication.Gender affect interpersonal communication when there is gender inequality, or a situation when some group are feeling superior and others are feeling inferior this wil not give room for interpersonal communication because they won't be able to express there mind or feeling.Gender aslo affect interpersonal because of the different ways men and woman express themselves and interprete each other,men focus in status and independence.woman focus on intimacy and connection.the communication style of woman has been describe as being more emotional than men.woman focus on feelings and building relationship while men focus on power and status.

  23. Aigbonoga wosilat
    HND1 broadcast option
    Interpersonal communication can be affected because of the different ways both gender expresses and inteprete thmeselves. The thought processing of both gender is different,women tend to articulate their thought process such as decision making,men go through the same process but they tend to wait and think before they respond but a woman could think that a man is not even considering an issue or accuse him of not caring. Men and women also solve problems in different ways,women tend to desire a sympathetic response to their troubles,however,men respond to problems with solution. Men are likely to emphasize directive task oriented communication while women talk about feminine steroetyope activities. These differences affects interpersonal communication.

  24. Interpersonal communication is what we do everyday, we communicate with more than one this process it is generally believed that women and men differs mostly on their mood of communicating and dressing,behavioural variations between people and due to cultural sociological and psychological, this manner focuses on the sex differences and ♓☺w it affact interpersonal communication behavior(Gender and Discourse).the word SEX refers to the genetic status of being a male or female while GENDER psychologically refers to male or female.Gender affact interpersonal communication when there is gender inequality or when some groups are feeling superior and other are feeling inferior this will not give room for interpersonal communicationbecause they won't be able to express themselves.


    Most people find it difficult to understand the difference between Gender and Sex.
    sex is the biological difference between a man and a woman as male and female.
    Gender on the other hand has to do with the social attitude of a man and a woman which can changeover a period of time that varies with one given society to the next society.
    According to medilexicon;s medical dictionary: sex is referred to a natural or biological feature. while gender is the cultural or learned significant of sex.
    upper hands are given to men when they talk to a woman, woman are seen to be talkative.
    gender on the other hand affects interpersonal communication in the sense that women are considered to be more non verbally warmer than men with a tendency to smile and lean toward others during conversation. Women also use a pleasant warm voice in conversation that is not characteristic of conversations between men.

    The question "How does sex and gender affect interpersonal communication" can be answered with events and occurrences that characterize our daily lives.Interpersonal communication is presentation of self in ones daily living. This means, everyday individuals communicate.But sometimes the communication settings is being affected by GENDER OR SEX.e.g. A male seeking for direction and decides to solicit for help from a female passer by; one can imagine the reaction of the girl if she is the uncultured type. Another scenario is in the office environment where the boss is a SHE and younger,there is likely to be issues between the employees especially the male counterparts that sees her position threateningly. Even in intimate relationship, there are situations where the partners consult their close pals (which sometimes is same-sex) and not their partners. All of these attitudes shows the influence GENDER OR SEX have on communication.
    These little acts and perspective of gender hinders communication especially interpersonal communication. It exerts a relative amount of strain on communication between individuals who have no mutual understanding. The society's scope of the term also increase its negative influence. They view women as weak and unable to make decisions while the male as domineering, strong and intelligent. This poses more room for conflicts, disagreement, differences, insubordination, and other negative vices. It also affect parents and child relationship( the father and the girl child.)this usually occurs when the father is not understanding.
    Sex and gender also affect relationship between friends . Colleagues and other communication group.

  27. Ileh Aimhende, mass communication HND1 ( print) ICT/2131208112Monday, August 12, 2013 4:39:00 pm

    Interpersonal communication affect gender and sex because,it is believed that men and women actually differ in their language abilities. it is generally believed women and men differ greatly in their styles of communication. The genetic make-up of men and women is partly responsible for these differences. Boys and girls are born different and even grow and develop differently. Further, they learn strikingly different behaviours. For example, it is postulated that men talk to ask or provide facts or assert themselves while women talk to establish relationships.It is also believed that women convey feelings easily and are quicker to ask for help, while men tend to compete more Personally, But, it is obvious that these differences are a frequent cause of conflict between the sexes.
    Men and women differ in their body language, facial expressions, speech patterns and behaviour. The interesting thing about these differences is that we may be predisposed by our gender to perceive realities in different ways. This means that the ways in which men and women use language (and non-verbal cues) to communicate can be so different that many people may actually be ‘blind’ to the effects their messages have on the opposite sex - each person generating a perception in his or her mind and believing that something must be inherently wrong with the opposite sex; for, they fail to grasp the obvious meaning of what is uttered or implied.
      finally,its a known fact that men and women must function together and perform their biological and social roles in tandem for mutual fulfillment,either for pleasure or otherwise depending on situation that come into play.


    interpersonal communication is something we do or carry out everyday.
    sex and gender affect interpersonal communication because men and women are different kind of human being and as such they think differently. there are some situation where just a silly argument turns into a full blown battle of the sexes. for centuries men and women have sometimes felt as if they were from different planets.the root of this problems may just be in we attempt to communicate with each other.
    in some situation, it can be quite conical, but in others it can cause misunderstanding that ruins relationship. but it doesn't have to be that way, interpersonal communication can be affected because of the different ways men and women express themselves and interpret others. when we recognize that both sex don't have the same sense of thinking these differences in communication will allow us to prevent these misunderstandings when communicating with opposite sex.
    another way sex and gender can affect interpersonal communication is that the male brain represent more information processing centers and the female brain represent more networking between this processing centers. these doesn't mean that men are smarter than women or vise visa, it simply implies that men and women tends to do things differently.

  29. AYO JENNIFER,418,BROADCAST OPTION HND1 12/08/2013. Interpersonal communication is our day 2 day activities.Gender communication Many people use the words
    gender and sex interchangeably, however these
    words do not mean the same thing. The word sex
    refers to the genetic and biological status of being
    male or female, while gender refers to the
    psychological and social manifestations of being
    male or female, i.e. the socially defined, learned,
    constructed accoutrements of sex, such as hairstyle,
    dress, nonverbal mannerisms, and interests Gender therefore focuses on the social
    construct regarding the behavioral, cultural, or
    psychological traits typically associated with one
    sex. It concentrates on the roles and responsibilities,
    expectations, and aptitude of men and women that
    are learned, and modified as a result of the
    interaction of culture, society and environment.

    gender is that
    with which we were born, being part of our genetic
    make-up. The male and female roles are therefore
    distinct identities and they shape behavior. However,
    this view might be somewhat limited since it does
    not account for the masculine and feminine
    attributes inherent in people. The social
    constructionist upholds the idea that psychological
    conditioning early in life leads to who we are and
    become as a result of the social interactions.
    Therefore in this view gender is shaped by society,
    culture and time.

    sex and gender all together go a long way to affect interpersonal communication as we will see in our study.
    Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus?
    We've all been there--those situations when a silly argument turns into a full-blown battle of the sexes. For centuries, men and women have sometimes felt as if they were from different planets. The root of this problem may just be in the ways we attempt to communicate with each other. In some situations, it can be quite comical; but in others, it can cause huge misunderstandings that ruin relationships. But it doesn't have to be that way.
    Interpersonal Communication can be affected or hindered because of the different ways men and women express themselves and interpret others. Recognizing these differences in interpersonal communication will allow us to prevent these misunderstandings when communicating with the opposite sex. In a research, Meghan M came up with a few interesting explanations of this "battle of the sexes" phenomenon.
    1: Our Brains Are Different
    A male brain represents more information processing centers, and a female brain represents more networking between these processing centers. Part of this has to do with the ways we were brought up as children--more on that later.
    2: Thought Processing
    One main difference in interpersonal communication between men and women is all in the thought process. Women tend to articulate their thought process.Men go through the same process; however, they tend to wait until they have the answer before they say very much about the subject.many people fail to recognize this main important difference, which can cause or exacerbate and argument.A woman could think that a man isn't even considering an issue and accuse him of not caring it is imperative to note that not all men are the same and not all women are the same; but all too often issues like this arise.
    3: Problem Solving
    Another interesting difference is that men and women, when each faced with a problem, tend to try to help each other out in different ways. If women are often frustrated because men do not respond to their troubles by offering matching troubles, men are often frustrated because women do.
    Take for example a conversation between a husband and a wife, we'll call them Tom and Sue. Tom actually became offended when Sue tried to empathize with him.
    Tom: "I'm really tired. I didn't sleep well last night."
    Sue: "I didn't sleep well either, I never do."
    Tom: "Why are you trying to belittle me?"
    Sue: "I'm not! I'm just trying to show that I understand!"
    If you have a sense of humor, these situations can be so easy to just sit back, shake your head and laugh at, I that Tom may have felt that his experience was being belittled by Sue. "He was filtering her attempts to establish connection through his concern with preserving independence and avoiding being put down".
    A woman could be offended when a man simply offers a solution to a problem she is having. For example:
    Woman: "I feel terrible about my new haircut."
    Man: "You could go back and ask the stylist to fix it."
    Woman: "Oh, so I guess you think it looks bad too."
    Man: "That's not what I meant."
    Woman: "Then why did you tell me to go back and fix it?"
    Man: "Because you said that you were upset with the way it looked."
    The woman simply desires to feel that she is understood, and that she isn't crazy for being bothered by certain things. Women want to know that there are others who have the same kinds of problems that they do.
    Many men see themselves as problem solvers, so they become frustrated when their sincere advice or solutions are met with disapproval from a woman. Say, for example, that a woman keeps telling her boyfriend about problems she is having with her coworkers. In solving this problem both gender should take note of human difference.

  31. Name: Onwuegbuzie Osanua Jude
    Matric No.: ICT/213120235
    Level: HND 1
    Option: Print.

    Richard A. Lippa, (2002), in his book "Gender, Nature, and Nurture", says that the word "sex" refers to the genetic and biological status of being male or female, while "gender" refers to the psychological and social manifestation of being male or female, i.e. the socially defined, learned, constructed accoutrements of sex, such as hairstyle, dress, nonverbal mannerisms and interests. From the foregoing, I deduced the following:

    1. gender is inherent in sex
    2. gender concerns the social manifestation associated with one's sex in terms of behaviour, culture or psychological traits.
    3. gender is concerned with the roles and expectations of individuals that are learned and modified as a result of social interaction.

    In some societies, the culture of a people defines their relationship form. Some cultures prohibit a female individual from interacting with a male, publicly. The acceptable behaviours of a people, are determined by their culture which provides guidelines for ethical and moral behaviour. The tone, aggressive speech manner, interruption of the speaker and the reaction of the listener depend on the cultural backgrounds of individuals.

    Research revealed that the following factors, among others, could contribute to the hindrance of effective interpersonal communication between individuals of opposite sex and gender:

    1. Brain Matter Variations
    2. Thought Processing
    3. Approach to Problem Solving

    A research done by the University of California, Irvin, titled " The Neuroanatomy of General Intelligence: Sex Matter", in 2005, revealed that in relation to intelligence, men develop more grey brain matter, while a women develop more white brain matter. This difference in the brain matter does not mean that male individuals are more intelligent than the females. It only means that their exists a different way of doing things between the two sexes. So, this difference could affect interpersonal communication.

    The masculinity or feminity (gender) of an individual could affect interpersonal communication. The female individuals tend to process their thoughts eloquently, i.e. when they are making decisions, they talk about it as it occurs in their minds. The males go through the same process but with a variation, i.e. they do not talk much about their thought until they have answers to the issue. Neglect of this little difference in thought processing, tends to create arguments in relationships; this means a breakdown in interpersonal communication. Gamble(2005), says "a man may mistake a woman's pondering as her final answer and accuse her of changing her mind too often. A woman could think that a man isn't even considering an issue and accuse him of not caring".

    In a relationship, when one of the partners is in trouble, the other partner tends to help out. Deborah Tanen, in her book, "You Don't Just Understand", published in 1990, offers a paradox that, if women are often frustrated because men do not respond to their troubles by offering matching troubles, men are often frustrated because women do. In other words, women often desire sympathy when they are in trouble and that is exactly what they offer their partners when they are in trouble. Men, on the other hand, offer solutions to a problem when their partners are in one. Imagine how it will work out when all that a lady deisred was sympathy and you are offering solution or imagine when a man desires solutions to a problem and you begin to sympathize with him by telling him "I know how you feel".

    The both are used interchangeably but has different concept. Sex- refers to biological and physiological characteristics that define a man and a woman. Gender- refers to the society constructed roles, behaviors, activities an attribute that a given society considered appropriate. It’s generally believed that women and men differ greatly in their styles of communication. The genetic makeup is partly responsible for these differences. Boys and Girls are both born different, grow, develop and they learnt strikingly different behavior. For examples it’s postulated that men talk, task or provide fact for themselves, ambitious competitive for materials success and respect whatever is big strong and fast. While women talk to establish relationship, modesty presenting themselves as object to view. They also convey feelings easily and are quicker to ask for help. Women and men are also different in their body language and speech patterns. The way they communicate messages have an effect in the opposite sex. Finally I believed that if societies evolve to reduce stereotyped expectations from the genders then there will be a significant reduction in interpersonal conflict between the sexes. And life will be much easier for both. After all men and women must function together and perform their biological and social roles for mutual fulfillment


    Many people used the words gender an sex excessively. However sex and gender do not mean defame thing, the word sex refers to the genetic and biological status of being male or female while gender refers to the psychological and social manifestation of being male or female i.e. socially defined learned accoutrement of sex such as dresses, hairstyle, movement gender focuses on the social construct regarding the behavioral cultural or psychological treats associated with one sex under gender. There is need and desire, understanding of a solution, problem solving communication between male and female i.e. feeling differences in communication between female and male may be result to dissertation of the different ways and content of the message they pass across and communication between the both sex affect interpersonal communication.

    communication is the means by which ideas and influence are spread from person to person. it is use to express feelings, emotions, opinion and values to learn , teach and to improve their status. Gender communication many people use the word sex and gender interchangeably, but however in the connotative sense means the same but in the crystal picture of denotative or interpersonal communication or the content that is been use is different but the fact still remains that they are different.
    The word sex refers to the genetic and biological status of being male or female while gender refers to the psychological and social manifestation of being male or female. Ire the socially defined, learned,constructed accoutrements of sex, such as hair style, dress, verbal and non verbal mannerism of communication and interest. Gender focuses n the social construct regarding the behavioral, cultural or psychological traits typically associated with one sex. Sex and gender affect interpersonal communication when there is gender inequality i.e. when the male fell superior over the female or the female over the male which cause inbalance in interpersonal communication when communication to the society or tom one another when communicating with opposite sex (male and female), there is usually conflict or interest on both side which is usually not comfortable for them onlike communicating with same sex. It also affect communication process in the way then express themselves or the form of communication which has to do with communicating with a close individuals or person which may have to do with your opposite sex but because of sex and gender problem, it has affected the free flow of communication.

    Sex refers to the biological and physiological character and defined men and women. [WHO]. Sex is strictly biological. Gender on the other hand by definition describe the characteristics that a society delineates to masculine of feminine.
    These two terms may sound similar in their ordinary usage but different the context in which each is used. Looking at this differences will lead us to the question how the two terms affects interpersonal communication. The context in which communication is taking place could be physical, cultural,. The immediate surrounding will certainly affects interpersonal communication. In some culture, it is not common to see people of the opposite sex sitting together discussing personal issue.{this could be seen as an act of infidelity in the case of married women}
    Gender on the other hand which is equally defined by a particular society at a particular era also slow down interpersonal communication. People who are not of the same social class could be said not to be of the same equal or of the same gender.
    Finally, gender communication is cultural. Meanings for masculinity and femininity, and ways of communicating those identities, are largely determined by culture. A culture is made up of belief systems, values, and behaviors that support a particular ideology or social system. How we communicate our gender is influenced by the values and beliefs of our particular culture. What is considered appropriate gender behavior in one culture may be looked down upon in another. In America women often wear shorts and tank tops to keep cool in the summer. Think back to summer vacations to popular American tourist destinations where casual dress is the norm. If you were to travel to Rome, Italy to visit the Vatican, this style of dress is not allowed. There, women are expected to dress in more formal attire, to reveal less skin, and to cover their hair as a display of respect. Not only does culture influence how we communicate gender identities, it also influences the interpretation, understanding, or judgment of the gender displays of others. As cited by (Kyratzis & Guo, 2001; Ramsey, 2004).
    In all, when sex or gender is ‘dearly’ considered in interpersonal communication in each context on which these terms are applied, there will always be lack of proper communication. This will affects relationship; be is father to children, king to his subjects or teacher of students.

    Sex refers to the biological and physiological character and defined men and women. [WHO]. Sex is strictly biological. Gender on the other hand by definition describe the characteristics that a society delineates to masculine of feminine.
    These two terms may sound similar in their ordinary usage but different the context in which each is used. Looking at this differences will lead us to the question how the two terms affects interpersonal communication. The context in which communication is taking place could be physical, cultural,. The immediate surrounding will certainly affects interpersonal communication. In some culture, it is not common to see people of the opposite sex sitting together discussing personal issue.{this could be seen as an act of infidelity in the case of married women}
    Gender on the other hand which is equally defined by a particular society at a particular era also slow down interpersonal communication. People who are not of the same social class could be said not to be of the same equal or of the same gender.
    Finally, gender communication is cultural. Meanings for masculinity and femininity, and ways of communicating those identities, are largely determined by culture. A culture is made up of belief systems, values, and behaviors that support a particular ideology or social system. How we communicate our gender is influenced by the values and beliefs of our particular culture. What is considered appropriate gender behavior in one culture may be looked down upon in another. In America women often wear shorts and tank tops to keep cool in the summer. Think back to summer vacations to popular American tourist destinations where casual dress is the norm. If you were to travel to Rome, Italy to visit the Vatican, this style of dress is not allowed. There, women are expected to dress in more formal attire, to reveal less skin, and to cover their hair as a display of respect. Not only does culture influence how we communicate gender identities, it also influences the interpretation, understanding, or judgment of the gender displays of others. As cited by (Kyratzis & Guo, 2001; Ramsey, 2004).
    In all, when sex or gender is ‘dearly’ considered in interpersonal communication in each context on which these terms are applied, there will always be lack of proper communication. This will affects relationship; be is father to children, king to his subjects or teacher of students.

    Sex refers to the biological and physiological character and defined men and women. [WHO]. Sex is strictly biological. Gender on the other hand by definition describe the characteristics that a society delineates to masculine of feminine.
    These two terms may sound similar in their ordinary usage but different the context in which each is used. Looking at this differences will lead us to the question how the two terms affects interpersonal communication. The context in which communication is taking place could be physical, cultural,. The immediate surrounding will certainly affects interpersonal communication. In some culture, it is not common to see people of the opposite sex sitting together discussing personal issue.{this could be seen as an act of infidelity in the case of married women}
    Gender on the other hand which is equally defined by a particular society at a particular era also slow down interpersonal communication. People who are not of the same social class could be said not to be of the same equal or of the same gender.
    Finally, gender communication is cultural. Meanings for masculinity and femininity, and ways of communicating those identities, are largely determined by culture. A culture is made up of belief systems, values, and behaviors that support a particular ideology or social system. How we communicate our gender is influenced by the values and beliefs of our particular culture. What is considered appropriate gender behavior in one culture may be looked down upon in another. In America women often wear shorts and tank tops to keep cool in the summer. Think back to summer vacations to popular American tourist destinations where casual dress is the norm. If you were to travel to Rome, Italy to visit the Vatican, this style of dress is not allowed. There, women are expected to dress in more formal attire, to reveal less skin, and to cover their hair as a display of respect. Not only does culture influence how we communicate gender identities, it also influences the interpretation, understanding, or judgment of the gender displays of others. As cited by (Kyratzis & Guo, 2001; Ramsey, 2004).
    In all, when sex or gender is ‘dearly’ considered in interpersonal communication in each context on which these terms are applied, there will always be lack of proper communication. This will affects relationship; be is father to children, king to his subjects or teacher of students.

    MATRIC NO: ICT/2131278768
    Sex differences refer to behavioral variations between men and women based on biological differences; gender differences refer to behavioral variations between people due to cultural, sociological, and/or psychological differences. Sex differences affect interpersonal communication behavior (→ Gender and Discourse). Some people assume that men and women differ until proven otherwise, whereas others assume that men and women are similar until proven otherwise.
    It was believed that men and women actually differ in their language abilities and garrulousness. For example, James Pennebaker of the University of Texas and Matthias Mehl of the University of Arizona published a study in 'Science', involving 400 students. They found that women spoke on an average 16215 words daily, while men averaged 15669 words a day. The difference of 546 words between the groups, they concluded, is not significant. In spite of these, it is generally believed women and men differ greatly in their styles of interpersonal communication. The genetic make-up of men and women is partly responsible for these differences. Boys and girls are born different and even grow and develop differently. They learn strikingly different behaviours. It is also believed that women convey feelings easily and are quicker to ask for help, while men tend to compete more. Personally, I feel that ‘nurture’ or social & cultural learning plays a more significant role in influencing interpersonal communication and behavior than neuro-physiological differences between men and women. But, it is obvious that these differences are a frequent cause of conflict between the sexes.
    In fact, it is sometimes stated that women and men com¬municate so differently from one another that they must come from different planets! Although at times differences in women’s and men’s communication styles seem to be constant and overwhelming, they are really quite minor. For example, both women and men can be nurturing, aggres¬sive, task-focused, or sentimental. What is important to think about, however, is that women and men sometimes perceive the same messages to have different meanings? In fact, it may be as a result of the differences in message interpretation that the “battle of the sexes” occurs. Studies indicate that women, to a greater extent than men, are sensitive to the interpersonal communications that lie “between the lines” in the messages they exchange with their mates. That is, societal expectations often make women responsible for regulating intimacy, or how close they allow others to come. For that reason, it is argued that women pay more attention than men to the underly¬ing meanings about intimacy that messages imply. Men on the other hand, to a greater extent than women, are more sensitive to “between the lines meanings” about status. For men, societal expectations are that they must negotiate hierarchy, or who’s the captain and who’s the crew.
    In contrast, it is more typical for men to expect relationships to be based on independence and compe-tition. Men more frequently emphasize the differences between themselves and others, and often make decisions based on their personal needs or desires.
    Conclusively, men and women differ in their body language, facial expressions, speech patterns and behaviour. The interesting thing about these differences is that we may be predisposed by our gender to perceive realities in different ways. This means that the ways in which men and women use language (and non-verbal cues) to communicate can be so different that many people may actually be ‘blind’ to the effects their messages have on the opposite sex - each person generating a perception in his or her mind and believing that something must be inherently wrong with the opposite sex; for, they fail to grasp the obvious meaning of what is uttered or implied.

  39. IGURE TOLULOPE EVELYN. HND1. PRINT OPTION. ICT/2131208581Tuesday, August 13, 2013 10:52:00 pm

    Many people use the words gender and sex interchangeably, however these words do not mean the same thing.
    Sex is a biological designation. female and male are not sex attributes that arise naturally from essentialized cores of identity, feminity and masculinity are not social roles constructed by culture on bodies.
    While Gender is a complex matrix of normative boundaries, constituted in discourse, materially embodied and performed and mobilized through culture to secure political and social ends always articulated in/on through desire race,ethnicity,class,age and abilities and disabilty.
    Communication can be affected or hindered because of the different ways men and women express themselves and interpret others. Recognizing these differences in communication will allow us to prevent these misunderstandings when communicating with the opposite sex. A male brain represents more information processing centers, and a female brain represents more networking between these processing centers,It simply implies that men and women tend to do things differently.
    Men tend to excel in tasks involving more local processing (like math), while women tend to excel at incorporating and absorbing information from the more scattered gray matter regions in the brain, such as those necessary for language capability. Part of this has to do with the ways we were brought up as children, this bring us to the way gender affect interpersonal communication,with the way everybody is brought up, especially africa we tend to believe that men should always give opinion, as they are the head of the house.
    Fathers and sons tend to talk about sports and construction-oriented toys.Mothers and daughters tend to talk about "feminine-stereotyped activities, such as playing house. a developmental psychologist at UCSC describes how it is not just the way men and women communicate differently, but rather the topics they choose to discus.
    One main difference in communication between men and women is all in the thought process. Women tend to articulate their thought process. For example, as they go through a process such as decision-making, women tend to talk about their internal psychoanalysis as they go. Men go through the same process; however, they tend to wait until they have the answer before they say very much about the subject. Counselor Julia Cole explains that in relationships, many people fail to recognize this main important difference, which can cause or exacerbate and argument. A man may mistake a woman's pondering as her final answer and accuse her of changing her mind too often. A woman could think that a man isn't even considering an issue and accuse him of not caring (Gamble, T.K, 2005).In order to avoid misunderstandings that can lead to arguments, men and women must understand their differences not only when in an argument but also when helping each other. We need to remember that men and women have different needs, and we communicate our thought processes differently.

    In general, women see communication as "negotiations for closeness in which people try to seek and give confirmation and support, and to reach consensus;" and men see communication as negotiations "in which people try to maintain the upper hand if they can." In addition, in communication, a woman tries to protect herself from being pushed away from others, while a man tries to protect himself from being pushed around by others.
    Understanding our different styles of communicating can help us to avoid misconceptions, misunderstandings,and arguments and will allow us to make a better connection with each other. When we do this, we finally realize that men and women aren't from different planets after all; sometimes we just speak different languages.

    MAT NO:ICT/2131/208434
    In this dicussion,the key words are defined in a manner slightly different from that which is generally obtainable.
    Sex as used here refers to the division of human beings into male and female especially as differentiated with reference to the reproductive functions.
    Gender refers to the personal sexual idetity of an individual, regardless of the person's biological and outword sex. Interpersonal communication refers to communication between two and more individuals of same sex or opposite sex.
    Although sex(male/female) differences may be easier to identify than gender(masculine/feminine) differences,(because it is easier to identify a person as( male/female),gender differences represent the more important factor for consideration when it comes to interpersonal communication. Not all women are feminine and not men are masculine. Most people have a gender orientation in between these poles that influence their communication pattern and behaviour. The interesting thing about these differences is that we may be predisposed by our gender to percieve realities in different ways. This means that the ways in which men and women express themselves can be so different that many people may actually be "blind" to the effects of their messages on the opposite sex. Also, it is believed that men and women do not understand each other because of their biological sex,when in essence,it is their gender orientation that is to be blame. Being masculine or feminine influences the way in which people send and receive messages.
    Communication styles differ greatly between men and women. The genetic make up(sex), is partly responsible for these differences.
    Neuro-physiological differences are responsible in part, for the significant differences in the manner in which men and women communicate. Men and women differ in their body language,facial expressions, speech. These differences are frequent cause of conflict between the sexes.
    Finally,it is my belief that if societies evolve to reduce stereotyped expectations from the genders then there will be significant reduction in interpersonal conflict between the sexes, hence creating an enabling environment for peaceful,mutual co-existence in performing social and biological roles.

    Sex- refers to biological and physiological characteristics that define a man and a woman while Gender- refers to the society constructed roles, behaviors, activities an attribute that a given society considered appropriate. It is imperative to note that the both of them are used interchangeably but has different concept. Interpersonal Communication can be affected or hindered because of the different ways men and women express themselves and interpret others. Women and men differ greatly in their styles of communication as it is seen in the way they talk, the way they act, in their emotions and their behavioral attitude which is being exhibited in their day to day activities. Boys and Girls are both born different, grow, develop and they learn strikingly different behavior as a result it affect the communication flow of the interpersonal communication that exist between them. For examples philosogical we believed that men talk, task or provide fact for themselves, ambitious competitive for materials success and respect whatever is big strong and fast. While women talk to establish relationship, modesty presenting themselves as object to view no wonder it was said in philosophy in Pythagoras of Samos that there are three classes of human in the world just as it is in Olympic, he says that there are people who compete or partake in the game, there are people who are watching and make comment or judgment and those who trade. He further explain that the second class of people are philosophers because they watch, listen and make comment or judgment so it is today do to the difference In sex and gender of people the flow of interpersonal communication is affected as a result most persons have misunderstanding the their personal communication with others. Women and men are also different in their body language and speech patterns. The way they communicate messages have an effect in the opposite sex. Finally sex and gender is really a problem in interpersonal communication so therefore for this to be resolved the societies evolve to reduce stereotyped expectations from the genders then there will be a significant reduction in interpersonal conflict between the sexes. Also if the society understands the facts that individuals are of different behavioral attitude the flow of interpersonal communication will be effective and will resolve this conflict which has broken homes, relationships and marriage.

    Interpersonal Communication can be affected or hindered because of the different ways men and women express themselves and interpret others. Following the definition of sex and gender in which Sex- refers to biological and physiological characteristics that define a man and a woman while Gender- refers to the society constructed roles and behaviors, Women and men differ greatly in their styles of communication as it is seen in the way they talk, act, emotions (which mostly seen in women)and their behavioral attitude. The both sex and gender are both born different, grow, develop and they learnt strikingly different behavior as a result it affect the communication flow of the interpersonal communication that exist between them. Women and men are also different in their body language and speech patterns. The way they communicate messages have an effect in the opposite sex. It is therefore imperative to note that do to the emotional life styles of women who want them to be treated with all tenderness by their husband always have a brake in the interpersonal communication flow between them because their sex and gender differences as the man most of the time who always want to assumed the responsibility of being the head allow his authoritative position to carry him away as he misunderstand the need for a woman to be treated tenderly. How to solve the problem of sex and gender is really a problem in interpersonal communication so therefore for this to be resolved the societies evolve to reduce stereotyped expectations from the genders then there will be a significant reduction in interpersonal conflict between the sexes. Also if the society understands the facts that individuals are of different behavioral attitude the flow of interpersonal communication will be effective and will resolve this conflict which has broken homes, relationships and marriage.

  43. Name;Oguibe Goodness, Option;broadcast Mat No ICT/213120026,Class HND 1 Sex and gender can affect iterpersonal communication due to the different ways men and women express themselves and interpret others and understanding these difference will help us prevent misunderstanding when it rises.For instance men ways of reasoning are quite different from the way a woman might view issues because it is believed that women are moved by what they hear while the men are moved by what they see.Also another difference that arises is problem solving in that the men will be frustrated that the women provides matching problem to their problem while the women on the other hand gets frustrated that the men do not provide matching problems to their problems etc.We have seen situations when a silly arguement turns into a full blown battle of the sexes due to for centuries men and women have sometimes felt they are from different planet and thus causing a huge misunderstanding all in the cause of gender and sex.

    MAT NO:ICT/2131290602
    HND 1

    Gender role is a set of woman in social or interpersonal relationship and defined the traditional categories of sex or gender.The word sex refer to the genetic and biological status of being male or female while gender refer to the psychological and socially manifestation of being male or female.Gender focuses on the social construct regarding the behavioral,cultural or psychological traits typically associated with one sex.
    The diversity and characteristic 0f those involved in any interaction can thus affect interpersonal communication.Good and effective communication can therefore be affected by many things including the situation time culture and gender.Gender differences in communication may pose problem in interpersonal interaction leading to intolerance,resentment,stress and decreased productivity.Interpersonal communication can be affected or hindered because of the different ways men and women express themselves and interpret others.

  45. Name:Afualafua Georgina Evi
    Mat No:ICT/213120502
    Level:HND 1

    Interpersonal communication slows when processed through gender roles.Sex and gender affect interpersonal communication. It is generally believed women and men differ greatly in their styles of communication.The genetic makeup of men and women is partly responsible for these difference which affect interpersonal communication.Sex differences refers to behavioral variations between men and women based on biological differences while Gender differences refers to behavioral variation between people due to cultural,sociological differences. Communication can be affected because of the different ways male and female express themselves and interpret others. Recognizing these difference in communication will allow us to prevent these misunderstanding when communicating.

    In relation to intelligence,women develop more white brain matter and men develop more gray brain matter.In other words,a male brain represent more information processing centers and a female brain represent more networking between these processing centers,this also affect interpersonal communication because they will react to same issue differently.

    Another factor which can affect interpersonal communication lies in visual dominance,with men being considered to be more visually dominant than women.Visual dominance is defined as the ratio of the time spent maintaining eye contact.

    Gender communication Many people use the words gender and sex interchangeably, however these words do not mean the same thing. The word sex refers to the genetic and biological status of being male or female, while gender refers to the psychological and social manifestations of being male or female, i.e. the socially defined, learned, constructed accoutrements of sex, such as hairstyle, dress, nonverbal mannerisms, and interests (Lippa, 2002). Gender therefore focuses on the social construct regarding the behavioral, cultural, or psychological traits typically associated with one sex. It concentrates on the roles and responsibilities, expectations, and aptitude of men and women that are learned, and modified as a result of the interaction of culture, society and environment.

    There are two views regarding gender -- the essentialist and the social constructionist views (Robb, 2004). The essentialist view gender as that with which we were born, being part of our genetic make-up. The male and female roles are therefore distinct identities and they shape behavior. However, this view might be somewhat limited since it does not account for the masculine and feminine attributes inherent in people. The social constructionist upholds the idea that psychological conditioning early in life leads to who we are and become as a result of the social interactions. Therefore in this view gender is shaped by society, culture and time.

    What then is gender communication? Several have used the term to signify the differences in communication due to biology and others use it to represent differences resulting from social, psychological and cultural interactions. For most researchers gender communication focuses on the expressions used by one gender in the relationships and roles between people. The existence of a difference in gender communication has been a topic of interest for decades with generalizations being made between the sexes. A large volume of work has been published both in the mainstream popular books and in the research arena with linguistic scholars stressing the differences in communication style. While a large volume of literary work on the subject exists, the findings are not consistent and much controversy arises mainly as a result of the biased view of the mainstream publications.

    Most published work on gender differences are believed to fall into 2 categories of bias: alpha where the difference is exaggerated or beta which presumes that there are few if any differences between the sexes (Canary & Dindia, 1992). The bias approach adopts the view that "similarities rather than differences characterize men and women" and that while "some noteworthy differences between men and women exist, when both within-and between-gender comparisons are made; the similarities are as important--if not more important--than the differences" (Canary & Dindia, 1992)).

  47. EDEHA.F.OREVAOGHENE. Gender is the fact of being men or female,especially when considered with social and cultural differences,not differences in biology: issue of class, race and gender. Gender on the other hand is the state of being male of female. Gender and sex affects interpersonal communication because it is the communication that occure within our interpersonal relationships. Sex in this context does not refer to be female or male but in interpersonal communication it refers to a stimuli that affects interpersonal communication for the need of affection. That is, the emotion for caring for others and or being care for. Gender can affects interpernal communication when those involve complement each other.(Complementary relationship) when each person supplied something the other person or persons lack

    Untill recently it was believed thqt men and women actually differ in their language abilities and garullousness. In spite of these findings it is generally believed that women and men differ greatly in their styles of communication and behaviour than neuro physiological differences. Boy and girls are born differently and so learn strikingly different behaviours. For example it is postulated that men tend to ask or provide facts or assert themselves while women tend to establish relationships. It is also believed that women convey feelings easily and are quicker to ask for help, while men tend to compete more.
    Another reasons could be this;
    In relation to intelligence, women develop more white brain matter, and men develop more Gray brain matter (university of California, Irvine, 2005) in other words a male brain represents more information processing centers and female brain represents more networking between these processing centers. This doesn't meqn that men are smarter than women or vice versa. Sorry to disappoint you it simply implies that men and women tends to do things differently.
    One main difference in communication between men and women is all in the tought process. Women tend to articulate their thought process. For example, as they go through a process such as decision making, women tend to talk about their internal psychonalysis as they go. Men go through the same process. However, they tend to wait until they have the answer before they say very much about the subject. Counselor Julia Cole explains that in relationships, many people fail to recognise this main important difference, which can cause argument. A man may mistake a woman's pondering as her of changing her mind too often. A woman could think that a man isn't considering an issue and accuse him of not caring


    Although many people hold certain beliefs about gender (such as men are good at math and women are good at communication), these perceived truths are actually evolved psychological constructions called gender roles. Although the sex of a person is based in biology, gender roles are learned norms. Therefore, they can change and vary from culture to culture.
    A working definition in use by the World Health Organization (WHO) for its work is that "'[s]ex' refers to the biological and physiological characteristics that define men and women" and that "'[m]ale' and 'female' are sex categories".In humans, biological sex is determined by five factors present at birth: the presence or absence of a Y chromosome, the type of gonads, the sex hormones, the internal reproductive anatomy (such as the uterus in females), and the external genitalia.
    A gender role is a set of social and behavioral norms that are generally considered appropriate for either a man or a woman in a social or interpersonal relationship. There are differences of opinion as to which observed differences in behavior and personality between genders are entirely due to innate personality of the person and which are due to cultural or social factors, and are therefore the product of socialization, or to what extent gender differences are due to biological and physiological differences.
    Gender roles differ according to cultural-historical context, and while most cultures express two genders, some express more. Androgyny, for example, has been proposed as a third gender.] Others societies have been claimed to have more than five genders,] and some non-Western societies have three genders – man, woman and third gender. Gender expression refers to the external manifestation of one's gender identity, through "masculine," "feminine," or gender-variant or gender neutral behavior, clothing, hairstyles, or body characteristics.
    Sex affects interpersonal communication in several ways. There could be communication breakdown as a result. At times, in a social gathering, your sex will determine if you are qualified to speak or not.
    Gender roles have both positive and negative influences on society. One task for researchers is to find ways, beginning in childhood, to minimize or alter the negative effects that gender roles have on psychological and intellectual development. Society may be difficult to change, but gradual alterations in the definitions of gender roles could help. Another way to minimize negative effects is to eliminate the inferiority associated with various gender traits.

  50. Okoh Benjamin Joshua
    Often times,the both concept;sex and gender are being used by people interchangeably,however these words are not the same thing.
    Sex has to do with the genetic and biological status of being a male or female while gender has to do with the manifestation of being a male or female psychologically and socially e.g dressing, hairstyle, character e.t.c
    We can say, the gender of being a man or woman can affect interpersonal communication because it was believed that men and women actually differ in their language abilities and garrulousness.
    Inspite of the findings,it is generally believed women and men differ greatly in their style of communication because:
    1. The genetic make-up of men and women is partly responsible for these differences I.e Boy and girls are born different and even grow and develop differently.
    2. They learn strikingly different behaviours e.g it is believed men talk to ask or provide facts while women talk to establish relationship thereby affecting their interaction with other person.
    3. Men and women differ in their body language,facial expressions,speech patterns and behaviour.
    4. The male sex hormone is associated with higher level of aggression while that of the female is low and sometimes calm and soft.
    5. The effect the message of a particular sex have on the opposite sex as regards how they use language either verbally or non verbally.
    The above help us see that both sex and gender can affect the way they both interact with people like their co-workers or responding to a compliment.these conflict between the sexes can really affect interpersonal communication.

  51. Sex is the biological charateristics of being a male and a talking about how it affect interpersonal communication goes a long way,this is because male have their way of passing information likewise is scientifically understood that female talk more than the male so when it comes to interpersonal communication the woman do more of the talking and massages are passed to its fullest.gender talks about the differences between a male and a female the both means same thing but. A slight difference I.e1 carries the characteristics and the other the fact of being male and female.the female have their unique way. Of passing information tha attracts the attension of the audience more especially when the topic is an illustrative one.hence sex on one hand and gender on the other hand affect interpersonal communication because of the rate or level at which the massage is passed by the male and the famale.thank u.OGEDENGBE PRECIOUS.HND1 broadcast.mat no.ict121308121.

  52. Edeki Peace Ifueko
    Mass Communication
    (Broadcast Option)

    Interpersonal Communication which involves exchange of information between two or more people with a feedback mechanism is greatly influenced by SEX (genetic and biological designation) and GENDER (social and psychological variation between individuals).
    It is generally believed women and men differ greatly in their styles of communication. The genetic make-up of men and women is partly responsible for these differences. For example, it is postulated that men talk to ask or provide facts or assert themselves while women talk to establish relationships. It is also believed that women convey feelings easily and are quicker to ask for help, while men tend to compete more.
    On the other hand, Gender differences in communication pose problems of intolerance, resentment, stress and less productivity.
    Personally, I feel that neuro-physiological differences between men and women play significant role in interpersonal communication. It is obvious that these differences are a frequent cause of conflict between the sexes. In fact, testosterone, the male sex hormone is associated with higher levels of aggression in men. Similarly, varying levels of estrogen and progesterone, during different stages of the menstrual cycle, alter neuro-transmitter levels in the brain and affect moods and emotions and therefore, women’s perception, cognition and communication.
    To cut a long story short, men and women differ in their body language, facial expressions, speech patterns and behaviour. The interesting thing about these differences is that we may be predisposed by our gender to perceive realities in different ways. This means that the ways in which men and women use language (and non-verbal cues) to communicate can be so different that many people may actually be ‘blind’ to the effects their messages may have on
    the opposite sex.
    Finally, I believe that if societies evolve to reduce stereotyped expectations from the genders then there will be a significant reduction in interpersonal conflict between the sexes, and life will be much easier for both. After all, men and women must function together and perform their biological and social roles in tandem for mutual fulfillment.

  53. Edeki Peace Ifueko
    Mass Communication
    (Broadcast Option)

    Interpersonal Communication which involves exchange of information between two or more people with a feedback mechanism is greatly influenced by SEX (genetic and biological designation) and GENDER (social and psychological variation between individuals).
    It is generally believed women and men differ greatly in their styles of communication. The genetic make-up of men and women is partly responsible for these differences. For example, it is postulated that men talk to ask or provide facts or assert themselves while women talk to establish relationships. It is also believed that women convey feelings easily and are quicker to ask for help, while men tend to compete more.
    On the other hand, Gender differences in communication pose problems of intolerance, resentment, stress and less productivity.
    Personally, I feel that neuro-physiological differences between men and women play significant role in interpersonal communication. It is obvious that these differences are a frequent cause of conflict between the sexes. In fact, testosterone, the male sex hormone is associated with higher levels of aggression in men. Similarly, varying levels of estrogen and progesterone, during different stages of the menstrual cycle, alter neuro-transmitter levels in the brain and affect moods and emotions and therefore, women’s perception, cognition and communication.
    To cut a long story short, men and women differ in their body language, facial expressions, speech patterns and behaviour. The interesting thing about these differences is that we may be predisposed by our gender to perceive realities in different ways. This means that the ways in which men and women use language (and non-verbal cues) to communicate can be so different that many people may actually be ‘blind’ to the effects their messages may have on
    the opposite sex.
    Finally, I believe that if societies evolve to reduce stereotyped expectations from the genders then there will be a significant reduction in interpersonal conflict between the sexes, and life will be much easier for both. After all, men and women must function together and perform their biological and social roles in tandem for mutual fulfillment.

  54. Edeki Peace Ifueko
    Mass Communication
    (Broadcast Option)

    Interpersonal Communication which involves exchange of information between two or more people with a feedback mechanism is greatly influenced by SEX (genetic and biological designation) and GENDER (social and psychological variation between individuals).
    It is generally believed women and men differ greatly in their styles of communication. The genetic make-up of men and women is partly responsible for these differences. For example, it is postulated that men talk to ask or provide facts or assert themselves while women talk to establish relationships. It is also believed that women convey feelings easily and are quicker to ask for help, while men tend to compete more.
    On the other hand, Gender differences in communication pose problems of intolerance, resentment, stress and less productivity.
    Personally, I feel that neuro-physiological differences between men and women play significant role in interpersonal communication. It is obvious that these differences are a frequent cause of conflict between the sexes. In fact, testosterone, the male sex hormone is associated with higher levels of aggression in men. Similarly, varying levels of estrogen and progesterone, during different stages of the menstrual cycle, alter neuro-transmitter levels in the brain and affect moods and emotions and therefore, women’s perception, cognition and communication.
    To cut a long story short, men and women differ in their body language, facial expressions, speech patterns and behaviour. The interesting thing about these differences is that we may be predisposed by our gender to perceive realities in different ways. This means that the ways in which men and women use language (and non-verbal cues) to communicate can be so different that many people may actually be ‘blind’ to the effects their messages may have on
    the opposite sex.
    Finally, I believe that if societies evolve to reduce stereotyped expectations from the genders then there will be a significant reduction in interpersonal conflict between the sexes, and life will be much easier for both. After all, men and women must function together and perform their biological and social roles in tandem for mutual fulfillment.

  55. Edeki Peace Ifueko
    Mass Communication
    (Broadcast Option)

    Interpersonal Communication which involves exchange of information between two or more people with a feedback mechanism is greatly influenced by SEX (genetic and biological designation) and GENDER (social and psychological variation between individuals).
    It is generally believed women and men differ greatly in their styles of communication. The genetic make-up of men and women is partly responsible for these differences. For example, it is postulated that men talk to ask or provide facts or assert themselves while women talk to establish relationships. It is also believed that women convey feelings easily and are quicker to ask for help, while men tend to compete more.
    On the other hand, Gender differences in communication pose problems of intolerance, resentment, stress and less productivity.
    Personally, I feel that neuro-physiological differences between men and women play significant role in interpersonal communication. It is obvious that these differences are a frequent cause of conflict between the sexes. In fact, testosterone, the male sex hormone is associated with higher levels of aggression in men. Similarly, varying levels of estrogen and progesterone, during different stages of the menstrual cycle, alter neuro-transmitter levels in the brain and affect moods and emotions and therefore, women’s perception, cognition and communication.
    To cut a long story short, men and women differ in their body language, facial expressions, speech patterns and behaviour. The interesting thing about these differences is that we may be predisposed by our gender to perceive realities in different ways. This means that the ways in which men and women use language (and non-verbal cues) to communicate can be so different that many people may actually be ‘blind’ to the effects their messages may have on
    the opposite sex.
    Finally, I believe that if societies evolve to reduce stereotyped expectations from the genders then there will be a significant reduction in interpersonal conflict between the sexes, and life will be much easier for both. After all, men and women must function together and perform their biological and social roles in tandem for mutual fulfillment.

  56. Edeki Peace Ifueko
    Mass Communication
    (Broadcast Option)

    Interpersonal Communication which involves exchange of information between two or more people with a feedback mechanism is greatly influenced by SEX (genetic and biological designation) and GENDER (social and psychological variation between individuals).
    It is generally believed women and men differ greatly in their styles of communication. The genetic make-up of men and women is partly responsible for these differences. For example, it is postulated that men talk to ask or provide facts or assert themselves while women talk to establish relationships. It is also believed that women convey feelings easily and are quicker to ask for help, while men tend to compete more.
    On the other hand, Gender differences in communication pose problems of intolerance, resentment, stress and less productivity.
    Personally, I feel that neuro-physiological differences between men and women play significant role in interpersonal communication. It is obvious that these differences are a frequent cause of conflict between the sexes. In fact, testosterone, the male sex hormone is associated with higher levels of aggression in men. Similarly, varying levels of estrogen and progesterone, during different stages of the menstrual cycle, alter neuro-transmitter levels in the brain and affect moods and emotions and therefore, women’s perception, cognition and communication.
    To cut a long story short, men and women differ in their body language, facial expressions, speech patterns and behaviour. The interesting thing about these differences is that we may be predisposed by our gender to perceive realities in different ways. This means that the ways in which men and women use language (and non-verbal cues) to communicate can be so different that many people may actually be ‘blind’ to the effects their messages may have on
    the opposite sex.
    Finally, I believe that if societies evolve to reduce stereotyped expectations from the genders then there will be a significant reduction in interpersonal conflict between the sexes, and life will be much easier for both. After all, men and women must function together and perform their biological and social roles in tandem for mutual fulfillment.

  57. Name: Onwuegbuzie Osanua Jude
    Matric No.: ICT/213120235
    Level: HND 1
    Option: Print.

    Richard A. Lippa, in his book "Gender, Nature, and Nurture", published in 2002, says that the word sex refers to the genetic and biological status of being male or female, while gender refers to the psychological and social manifestation of being male or female, i.e. the socially defined, learned, constructed accoutrements of sex, such as hairstyle, dress, nonverbal mannerisms and interests. From the foregoing, I was able to make out the following:

    1. that gender is inherent in sex
    2. that gender concerns the social manifestation particularly associated with one's sex in terms of behaviour, culture or psychological traits.
    3. gender is concerned with the roles and expectations of men and women that are learned and modified as a result of social interaction.

    Research also revealed that the following factors, among others, could contribute to the hindrance of effective interpersonal communication between individuals of different sex and gender:

    1. Brain Matter Variations
    2. Thought Processing
    3. Approach to Problem Solving

    A research done by the University of California, Irvin, titled " The Neuroanatomy of General Intelligence: Sex Matter", in 2005, revealed that in relation to intelligence, men develop more grey brain matter, while a women develop more white brain matter. This difference in the brain matter does not mean that male individuals are more intelligent than the females. It only means that their exists a different way of doing things between the two sexes. It also means that the male brain represents more information processing centre, while the female brain represents more networking between the information processing centre.
    So, this difference in the way different sexes do things or think could affect interpersonal communication.

    The masculinity or feminity (gender) of an individual could affect interpersonal communication. The female individuals tend to articulate their thought process. As they go through the process of decision making, they tend to talk about their internal psychoanalysis. The males go through the same process but with a variation. They tend to wait until they have answers to such thoughts before they say very much about them. Because many people often neglect to consider this little difference in thought processing, they tend to experience arguments in their relationships. Arguments in relationships, means that interpersonal communication may not occur again or may not achieve its aims. Gamble(2005), says "a man may mistake a woman's pondering as her final answer and accuse her of changing her mind too often. A woman could think that a man isn't even considering an issue and accuse him of not caring".

    Another difference in gender that could affect interpersonal communication is the approach men and women adopt in problem solving. In a relationship, when one of the partners is in trouble, the other partner tends to help out. Deborah Tanen, in her book, "You Don't Just Understand", published in 1990, offers a paradox that, if women are often frustrated because men do not respond to their troubles by offering matching troubles, men are often frustrated because women do. In other words, women often desire sympathy when they are in trouble and that is exactly what they offer their partners when they are in trouble. Men, on the other hand, offer solutions to a problem when their partners are in one. Imagine how it will work out when all that a lady deisred was sympathy and you are offering solution or imagine when a man desires solutions to a problem and you begin to sympathize with him by telling him "I know how you feel".

  58. Edeki Peace Ifueko
    Mass Communication
    (Broadcast Option)

    Interpersonal Communication which involves exchange of information between two or more people with a feedback mechanism is greatly influenced by SEX (genetic and biological designation) and GENDER (social and psychological variation between individuals).
    It is generally believed women and men differ greatly in their styles of communication. The genetic make-up of men and women is partly responsible for these differences. For example, it is postulated that men talk to ask or provide facts or assert themselves while women talk to establish relationships. It is also believed that women convey feelings easily and are quicker to ask for help, while men tend to compete more.
    On the other hand, Gender differences in communication pose problems of intolerance, resentment, stress and less productivity.
    Personally, I feel that neuro-physiological differences between men and women play significant role in interpersonal communication. It is obvious that these differences are a frequent cause of conflict between the sexes. In fact, testosterone, the male sex hormone is associated with higher levels of aggression in men. Similarly, varying levels of estrogen and progesterone, during different stages of the menstrual cycle, alter neuro-transmitter levels in the brain and affect moods and emotions and therefore, women’s perception, cognition and communication.
    To cut a long story short, men and women differ in their body language, facial expressions, speech patterns and behaviour. The interesting thing about these differences is that we may be predisposed by our gender to perceive realities in different ways. This means that the ways in which men and women use language (and non-verbal cues) to communicate can be so different that many people may actually be ‘blind’ to the effects their messages may have on
    the opposite sex.
    Finally, I believe that if societies evolve to reduce stereotyped expectations from the genders then there will be a significant reduction in interpersonal conflict between the sexes, and life will be much easier for both. After all, men and women must function together and perform their biological and social roles in tandem for mutual fulfillment.

  59. Edeki Peace Ifueko
    Mass Communication
    (Broadcast Option)

    Interpersonal Communication which involves exchange of information between two or more people with a feedback mechanism is greatly influenced by SEX (genetic and biological designation) and GENDER (social and psychological variation between individuals).
    It is generally believed women and men differ greatly in their styles of communication. The genetic make-up of men and women is partly responsible for these differences. For example, it is postulated that men talk to ask or provide facts or assert themselves while women talk to establish relationships. It is also believed that women convey feelings easily and are quicker to ask for help, while men tend to compete more.
    On the other hand, Gender differences in communication pose problems of intolerance, resentment, stress and less productivity.
    Personally, I feel that neuro-physiological differences between men and women play significant role in interpersonal communication. It is obvious that these differences are a frequent cause of conflict between the sexes. In fact, testosterone, the male sex hormone is associated with higher levels of aggression in men. Similarly, varying levels of estrogen and progesterone, during different stages of the menstrual cycle, alter neuro-transmitter levels in the brain and affect moods and emotions and therefore, women’s perception, cognition and communication.
    To cut a long story short, men and women differ in their body language, facial expressions, speech patterns and behaviour. The interesting thing about these differences is that we may be predisposed by our gender to perceive realities in different ways. This means that the ways in which men and women use language (and non-verbal cues) to communicate can be so different that many people may actually be ‘blind’ to the effects their messages may have on
    the opposite sex.
    Finally, I believe that if societies evolve to reduce stereotyped expectations from the genders then there will be a significant reduction in interpersonal conflict between the sexes, and life will be much easier for both. After all, men and women must function together and perform their biological and social roles in tandem for mutual fulfillment.


    MASS COMMUNICATION (HND 1 Broadcast option)
    How can sex on one hand, gender on the other hand affect interpersonal communication?
    Many people use the words sex and gender interchangeably, but actually they are discrete concepts. As we'll see, the distinction between sex and gender calls our attention to the twin influences of biology and society or
    Nature and nurture on our identities.
    Sex is a biological category of male or female that is determined genetically. Most individuals are designated as
    Male or female based on external genitalia (penis and testes in males, clitoris and vagina in females) and internal sex organs (ovaries and uterus in females, prostate gland in males). Genitalia and secondary sex markers such as hair growth and muscle mass are controlled by chromosomes and hormones. Most humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes, one of which determines sex. Typically, those people society labels male have sex chromosomes, and those that society labels female have chromosomes.
    Furthermore, intersexed individuals don't fit into the binary categories of male or female. They are born with the biological qualities of both sexes for instance, internal sex organs characteristic of females and external genitalia characteristic of males. Transsexuals who have undergone hormone treatment and surgery may have
    Some features and aspects of appearance that are not consistent with their sex chromosomes.
    Gender is a more complicated concept than sex. The researchers began to draw a clear distinction between sex and gender. They defined gender as a social construction, which contrasts sharply with sex as a biological phenomenon. Understanding gender as socially constructed allows us to realize that views and
    Expectations of masculinity and femininity grow out of specific historical moments and specific cultural contexts. Put another way, gender is the social meaning attached to sex within a particular culture and in a particular era.
    Viewing gender as per formative has three important implications. First, it leads to the realization that gender exists if and only if people act in ways that compel belief in the reality of masculinity
    The third concept we will discuss is communication. Communication is a dynamic process of creating meaning through verbal and nonverbal symbols. Communication is related to sex and gender in a number of ways, four of which we'll discuss here.

    Interpersonal communication
    Interpersonal communication is something we do everyday communicating with more than one person Sex differences refer to behavioral variations between men and women based on biological differences gender differences refer to behavioral variations between people due to cultural sociological, and/or psychological differences This entry focuses on the manner in which sex differences affect interpersonal communication behavior(Gender and Discourse).

  61. Sex and gender affect interpersonal communication when there is gender inequality i.e. when the male fell superior over the female or the female over the male which cause inbalance in interpersonal communication when communication to the society or tom one another when communicating with opposite sex (male and female), there is usually conflict or interest on both side which is usually not comfortable for them onlike communicating with same sex. It also affect communication process in the way then express themselves or the form of communication which has to do with communicating with a close individuals or person which may have to do with your opposite sex but because of sex and gender problem, it has affected the free flow of communication.

    MAT NO: ICT/2131208029
    CLASS: HND 1
    How can sex on one hand and gender on the other hand affect interpersonal communication
    Interpersonal communication is now defined qualitatively as communication that occurs within our interpersonal relationships. Interpersonal communication is limited to those situations in which we have knowledge of the personal characteristics, qualifies and behaviour of other peoples in relating to this question sex on one hand and gender on the hand affect interpersonal communication in the sense that, the way and manner we talk and do things affect interpersonal communication because people view things from different perspective or angle. It is not what i think that will be on the person’s mind.
    Sex is the picture of reproduction and it can also be refer to as male or female while gender is an individual lifestyle or personal identification of sex
    It is your style of presenting and interpreting that matters in interpersonal communication everybody have their style of presenting.

    MAT NO: ICT/2131208029
    CLASS: HND 1
    How can sex on one hand and gender on the other hand affect interpersonal communication
    Interpersonal communication is now defined qualitatively as communication that occurs within our interpersonal relationships. Interpersonal communication is limited to those situations in which we have knowledge of the personal characteristics, qualifies and behaviour of other peoples in relating to this question sex on one hand and gender on the hand affect interpersonal communication in the sense that, the way and manner we talk and do things affect interpersonal communication because people view things from different perspective or angle. It is not what i think that will be on the person’s mind.
    Sex is the picture of reproduction and it can also be refer to as male or female while gender is an individual lifestyle or personal identification of sex
    It is your style of presenting and interpreting that matters in interpersonal communication everybody have their style of presenting.

    MAT NO: ICT/2131248194
    How can sex on one hand and gender on the other hand affect interpersonal communication.
    Interpersonal communication is the personal process of co-ordinating meaning between at l3east two people in a situation that allows mutual opportunity to both speaking and listening.
    Sex and gender are mostly inter-changeably used. Sex is the biological make up of an individual’s reproductive anatomy, while gender is an individual lifestyle or personal identification of one’s gender.
    Sex affect communication in the different ways men and women express themselves and interpret and interpret others.
    It is believed that man and women actually differ in their style of communication.
    About these differences, is that we may be predisposed by our gender to perceive realities in different ways. This means that the ways in which men and women use language to communicate can be so different that many people may actually be blind to th3e effects their message have on the opposite sex

    Before I go further I will like to define the concepts sex and gender. Sex- is said to be a biological and physiological characteristics that define a man and a woman for example a woman is characterized by the presence of breast, hips and long hairs e.t.c. While Gender- refers to the society constructed roles, behaviors, activities an attribute that a given society considered appropriate. It is therefore very imperative to note that the please or role of sex and gender in Interpersonal Communication can never be over emphases as the use be each them stand a great chance of affecting the flow of interpersonal communication greatly.
    1. DIFFERENCE IN HUMAN EXPRESSION: Interpersonal communication can be affected or hindered because of the different ways men and women express themselves and interpret others. Women and men differ greatly in their styles of communication as it is seen in the way they talk, the way they act, in their emotions and their behavioral attitude which is being exhibited in their day to day activities. These why they grow differently Boys and Girls are both born different, grow in a different way, develop and they learnt strikingly in a different way
    2. THE BEHAVIOURAL ATTITUDE: The behavior of both sex and gender are different as a result it affects the communication flow of the interpersonal communication. Some schools of thought believed that men talk, task or provide fact for themselves, ambitious competitive for materials success and respect whatever is big strong and fast. While women talk to establish relationship, modesty presenting them as object to view.
    3. EMOTION: The way they communicate messages have an effect in the opposite sex as it is shown in their various fallings just as it is recorded in the scriptures that women are weaker vessels that is why they all ways look for who to depend on at all point in time, because of their weakness in their emotion they tend to away look for support
    4. LIFE QUADRANT: A quadrant is a quarter of a circle. According to Pastor Goodwin U Daniel founder Western Advance School of Ethologic stated the quadrant of life which are rectangular in nature which every human on earth face in life and this quadrant of if been handled wrongly will go a long way in human history. The Quadrants of life are Finance, Education, Relationship and Attitude. He further stated that if this 4quadrant of life is being affected the flow of interpersonal communication will be affected. This is the reasons why most persons has problems in their marriage, home and in their relationship I believe that was why Pastor Goodwin U Daniel places them in a circle if broken it break the flow of interpersonal communication.
    Finally sex and gender is really a problem in interpersonal communication so therefore for this to be resolved the societies evolve to reduce stereotyped expectations from the genders then there will be a significant reduction in interpersonal conflict between the sexes. Also if the society understands the facts that individuals are of different behavioral attitude the flow of interpersonal communication will be effective and will resolve this conflict which has broken homes, relationships and marriage.

  66. Edeki Peace Ifueko
    Mass Communication
    (Broadcast Option)

    Interpersonal Communication which involves exchange of information between two or more people with a feedback mechanism is greatly influenced by SEX (genetic and biological designation) and GENDER (social and psychological variation between individuals).
    It is generally believed women and men differ greatly in their styles of communication. The genetic make-up of men and women is partly responsible for these differences. For example, it is postulated that men talk to ask or provide facts or assert themselves while women talk to establish relationships. It is also believed that women convey feelings easily and are quicker to ask for help, while men tend to compete more.
    On the other hand, Gender differences in communication pose problems of intolerance, resentment, stress and less productivity.
    Personally, I feel that neuro-physiological differences between men and women play significant role in interpersonal communication. It is obvious that these differences are a frequent cause of conflict between the sexes. In fact, testosterone, the male sex hormone is associated with higher levels of aggression in men. Similarly, varying levels of estrogen and progesterone, during different stages of the menstrual cycle, alter neuro-transmitter levels in the brain and affect moods and emotions and therefore, women’s perception, cognition and communication.
    To cut a long story short, men and women differ in their body language, facial expressions, speech patterns and behaviour. The interesting thing about these differences is that we may be predisposed by our gender to perceive realities in different ways. This means that the ways in which men and women use language (and non-verbal cues) to communicate can be so different that many people may actually be ‘blind’ to the effects their messages may have on
    the opposite sex.
    Finally, I believe that if societies evolve to reduce stereotyped expectations from the genders then there will be a significant reduction in interpersonal conflict between the sexes, and life will be much easier for both. After all, men and women must function together and perform their biological and social roles in tandem for mutual fulfillment.

  67. Edeki Peace Ifueko
    Mass Communication
    (Broadcast Option)

    Interpersonal Communication which involves exchange of information between two or more people with a feedback mechanism is greatly influenced by SEX (genetic and biological designation) and GENDER (social and psychological variation between individuals).
    It is generally believed women and men differ greatly in their styles of communication. The genetic make-up of men and women is partly responsible for these differences. For example, it is postulated that men talk to ask or provide facts or assert themselves while women talk to establish relationships. It is also believed that women convey feelings easily and are quicker to ask for help, while men tend to compete more.
    On the other hand, Gender differences in communication pose problems of intolerance, resentment, stress and less productivity.
    Personally, I feel that neuro-physiological differences between men and women play significant role in interpersonal communication. It is obvious that these differences are a frequent cause of conflict between the sexes. In fact, testosterone, the male sex hormone is associated with higher levels of aggression in men. Similarly, varying levels of estrogen and progesterone, during different stages of the menstrual cycle, alter neuro-transmitter levels in the brain and affect moods and emotions and therefore, women’s perception, cognition and communication.
    To cut a long story short, men and women differ in their body language, facial expressions, speech patterns and behaviour. The interesting thing about these differences is that we may be predisposed by our gender to perceive realities in different ways. This means that the ways in which men and women use language (and non-verbal cues) to communicate can be so different that many people may actually be ‘blind’ to the effects their messages may have on
    the opposite sex.
    Finally, I believe that if societies evolve to reduce stereotyped expectations from the genders then there will be a significant reduction in interpersonal conflict between the sexes, and life will be much easier for both. After all, men and women must function together and perform their biological and social roles in tandem for mutual fulfillment.


    SEX is referred to natural or biological feature which is the cultural significant of sex Sex can effect positive and negative way positive effect will cause good intimacy and good mutual understanding especially in marriage and among peer group . when there is misunderstanding in marriage or courtship it effect the communication and so doing there is not be free flow of interpersonal communication
    Gender on the other hand effect the communication because of cultural norms and social attitude for instance culture in some part of edo state(some woman are not allow to take part in some activities .there by the female genders are not to participate on the other hand there are still some culture with the man are not also allowed to participate but not so common.the female gender are considered non verbal than the male gender.

    In all sex and gender is considered in interpersonal communication and when there is no free flow of communicative it effect interpersonal communication.

  69. SHUAIB RASHIDAT HND I(PRINT) MAT NO ICT2131208209 The question on the effect of sex and gender on our interpersonal communication is a two way demension which could be positive or negative but I will like to approach the negative aspect in answering this question.It is however a problem to so many to identify the concept in their different line some believe that the two term are the same and use them interchangibly in speech making but there is a thin line between the two,according to biological aspect gender narrows down to the roles or relations between men and women while sex is the biological characteristics which defines human as female or male.Gender and sex affect greatly how we communicate with one another. for example,the rapport between two female folk and with an opposite sex on an issue differes even when there is intimacy some element of sentiments,biasness and subjectivity still surfaces unlike when it involves same sex,another critical example is the relationship between parents and their children,such as that of a mother and her daughter likewise a father and son,it is expected of a female child to be more objective in her relationships and ovulation discussion with her mother than the father because the mother has more shared experience in that aspect.Also, inferiority complex is a major gender problem in interpersonal communication in the sense that women are address as weaker and a surbordinate sex mostly in africa tradition and as such their contribution in the political,economical and educational system is not useful even when they still participate in this three phase sentiment still lingers .it is a common belief in Africa tradition that the only responsibility of a woman is to cater for the children and do all the domestic work while the man provide shelter for the family even at this modern age inferiority complex still exist.In a nutshell our interpersonal communication on issues is greatly hindered with gender and sex and as such communication between opposite sex lacks balance,fairness and objectivity.

  70. SHABA. Y. AISHAT/ict 2131290034Saturday, August 17, 2013 6:51:00 am

    AISHAT yahaya Shaba/ict2131290034/print option. Interpersonal communication is what we do everyday, we communicate with more than one this process it is generally believed that women and men differs mostly on their mood of communicating and dressing,behavioural variations between people and due to cultural sociological and psychological, this manner focuses on the sex differences and ♓☺w it affact interpersonal communication behavior(Gender and Discourse).the word SEX refers to the genetic status of being a male or female while GENDER psychologically refers to male or female.Gender affact interpersonal communication when there is gender inequality or when some groups are feeling superior and other are feeling inferior this will not give room for interpersonal communicationbecause they won't be able to express themselves.

  71. Aideloje Egbefumere Omo, ICT/2131207343(broadcast option). Sex refer to behavioural variation between men and women based on biological differences. Gender refer to the behavioural variation between people done to cultural, sociological and psychological difference. It refers to what it means to be a woman and man. Gender is learned because we are not borned knowing how to act. In the aspect of how sex affect interpersonal communication, sex difference in male and female brain activity specifically affect the ability to listen, a key element in effective interpersonal communication and also the hormone level change, women can become aggressive in their communication and less patient with others, these biological difference can affect interpersonal communication. In the aspect of gender, women usually want sympathetic responses to their troubles and if the responses are not made sympathetically they tend to react negatively and these can affect interpersonal communication.


    Many people use the words sex and gender interchangeably, but actually they are discrete concepts. As we'll see, the distinction between sex and gender calls our attention to the twin influences of biology and society—or nature and nurture—on our identities.
    Sex is a biological category—male or female—that is determined genetically. Most individuals are designated as male or female based on external genitalia (penis and testes in males, clitoris and vagina in females) and internal sex organs (ovaries and uterus in females, prostate gland in males). Genitalia and secondary sex markers such as hair growth and muscle mass are controlled by chromosomes and hormones.

    Gender is a more complicated concept than sex. In the 1970s, researchers began to draw a clear distinction between sex and gender. They defined gender as a social construction, which contrasts sharply with sex as a biological phenomenon. Understanding gender as socially constructed allows us to realize that views and expectations of masculinity and femininity grow out of specific historical moments and specific cultural contexts.
    Put another way, gender is the social meaning attached to sex within a particular culture and in a particular era.
    Gender influences the expectations and perceptions of women and men, as well as the roles, opportunities, and material circumstances of women's and men's lives.
    Because gender is central to social order, society works very hard to convince us that its definitions and expectations of women and men are natural, normal, and right. From birth, most of us are socialized into our society's views of what it means to be a man or woman—what each sex should and should not do.
    Therefore, Sex can affect interpersonal communication positively and negatively, positive effect will cause intimacy and mutual understanding. While negative effect is misunderstanding in a relationship. When there is misunderstanding in a relationship it will definitely affect the relationship which will not give room for interpersonal communication. Its not the quantity of sex that enhance interpersonal communication but the quality and how effective sex is that enhances interpersonal communication.
    While Gender also affects interpersonal communication because of the different ways men and woman express themselves and interpret each other, men focus in status and independence. Woman focus on intimacy and connection, the communication style of woman has been describe as being more emotional than men, woman focus on feelings and building relationship while men focus on power and status.

  73. Edeki Peace Ifueko. ICT2131208276, HND1 mass comm(broadcast option)Saturday, August 17, 2013 10:35:00 am

    Edeki Peace Ifueko
    Mass Communication
    (Broadcast Option)

    Interpersonal Communication which involves exchange of information between two or more people with a feedback mechanism is greatly influenced by SEX (genetic and biological designation) and GENDER (social and psychological variation between individuals).
    It is generally believed women and men differ greatly in their styles of communication. The genetic make-up of men and women is partly responsible for these differences. For example, it is postulated that men talk to ask or provide facts or assert themselves while women talk to establish relationships. It is also believed that women convey feelings easily and are quicker to ask for help, while men tend to compete more.
    On the other hand, Gender differences in communication pose problems of intolerance, resentment, stress and less productivity.
    Personally, I feel that neuro-physiological differences between men and women play significant role in interpersonal communication. It is obvious that these differences are a frequent cause of conflict between the sexes. In fact, testosterone, the male sex hormone is associated with higher levels of aggression in men. Similarly, varying levels of estrogen and progesterone, during different stages of the menstrual cycle, alter neuro-transmitter levels in the brain and affect moods and emotions and therefore, women’s perception, cognition and communication.
    To cut a long story short, men and women differ in their body language, facial expressions, speech patterns and behaviour. The interesting thing about these differences is that we may be predisposed by our gender to perceive realities in different ways. This means that the ways in which men and women use language (and non-verbal cues) to communicate can be so different that many people may actually be ‘blind’ to the effects their messages may have on
    the opposite sex.
    Finally, I believe that if societies evolve to reduce stereotyped expectations from the genders then there will be a significant reduction in interpersonal conflict between the sexes, and life will be much easier for both. After all, men and women must function together and perform their biological and social roles in tandem for mutual fulfillment.


    According to World Health Organisation(WHO) sex refers to the biological and physiological characteristics that define men and women. While Gender refers to the socially constructed roles, behavioural activities and attributes that a given society considers appropriate for men and women.
    SEX which is the biological and physiological make-ups (which are the unique body characteristics in both man and woman) affect interpersonal communication in terms of the construction of the message, the way the message is received by both parties and the tone the individual uses in transmitting the message.
    Take for instance, females usually attach some sense of emotion into their speech pattern, their body gesture also go a long way in enhancing understanding of a message. Unlike the male counterpart who use less of body gesture in communicating a message and attach little or no emotion when passing across a message except when necessary.

    Furthermore, socially constructed roles, behavioural activities and attributes that is considered appropriate for men and women by the society - Gender (from the definition in paragraph one) also affect interpersonal communication.
    For instance, in the society, women are expected never to shout at a man, show some sign of respect even though she is older and never fight a man. These societal expectations affect the way the female respond and react during a conversation. On the other hand, men are expected to exhibit some level of authority, give some respect to women and never beat a woman. These also affect their conversational constructions and reactions during interpersonal communication.


    In a situation like this, one needs to know what is “sex” and what is “gender”. According to medilexican medical dictionary, the word “sex” is referred to as the genetic and biological status of being either a male or a female.And “gender”refers to the psychological and social manifestations of being a male or female .However, a typical example was given by {lippa,2002} where he listed some of these psychological and social manifestations like the socially defined,learned,constructed accoutrement of sex;such as hairstyle,dress non-verbal mannerism and interest.Though,due to misconception in gender communication, many people use the word “gender” and “sex” interchangeably,whereas,these words differ from each other.
    Hence,gender differences in communication may pose problems in interpersonal communication or interaction leading to intolerance,resentment,stress and decreased productivity.In interpersonal communication the male gender are given upper hand in communication because of these roles,responsibilities,expectations and aptitude that were learned as a result of culture,society and environment.And this comes a long way to affect in communication due to the different ways in w ishich the male and female counterpart express themselves and interprets other opinion or point of view during interpersonal communication. That is, the different ways in which they communicate message has an effect on the opposite sex; for it is believed that the female gender are more emotional and tender in communication than the male gender. For example, an authoritative husband who has a respectful wife, when talking to his wife in the tone of anger and his wife in return full of emotion reply him. Here you will find out that the female emotional tone of the wife melt the anger of the man, which is the husband during that interpersonal communication. That is to say, sex which plays as a genetic help to the gender strongly affect interpersonal communication.


    According to oxford advance learners dictionary. Sex is the state of being male or female while Gender is the fact of being male or female, issues of class. According to Meghan M. men are from mars, women are from Venus. So the way man sees things is different from how a woman sees or view things. There are situation when silly argument turn into full blown battle of the sexes. For century men and women have sometimes felt as if they were from different planet. The root of the problem may just be the ways we attempt to communicate with each other. In some situations, it can be quite comical, but in others it can cause huge misunderstanding {this is when maturity comes in}. That can ruin relationship, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Communication can b e affected or hindered because of the different ways men and women express themselves and interpret each other. Ego, the men are known the for there ego, he want to be in control all the time. BY doing this, the female may begin to think that she is been enslaved, and she may decide to keep mum when she is expected to say something, by doing this communication may be hindered, l mean interpersonal communication. So in Conclusion sex and Gender can be hindered in interpersonal communication. These issues of class can also cause a break in interpersonal communication. Recognizing these differences in behaviors and communication, will allow us to prevent these misunderstanding, when communicating with the opposite sex. Men and women tend to do things differently.

    The two words are interchangeably. Gender roles is a set of social and behavioural norms that are generally considered appropriate for either a man or a woman in a social or interpersonal relationship. Sex is the quality of being a male or a female on the basic of their reproductive functions.
    It is generally believe that women and men differ greatly in their style of communication and emotion. The way, in which women and men use language to communicate, understand and interpret a situation can affect interpersonal communication. During communication, there is this believe of superiority which can lead to resentment and intolerance. There is free flow of information between same sex.

  78. BY GIFT OTAIGHOBE: It Is believed that men and women actually differs in their language abilities and garrulousness. Men uses 1500 words per day while women uses 5000 words daily or even more in most cases. In spite of these findings,it is generally believed women and men differs greatly in their style of communication. Men talk to ask or provide facts or assert themselves while women talk to establish relationships. It isalso said that women convey feelings easily and are quicker to ask for help,while men tend to compete more. I believe 'nurture' or social and cultural learning plays a big role in influencing communication and behaviour than neuro-physiological differences between man and woman.

  79. NAME: Ogungbemi Abimbola Oguguah
    LEVEL: HND1 (broadcast option)
    MAT NO: ICT/213120832

    The words "sex" and "gender" are commonly used as same, but many linguists would argue that their usage is quite distinct. Sex refers to the biological and physiological characteristics, while gender refers to behaviours, roles, expectations, and activities in society which often defines an individua as male or female. It is, however, important to note that the differences in the sexes do not vary throughout the world, but differences in gender do.

    The following, among others, are some of the ways "sex" and "gender" can affect interpersonal communication:

    1. One way sex and gender can affect interpersonal is in the aspect of thought formation. Men and women tend to form their thoughts differently and this must be taken into account when communicating. This difference has to do with how the brain of each sex is formed during gestation. That is why Deborah Tanen says that "even if both sexes grow up in the same neighbourhood, on the same block, or in the same house, girls and boys grow up in different worlds". In other words, individuals of different sex and gende think, talk do things differently, irrespective of their closeness.

    2. Difference in gender can also result to difference in the topic of discuss between men and women which can also lead to conflict in interpersonal communication. These topical differences can result to misunderstanding between the communicating parties. Heather R. Huhman, author of “How to Be a Part of the Male Conversations at Work”, reports that women focus more on feelings and tend to talk about people while men focus more on facts and logic and tend to talk about tangible things such as business or sports.

    3. Individual's reason(s) for communicating can affect interpersonal communication. Females often communicate to gain insight and understanding, often by asking a lot of questions. Males, on the other hand, communicate primarily to give and get information and are less likely to ask questions. As a result of the differing reasons, interpersonal communication between individuals of different gender could be affected as the reason may not be acceptable by both of them at the same time.

    4. Also, the difference in the way men and women communicate can lead inadvertently to conflict. Gender diversity expert, Connie Glaser, says that the problem between men and woman is not the fact that they play by a different set of rules, the problem is that they don’t know these rules. In other words, lack of understanding of the various differences that exist in the way individuals of different sex or gender communicate, could affect interpersonal communication.

    MATRIC NO: ICT/21312O8139
    First and foremost its expedient for us to know the meanings of the two key words,
    Which are sex and gender.
    SEX: Sex refer s to the biological and physiological character and defined men and is meanly biological, on the other hand gender by definition describe the characteristics of a society delineats to masculine or ferminine .
    The word sex and gender are use interchangeably , but however connotative sense means the same, but in the crystal picture of dennotative or interpersonal communication or the content that is use in differently, but the fact still remains that they are different. In sex and gender of people the flow of interpersonal communication is affected as a result most persons have communication with others.women and men are also different in their body language and speech patterns, the way they communicate messages have an effect in the opposite sex.
    Gender focuses on the social construct regarding the behavioral cultural or physchological treats associated with one sex under and gender is really a problem in interpersonal communication so therefore for this to be resolved the societies have to understand the facts that’s individuals are of different behavioral attitude, the flow of interpersonal communication will be effective and will resolve the conflicts among sex.
    Finally, there is need and desire, understanding of a solution , problem solving communication between male and female may result to dissertation of the different ways and content of the message they pass across and communication between both sex affect interpersonal communication.


    The word Gender refers to grammatical distinction between feminine,masculine,and neuter's gender identity is the sense of one's self as male or female and doesn't refer to one's sexual orientation or gender role.Sex on d other hand,is the biological characteristics of a person at birth,while gender relates to his or her perception of being male or female.
    Gender and sex affects interpersonal communication because of the different ways men and women express themeselves and interprete others. These differences could be in terms of problem solving,communication of feelings,needs,and, desires, understanding of a situation and relating to it.
    Recognizing these differences in communication will allow us to prevent these mis-understanding when communicating with the opposite sex and by so doing,sex and gender affects interpersonal communication on the exception that these differences are well tackled.

  82. Zekeri nasiru mass.comm Hnd 1 Broadcast option mat no ict/2131208021Sunday, August 18, 2013 10:16:00 am

    Sex refers to biological differences; chromosomes, hormonal profiles, internal and external sex organs.
    Gender describes the characteristics that a society or culture delineates as masculine or feminine.
    So while your sex as male or female is a biological fact that is the same in any culture, what that sex means in terms of your gender role as a 'man' or a 'woman' in society can be quite different cross culturally. These 'gender roles' have an impact on the health of the individual.
    In sociological terms 'gender role' refers to the characteristics and behaviours that different cultures attribute to the sexes. What it means to be a 'real man' in any culture requires male sex plus what our various cultures define as masculine characteristics and behaviours, likewise a 'real woman' needs female sex and feminine characteristics. “sex is a biological designation,” and “gender is a set of socially constructed expectations for women and men.” That distinction permitted us to make claims about material conditions, historical moments, and cultural pressures. In short, the separation of sex and gender allowed us to point to social constructions, not biological destiny as the source of women’s oppression and men’s privilege.
    Although sex/gender can offer purchase to a feminist critique of oppressive social systems based on biology, sexuality falls outside both categories unless it is anchored to masculine and feminine terms within a heterosexist ideology.

    MAT NO;ICT/121320890.

    The distinction between sex and gender distinguishes sex, the biological makeup of an individual's reproductive anatomy or secondary sex characteristics, from gender, an individual's lifestyle (often culturally learned) or personal identification of one's own gender (gender identity). This distinction is not universal. In ordinary speech, sex and gender are often used interchangeably. Some dictionaries and academic disciplines give them the different definitions and others do not. Differences in how men and women communicate can hinders effective communication, their communication style prevent them from working together effectively, and this style can cause barrier in sex and gender communication, this can be related to the way man and women are taught to behave. although not all men and women communicate the same way.
    women focus more on feelings and tends to talk about people, while men focuses more on fact and logic.
    women also focuses more on relationship issue when meeting new people and men tend to be more direct and focus on their achievement these make women to see them as too aggressive.
    so the difference in character attitude causes conflict to interpersonal communication.

    Gender is the state of being a male or a female while sex refers to the genetic and biological state of being a male or female.
    Sex on one hand affect interpersonal communication through differences in the behavioural pattern between men and women,due to biological differences.while Gender differences brings about conflicts in interpersonal interaction,there is always conflict of interest when opposing genders interact.
    According to research,women are more emotional when interacting,they tend to disclose a lot about themselves and this includes their personal issues,unlike men who believe so much in their superiority to women and therfore hold back to somethings,most especially the personal issues in the course of interaction.This inbalance in communication between the two gender brings about disagreement or conflict of interest,thereby affecting interpersonal communication.

  85. Sorry sir I forgot to add my mat no:ICT/2131290230,ODION MAGDALENE OMOSE.


    The word sex refers to the genetic and physical of being being male or female, while gender refer to the psychological and social manifestation of being male or female.
    Body language is a key in detecting among sex and tactic you may observe is that the female are different from the conflictual e and for that they don't react the same way on an issue. and the female gender may find it difficult to say some things to the male gender same with the male as well. they are some things or problem that the male gander can not solve for the female gender. and that is why sex or gender affect communication and because the male find it difficult as well to understand the feelings of the female like wise the female as well and that is why they refer to the female as weaker vessel. communication is effective when both parties understands their selves,and it is more effective when they are the same sex or gender

    According to the Concise English Dictionary,SEX is either of the main categories, male or female into which humans and most other living things are divided on the basis of their reproductive functions. While GENDER is the state of being male or female,chiefly in social and cultural contexts.
    Interpersonal communication is the presentation of self in one's daily living. The exchange of ideas between two or more persons. It is something we are bound to do everyday.
    Sex and Gender can reduce to a large extent the level in which we communicate with each other.
    Take for instance,some Traditional beliefs in our culture,women are not allowed to comment or make contributions during meetings not until the men are true with their own contributions simply because the men feel their gender (female)do not permit some extent,some females are not given the permission to associate with the males and this is a great hindrance in the sense that their views which is also important are not allowed to be aired and it further diminish any interpersonal space.
    Individuals who are in the intimate distance still have need to visit same sex maybe for advice when there is conflict because he or she believes that the person of same sex will render more the Media also, we see programs for female folks only where issues concerning them are discussed where as,is not supposed to be so as this information can also be beneficial to the male folks rather they are restricted from it.
    Looking at the political aspect in our country,it was believed that men who are claimed to be stronger and braver are the only permitted ones to ride on the political affairs seeing the women as being incompetence but thanks to God as this is gradually fading away.

  88. Enakerakpo marian,ict/213120289,HND1 print option Sex and gender are use interchangeably,it has been miss use by so many therefore refers to the genetic and biological status of being male or female while on the other hand Gender refers to. The phschological or manifestation of being male or female I.e socially defined,learned and also hairstyle.Intepersonal communication can be affected by both because of the different ways men and women express themselves and interpret others.By doing this interpersonal communication wwill now allow us to prevent these misunderstandings. When communicating with the opposite sex.The male and female are therefore distinct identities and they shape behaviour.However this view might be some what lmited,also communication can be effective when both parties understand themselves since it does not count for the masculine and feminine attribute inherent in people.


    Interpersonal communication is generally a form of message relay that occurs between two parties that would wish to create and sustain a meaningful relation of mutual understanding. Sex and Gender affects interpersonal communication in numerous ways, sometimes for the better and sometimes for the worst. 
     Looking at sex and interpersonal communication, sex is the classification in behavioral variation between male and female at birth based on biological and psychological characteristics. Studies indicate that women, to a greater extent are sensitive to interpersonal communication that lie ‘’between the lines” in the messages they exchange with their mate especially opposite sex, some may feel harassed with the way the opposite sex relate with them, at the same time will see it as normal when its same sex. Interpersonal communication is restricted when it comes to sex.
    Using the family as a case study the daughter may find her father’s discussion on issues like sport very boring when the son is enjoying every bit of it. The son on the other hand may be frustrated on issues like fashion and style etc. More so, the relationship between mother and daughter is usually intimate especially on her cycle and personal issues, she may feel so shy and not free to share that with her dad no matter how cordial she is with her dad. For men, societal expectations are that they must negotiate hierarchy, or who’s the captain, and more keen on status. The society has establish a barrier on certain professions, activities that specify which sex go for it, e.g. women are the house keeper etc, but with civilization things are changing gradually.
    Gender on the other hand refers to the socially constructed roles, behavior, expectation, duties attributed that a given society consider appropriate for man and woman. This may also affect interpersonal communication when it’s narrowed down to our African culture and religion. Societal expectations often make women responsible for regulating intimacy, or how close they allow others to come. For that reason, the house man may deny his wife treatment from a male gynecologist when he knows she will go naked before him, because he consider himself the only man to see her naked.


    Interpersonal communication is generally a form of message relay that occurs between two parties that would wish to create and sustain a meaningful relation of mutual understanding. Sex and Gender affects interpersonal communication in numerous ways, sometimes for the better and sometimes for the worst.
    Looking at sex and interpersonal communication, sex is the classification in behavioral variation between male and female at birth based on biological and psychological characteristics. Studies indicate that women, to a greater extent are sensitive to interpersonal communication that lie ‘’between the lines” in the messages they exchange with their mate especially opposite sex, some may feel harassed with the way the opposite sex relate with them, at the same time will see it as normal when its same sex. Interpersonal communication is restricted when it comes to sex.
    Using the family as a case study the daughter may find her father’s discussion on issues like sport very boring when the son is enjoying every bit of it. The son on the other hand may be frustrated on issues like fashion and style etc. More so, the relationship between mother and daughter is usually intimate especially on her cycle and personal issues, she may feel so shy and not free to share that with her dad no matter how cordial she is with her dad. For men, societal expectations are that they must negotiate hierarchy, or who’s the captain, and more keen on status. The society has establish a barrier on certain professions, activities that specify which sex go for it, e.g. women are the house keeper etc, but with civilization things are changing gradually.
    Gender on the other hand refers to the socially constructed roles, behavior, expectation, duties attributed that a given society consider appropriate for man and woman. This may also affect interpersonal communication when it’s narrowed down to our African culture and religion. Societal expectations often make women responsible for regulating intimacy, or how close they allow others to come. For that reason, the house man may deny his wife treatment from a male gynecologist when he knows she will go naked before him, because he consider himself the only man to see her naked.

    Interpersonal communication is a process between two people in a situation it allows mutual opportunity for both sex and gender to know how to speak and listen. Before I proceed I will like to define the meaning of sex and gender.
    Sex is define as the biological status of male or female. While gender is define as the psychological of male or female. Sex affect interpersonal communication by their behavior between men and woman based on biological differences.
    Gender affect interpersonal communication when there is a situation some groups of people that feels that they are superior while others feels that they are inferior. Gender also affect interpersonal communication by different ways, men and woman express themselves and interpret each other with different language and body understanding between themselves. They also understand the social context in issue addressed.
    However, sex and gender can affect interpersonal communication because women easily have feeling and they build the intimacy relationship between them while the men stand as the directive and give powers in the roles of the relationships.

    Broadcast Option

    Sex and gender can effect interpersonal communication in so many ways of people may effect the communication .In the sense that there are some culture. That do not accept people of same sex to interact by doing this interpersonal communication. Will not be effective because it is seen has a taboo to them.
    Gender effect interpersonal communication when ther is gender inequlity or a situation when some group of people are feeling superior and other are feeling inferior .this will not give room for interpersonal communication. Because they will not be able to express their mind or feeling .gender also effect the communication. Because of the different ways men and woman express themselve and intaract with other ,man focus on status and dependence woman focus on intimacy and connection.the communication style of woman has been describe as being more emotional than man. Woman focus on feeling and building relationship while man focus on power and status.

    Sex can affect interpersonal communication in so many ways because interpersonal communication is the face to face interaction between two or more persons which enables us establish relationship with others like friendship or romantic relationship.The way two persons that are having sex wud communicate is quite different from the way two person dat aren't having sex would communicate,having sex hav made dem intimate and they will see themselves as equals that way communication wouldn't be effective.Gender on the other hand affect communication in the sense that the way a man would communicate to a woman is different from the way he would communicate to a man because women are regarded as being very delicate so wen communicating with them one should b polite and calm but this doesn't count when communicating to a man.Communication can b affected or hindered because of the different ways men and women express themselves and interpret others,recognizing these difference in communication will allow us prevent these misunderstanding when communicating wit the opposite sex.

    Broadcast option
    The word sex is often contracted with gender, they however differ:
    sex is the biological variation in men and women while gender is the cultural, social and psychological difference as the case may be.
    These variations reflect and affect the behaviour attitudes styles speech views mode of expression and other capabilities of men n women respectively.
    The genetic make of men and women is partly responsible for these differences. Boys n girls are born differently they grow n develop differently, they learn strickingly different behaviours.
    The male sex hormone is associated with a higher level of estrogen n progesterone,the different stages of mentrual cycle alter neuro transmitter levels in d brain which affect moods n emotions, women's perception., cognition n communication process.
    Men n women differ in body language, facial expressions, speech patterns and behaviour.The way men n women use language and non verbal cues to communicate can be so different that many people may actually be blind to the effects their messages have on d opposite sex. It is postulate that men talk to ask or provide facts or assert themselves while women talk to express and estalish relationship. It is believed also that women convey feelings easily and are quick to request for help while men tend to compete more.
    These differences are a frequent cause of conflict between the sexes and thereby affecting the interpersonal communication.
    Men and women must function together and perform their biological and social roles for mutual fulfillment. If societies evolve to reduce stereotyped expectations from the genders there will be a significant reduction in interpersonal conflict.

  95. Williams Rosemary
    Men and women are differ in thier body language, facial expressions, speech patterns and behaviour. The interesting thing about these differences is that we may predisposed by our gender to perceive realities in different ways. This means that the ways in which men and women use language (non verbal cues) to communicate can be so different that many people may actually be "blind" to the effect thier messages have on the opposite sex. each person generating a perception in his or her mind, believing that something must be wrong with the opposite sex. Sex differences refers to behavioral variations between men and women based on biological differences gender, due to cultural, sociological differences. this entry focuses on the manner in which sex differences affect interpersonal communication behaviour.

  96. MOMOH DESTINY ITOYA. ICT2131208\231 Broadcast option.
    Sex differences refer to behavioral variations between men and women based on biological differences; gender differences refer to behavioral variations between people due to cultural, sociological, and/or psychological differences. This entry focuses on the manner in which sex differences affect interpersonal communication behavior (→  Gender and Discourse ). Opinions abound regarding sex differences. Some scholars assume that men and women differ until proven otherwise, whereas others assume that men and women are similar until proven otherwise. And reputable scholars represent each side of the coin. One way of deciding which side of the debate is more accurate involves the use of statistical tests to determine whether or not differences between men and women for a given sample might be generalized to a larger population. In general, the likelihood of finding statistical differences is relatively low.


    SEX is the biological state of being a male or a female. GENDER refers to the behavioural manifestation or traits one possesses as either a male or a female.
    SEX can affect interpersonal communication because the way men interpret and react to issues is different from the way women do. Women react to issues emotionally while men react to issues on realistic terms. For instance, if a woman approaches a man with a particular problem, she expects the man to sympathize with her, but if what she gets is the reverse, then she will conclude that the man is wicked and inhuman.
    GENDER on the other hand can affect interpersonal communication in the sense that a woman that has a masculine voice and behaves more like a man, tend to demand respect from the opposite folk whenever she speaks. In the same vain, a man that has a feminine voice and behaves more like a woman tend to be submissive when having a discussion with the opposite sex even when the situation does not demand it, thereby making the woman to have an "EDGE" over him on a matter or an issue he suppose to take his stand.

    MAT. NO: ICT/2131008009

    Interpersonal communication is the communication that exist in our interpersonal relationship. those involve has a specific pattern of communication that is only known within that range.
    Gender is a fact of being male or female sex is the same as gender they are used interchangeably.
    Research shows that the game children play contribute to socializing children into masculine and feminine, girls playing the domestic roles at home promotes personal relationship, boys term to play more competitive team sport with different goals and strategies.
    Female gender discriminate affect their interpersonal communication with the male, in our Africa setting the female seen as inferior and that they should only been seen as sex machines and domestic home builder.
    Sexual desire is linked to emotions and communicative expression, communication is central in expressing sexual desire, complicated emotional state is the mechanism for negotiating the relationship implication of sexual activity and emotional meaning. Gender differences appears to exist in communicating sexual desire.
    For example, masculine people are generally more interested in sex than the females, the males always show their interest while the female don't go direct.


    Interpersonal communication is generally a form of message relay that occurs between two parties that would wish to create and sustain a meaningful relation of mutual understanding. Sex and Gender affects interpersonal communication in numerous ways, sometimes for the better and sometimes for the worst.
    Looking at sex and interpersonal communication, sex is the classification in behavioral variation between male and female at birth based on biological and psychological characteristics. Studies indicate that women, to a greater extent are sensitive to interpersonal communication that lie ‘’between the lines” in the messages they exchange with their mate especially opposite sex, some may feel harassed with the way the opposite sex relate with them, at the same time will see it as normal when its same sex. Interpersonal communication is restricted when it comes to sex.
    Using the family as a case study the daughter may find her father’s discussion on issues like sport very boring when the son is enjoying every bit of it. The son on the other hand may be frustrated on issues like fashion and style etc. More so, the relationship between mother and daughter is usually intimate especially on her cycle and personal issues, she may feel so shy and not free to share that with her dad no matter how cordial she is with her dad. For men, societal expectations are that they must negotiate hierarchy, or who’s the captain, and more keen on status. The society has establish a barrier on certain professions, activities that specify which sex go for it, e.g. women are the house keeper etc, but with civilization things are changing gradually.
    Gender on the other hand refers to the socially constructed roles, behavior, expectation, duties attributed that a given society consider appropriate for man and woman. This may also affect interpersonal communication when it’s narrowed down to our African culture and religion. Societal expectations often make women responsible for regulating intimacy, or how close they allow others to come. For that reason, the house man may deny his wife treatment from a male gynecologist when he knows she will go naked before him, because he consider himself the only man to see her naked.


    Many people often use communication to express feelings,emotions,opinion and values,to learn and teach and improve their status.The words gender and sex are often use interchangeably, but they are not the refers to behavioral variations between men and women based on biological differences while gender refers to behavioral variations between people due to cultural,sociological and psychological differences.For centuries men and women have sometimes felt as if they were from different planets.The root of this problem may just be in the ways they attempt to communicate with each other.
    Communication can be affected because of the different ways men and women express themselves and interpret others.Recognizing these difference in communication will allow us to prevent these misunderstandings when communicating with the opposite sex.We should also know that our brains are different.That is, men and women tend to do things differently.

    How can sex on one hand and gender on the other hand affect interpersonal communication?
    To a layman 's understanding sex and gender are jointed but in real sense they go parallel and differs in meaning and content.
    According to Wikipedia, gender is the range of physical, mental and behavioral characteristics pertaining and differentiating between masculinity and femininity while sex is the biological and physiological characteristics that define men and women e.g. some examples of sex characteristics are, men have testicles women does not. While gender characteristics is in some nations of the world like Saudi Arabia, women are not allowed to drive cars. Since we have seen the differences between the two, it is clear that gender is a major factor in interpersonal communication. Take for example, gender has a lot to do with culture in most nations of the world which makes the male folks having an upper hand in matters of discourse. Talking about politics, at work place the male gender dominate since tradition is a tool and as a result leading to problems in understanding the context of interpersonal communication. Also some scholars have made known to us that THOUGHT PROCESSING AMONG GENDERS is also a problem that is often generated when it comes to interpersonal communication, women always talk about their internal psychoanalysis as they go through the same process while men keeps it within them till they seek for solution for the subject matter.
    However, sex has gotten its own setback in interpersonal communication. According to Dr. Phil Mcgraw, a well known psychologist in America, 1997. He says physiological differences between sexes is a major problem affecting interpersonal communication. Deborah Tannen Offers (2007) gave a brief dialogue about differences in male and female reaction to interpersonal communication.
    Tom (husband): I am really tired i didn't sleep well last night.
    sue (wife): I don't sleep well either, i never do.
    Tom: Are you trying to belittle me!
    Sue: I am just trying to show that I understand.
    So far we have been able to see that there sexes makes it very differcult for them to understand each other. If it happens to be a male affair all through it could have been a little bit calm.

    i want to show my view on the issue of making friends.
    Let’s face it women and men are always going to have problems understanding one another. As a woman I have to understand (though, it is difficult) how the male species functions. Though sadly, men have to deal with us women who have mood changes, and things that men would never desire to have. The phrase "men, can't live with them can't live without them" and vice versa are exactly true. As human beings we cannot seem to get away from one another. Men are easier going and laid back then woman are. Most females like to know what is going on, and have a structured pattern on what is going on in her life. I do not understand how men can go from beating each other up to being best friends overnight. What I really do not understand is how girls and woman can be such nasty, crude creatures towards one another. Women generally get along better with men and vice versa. Body language is key in detecting conflict amongst sex and gender. One tactic you may observe is a person being passive aggressive. Passive aggressive is a pattern of behaving vengefully while denying that one has aggressive feelings. Another tactic is a demand-withdraw pattern, in which a pattern of behavior, one party makes demands and the other party withdraws from the conversation. As completely different species we should really learn how to understand one better, but it is nearly impossible if every person is different. Humans are difficult to understand and with sex and gender playing into effect it makes life even more difficult to comprehend.

  103. diaso ovie anthony

    my perspective towards this issues is on making a friend to serve as you lover.

    Let’s face it women and men are always going to have problems understanding one another. As a woman I have to understand (though, it is difficult) how the male species functions. Though sadly, men have to deal with us women who have mood changes, and things that men would never desire to have. The phrase "men, can't live with them can't live without them" and vice versa are exactly true. As human beings we cannot seem to get away from one another. Men are easier going and laid back then woman are. Most females like to know what is going on, and have a structured pattern on what is going on in her life. I do not understand how men can go from beating each other up to being best friends overnight. What I really do not understand is how girls and woman can be such nasty, crude creatures towards one another. Women generally get along better with men and vice versa. Body language is key in detecting conflict amongst sex and gender. One tactic you may observe is a person being passive aggressive. Passive aggressive is a pattern of behaving vengefully while denying that one has aggressive feelings. Another tactic is a demand-withdraw pattern, in which a pattern of behavior, one party makes demands and the other party withdraws from the conversation. As completely different species we should really learn how to understand one better, but it is nearly impossible if every person is different. Humans are difficult to understand and with sex and gender playing into effect it makes life even more difficult to comprehend.


    Sex and gender differences does not mean the same thing and its effect to interpersonal communication behaviour differs,
    Sex differences refer to behavioral variations between men and women based on biological differences; gender differences refer to behavioral variations between people due to cultural, sociological, and/or psychological differences. This entry focuses on the manner in which sex differences affect interpersonal communication behavior (→
    Gender and Discourse ).
    One pair refers to the biological categories of male and female. The other pair, men and women, refers to what are now generally regarded as socially constructed concepts that convey the cultural ideals or values of masculinity and femininity.
    This basic difference is important, but it’s most important that you know something else about these two sets of terms. One set has fixed meaning and the other set maintains fluid or dynamic meaning. Because they refer to biological distinctions, the terms male and female are essentially fixed. That is, their meanings are generally unchanging (as concepts if not in reality, since we do live in an age when it’s medically possible to change sexes). Conversely, because they
    are social constructions, the meanings of the gendered terms masculine and feminine are dynamic or fluid. Why? Because their meanings are open to interpretation: Different people give them different meanings. Sometimes, even the same person might interprete these terms differently over time.

    Interpersonal communication can be affected by gender differencesand it can also pose problems in interpersonal interactiions.
    Sex can affect interpersonal relationship when only one person is enjoying the sexual activity,the one person that is not enjoying may not be ablw to talk or express his/her feelings and this might cause grudges,malice or unpleasant behaviour in the home and it will affect the intimacy between the two.this factor can affect interpersonal communication.
    Gender affect interpersonal communication when there some groups are feeling superior and others feel inferior.this feeling affects interpersonal communication and causes a break down in communication.this can also occur because both the male and female express and interpret each other in different ways in some situations wrong interpretations are usually given to such expressions this also has affected interpersonal communication severally.
    Gender refers to the psychological and social manifestation of being male or female,it also has to do with the attributes the sexes possess, their behavioural patterns, each bEhaviour or attitudes can affect the flow or cause a bridge in interpersonal communication
    Conclusively,whatever effect that affect interpersonal communication can either be positive or negative irrespective of the gender or sex.

  106. Eigbebemen Grace. ICT/2131290046. Broadcast option. Sex refers to the genetic and biological status of beign male or female. While gender refers to the psychological and social manifestation of beign male or famale. It is generally believed women and men diFfer grEatly in their style of communication. The genetic make up of men and women is partly responsible for these differenced. Men and women differ in their body languagE, facial expression and speech pattern. Therefore, the ways in which men and women use language and non verbal cues to communicate can be so dIfferent. Which in turn affect interpersonal communication.

    Sex is the biological state or fact of being male or female. While Gender is the state of being male or female with reference to social or cultural differences.
    It is generally believed that women and men differ greatly in the style of communication. The genetic make-up of men and women is partly responsible for those differences that is why boys and girls are born different and they grow and develop differently, they learn strictly different behaviours. It is postulated that men talk to ask or provide facts or assert themselves, while women talk to establish relationships. It is also believed that women convey feelings easily and quicker to ask for help, while men tend to compete more.
    This shows that with the differences in them when with or communicating with the opposite sex, there is supremacy and loyalty, and this sometimes leads to communication conflict. We may be predisposed by our gender to perceive realities in different ways, due to this people may be blind to the effect their message have on the opposite sex.
    If society evolve to reduce stereotyped expectations from the genders then there will be a significant reduction in interpersonal conflict between the sexes and life will be much easier for both sexes in fulfilling their biological and social roles in tandem for mutual fulfilment.

  108. Udoh patience ime/ict/2131290027/print.interpersonal communication can be affected or hindaed because of the different ways men and women express themselves and interpret others or in the ways we attempt to communicate with each other, sex differences
    ts refers to behavioural varition between men and woman based on biological differences while gender difference refers to behhavioiral variations between people due to culture,sociological and psychological differences, sex and gender can affect interpersonal communication because of the difference in language abilities and is generally believed that woman and men differ greatly in their style of communication.the genetic make up of men and women in party resposible for these diferences. Bys and girls are born differnt and even grow and develop differntly.they learn strikingly different behaviours.for example, it is postlilated that men talk to ask or provide facts or assert themselves while women talk to establish relationship.personally I feel that nurture or social and culture learning plays a more significant role in influencing communication and behavior than neuro physiological differences between men and women.but it is obvious that these differences are a frequent couse of conflict it between the sexes.

  109. MARCUS ONOHI CHINYERE broadcast option hnd 1,ICT/2131290189.gender is the range of physical,mental,and behavioural characteristics pertaining to something and differentiating between masculinity and is the genetic and biological status of being male or female.Gender and sex can affect interpersonal communication.let's face it women and men are always going to have problems understanding one a woman I have to understand though it is difficult how the male species function.women generally get along wit men and vice versa.body language is a key in detecting conflict amongst sex and tactic you may Observe is a person being. Passive agressive.another. Tactic is a demanding withdraw pattern,in which a pattern of behaviour ,one party makes demand and the other party withdraws from the conversation.humans are difficult to understand and with sex and gender playing into effect it makes. Life even more difficult to comprehend.

  110. MAMUDU YAHAHA SHAKA print option,ICT/2131290259. Sex and Gender can mar interpersonal communication in the sense that the relationship between the same sex and gender is more likely to b more intimate than that of the opposite sex and gender.even in some marriage situation,there are some persons who confide more on their friends who are of the same gender than their spouse.for. Instance a guy can be with his girlfriend when his friend enterered and they may have some important issue to discuss due to the presence of that girl they may not be able to discuss what they want to discuss because,they feel that the girl will not find such conversation interesting in that process the interpersonal communication that would have taken place between both friends wil be affected by the presence of the girl.

  111. MICHEAEL EGBEJULE broadcast option,ICT/ and gender are intertwined,the sex of a person or animal is their characteristic of being either male or female.while gender is the fact that the person is a male or interpersonal communication,gender are groups that are traditional descriminated against on grounds of gender,colour,race or age.however sex in group communication refers to that isolation of groups either mainly male or mainly female in their interaction in the the case of a widely held belive that nursing as a profession is dominated by the female Sex,while engineering as a discipline is dominated by the male sex.this variation further confirms sex in interpersonal communication as distinct from gender.

    The word gender and sex are usually used interchangeably, however these words do not mean exactly same thing, understanding these gender difference during communication will help to produce a positive effect.
    The word sex refers to the genetic and biological status of being male or female while gender refers to the psychological and social manifestations of being male or female.
    1. Body Language: Is a key in detecting conflict amongst sex and gender
    (a) One tactics you may observe is a person being passive aggressive.
    i. Passive Aggressive: This is a pattern of behaving vengefully while denying that one has aggressive feelings.
    ii. Demand withdraw pattern: A pattern of behavior one demand and the other party withdraws from the conversation.
    2. Non verbal: women are considered to be nonverbal. They prefer to smile and learn towards others during conversation. Also used pleasant worm voice while men are straight and sharp movement, women have more fluid movement.
    In interpersonal communication We must no that humans are difficult to understand and with gender in view, we need to manager their differences for effective communication.

    The word gender and sex are usually used interchangeably, however these words do not mean exactly same thing, understanding these gender difference during communication will help to produce a positive effect.
    The word sex refers to the genetic and biological status of being male or female while gender refers to the psychological and social manifestations of being male or female.
    1. Body Language: Is a key in detecting conflict amongst sex and gender
    (a) One tactics you may observe is a person being passive aggressive.
    i. Passive Aggressive: This is a pattern of behaving vengefully while denying that one has aggressive feelings.
    ii. Demand withdraw pattern: A pattern of behavior one demand and the other party withdraws from the conversation.
    2. Non verbal: women are considered to be nonverbal. They prefer to smile and learn towards others during conversation. Also used pleasant worm voice while men are straight and sharp movement, women have more fluid movement.
    In interpersonal communication We must no that humans are difficult to understand and with gender in view, we need to manager their differences for effective communication.

    MAT. NO.:ICT/2131290113
    Sometimes, it is hard to understand exactly what is meant the term “Gender” and how it differs from the closely related term “Sex”. According to Medilxicon’s Medical dictionary the word Gender originate from Middle English Gendre, which came from Old French, which in turn came from the Latin word Genus, meaning ‘type’, or ‘sort’.
    While the word ‘Sex’ originates from Middle English, meaning ‘Section’ or ‘Divide’. But in Latin, the word sex means the number ‘six’. Sex refers to the biological and physiological characteristics that define men and women.
    Gender refers to the socially constructed roles, behaviours, activities, and attitudes that a given society considers appropriate for men and women. Meaning “male” and ‘female” are sex categories while “masculine” and “feminine” are gender categories.
    For instance, Nursing is often seen as a woman’s job, although many men are into the profession. Again, many more men than women smoke as female smoking has not traditionally been considered appropriate.
    Sex which is biological influence can also be labeled as ‘Nature’ while ‘Gender’ which is the cultural influence can as well be labeled as “Nurture”. Nature and nurture work together to influence interpersonal communication. For instance, we are born with the ability to communicate effectively, which is the nature perspective. We can learn how to communicate effectively, which is the nurture perspective.
    In this case, the gene that we inherited from our parents influences our personality and communication behaviours and also affects our interpersonal communication. When we hear people say to us that our voices or mannerisms are just like our mother’s or father’s, what they are referring to is the impact our biology has on our interpersonal communication. Our mother’s tongue can also affect our interpersonal communication.
    Culture is a learned system of knowledge, behavior, attitude, beliefs, values and norms that is shared by group of people. Through nurturing, or how people are being raised up by their parents and other family members, they learn their culture. For instance, some parents teach their children how to greet another person by shaking the other person’s hand and looking him or her in the eyes. Some teach their children to genuflect when greeting another person as a sign of respect.
    Again, other parents may teach their children to keep their eyes directly to towards the floor when greeting an adult. Children are not biologically programmed to do so, it is a learned behavior or how they must have been nurtured to do so.
    All the above reasons are ways in which sex on one hand, and gender on the other can affect interpersonal communication.

    MAT NO: ICT/2131207491
    Sex refers to categories into which organisms are categorized either male or female. It is the property that distinguishes humans on the basis of their reproductive role weather biologically or psychologically on the basis of their internal and external sex organs.
    Gender on the other hand describes the characteristics a society or culture delineates as being masculine or feminine. It refers to roles, behavior, expectations and activities of both sexes in the society.
    Therefore sex is biological and the same in all culture while gender roles are different cross culturally. It means that the role, reasoning and functions of the male in the society in response to situation differs from that of the female given the same conditions, thereby affecting their mode of inter communicating with others.
    It is a fact that men and women have different thought processes, so they differ in the way they respond to issues because men and women tend to do things differently. Women tend to ponder or worry and talk about their issues while men wait for answers before they talk. Also women want sympathy unlike men who want solution to their problem.
    When individuals choose to communicate beyond the barriers of their specific roles, interpersonal communication takes place which leads to a mental and emotional bonding between the two people.

    MAT NO: ICT/2131207522 HND 1 print option

    Intrapersonal communication is the process of co-ordinating meaning between two or more person. It is very crucial in our interaction and it could be between teacher and pupils, parents, friends, husband and wife.
    Gender and sex do not exactly mean the same thing in the sense that gender is the classification by which words are grouped as feminine masculine or neuter while sex is the characteristics that distinguishes male and female organism on the basis of their reproductive functions, but both are used interchangeably.
    Gender and sex affects interpersonal communication because females reveal a lot of their private lives in their conversation while men dominate conversation and establish a hierarchy over time.
    This hierarchy has posed problems because they try to compete, exert control and even maintain the upper hand. Men focus on status and independence while female focus on intimacy and connection.
    However, sex and gender affect interpersonal communication in that female are not regarded in the society, some religion don’t regard women, they see them to end in kitchen and due to this much discrimination, females, even when they have good and beneficial ideas to solve a particular problem in the society, they are not given the full support for their expressions, such encourages gender inequality and at the same time affect interpersonal communication.

  117. Yakubu Ochuwa Zuliat
    Mass communication
    HND1 broadcast option
    This is because oof the difference that exist between both sexes
    During interpersonal communication with opposing genders there is usually this conflict of interest sex may not be fully comfortable, i.e why there is always a diffferent atmosphere when people of of same sex engage in interpersonal communication. For instance the females, the get very chatty and seem to express themselves more. But this only happens in the company of like sex. this is same with male genders, they tend to converse more carefully when option opposing sex. It is a biological designation and gender is set of socially constructed expectation for men and women. Sex difference refers to behavioural variation between men and women based on biological difference.

    The word sex and gender are concepts that have two to three categories i.e. male, female and hermaphrodite. The word sex refers to the biological identity of being a male or female. It helps to give a clear definition of these categories in the society. In other hand, gender focuses on the social and cultural construct regarding to the behavioural difference. In line with this, sex and gender affect interpersonal communication in terms to signify the differences of biological and cultural interactions. For example, most researcher focuses on the expression used by one concept “gender” in relationships ad roles between people in the society.
    The social classes upholds the idea that psychologically conditioned in early life lead to who we are and become as a result of the social interactions
    Interpersonal communication ha also been affected in this angle, for instance, women are responsive, supportive, value equality and work towards sustaining interaction. In other words, men are less responsive; their talk is more abstract and less personal. To this extent, the difficulties in interpersonal communication are believed to exist.
    Ordinarily, there is differences between men and women in areas like: feelings, needs desires and understanding f approach to situations can affect interpersonal communication depending on how it has been utilizes.
    For example, if two people are talking to each other, there is always a distortion due to how they perceived themselves.
    Another aspect that can affect interpersonal communication through “sex and gender” is called “styles”. These styles of interactions can be competitive, commands and emotional content. Generally, it is of the view that women are more emotional than men. In other words, men seek for power and status in order to control the society they find themselves. As a result of these, some parts of interpersonal communication appears to be competitive and commands, by so doing affect the process of communication.
    In summary, “sex and gender’ had lead to diversity and characteristics of those involved also affect interpersonal communication

    Sex and gender are some time taken to mean the same thing, but a little different exist between them.
    Sex as the names implies means the genetic and biological status of indicating either a child is a male or female. In other hand, sex can be view as sexual behavior between a man and woman purposely for child bearing and for pleasure.
    While gender refer to behavioral variations between people for cultural and sociological difference. In this case, both now affect interpersonal communication, in the sense that male are now seen to be superior or stronger over the female counterpart.
    In some societies today, men are been regarded as able to manage or handle any office while women are restricted to some offices. It also affect interpersonal communication in terms language usage, because they grow and develop differently.
    After all, men and women must function together and form their biological and social rules in tandem for mutual fulfillment

    Sex is the biological character or quality that distinguish male from female. While gender on its own is the category to which an individual is assigned by self or others on the basis of sex.
    Communication can be affected or hinder because of the different way men and women express themselves and interpret others. Men and women actually differ in their language abilities and in the way they talk.
    According to a research carried out by 400 students of the University of Texas and Mathia Mehl of the Arizona University it was discovered that men speaks 15569 words daily and women 16215 words daily.
    Inspite of this findings it is generally believed women and men differ greatly in their style of communication. Women speaks at a high face than men and this might make them to be consider as talkative by the male sex. The genetic make-up of men and women is partly responsible for these differences. These differences brings about conflict between the both sex because the male sex hormone is associated with higher level of aggression. These two different sex perceive realities in different ways which might have a negative effect on interpersonal communication.
    Gender differences in communication may pose problem in interpersonal communication leading to intolerance, resentment stress and decreased because men and women view issues from different angles

    These two words do not mean the same thing. Though, many people use it interchangeably.
    Sex refers to the genetic and biological status of either being male or female. While Gender refers to the psychological and social manifestation of being male or female.
    It is generally believed that women and men differ greatly in their style of communication. The genetic makeup of men and women is partly responsible for these differences. Men and women differ in their body language, facial expression and speech pattern. Therefore, the ways that men and women use language and non verbal cues to communicate can be so different. As a result, this affect interpersonal communication.

    MAT NO ; ICT/2131208177
    Interpersonal communication is the presentation of self in one’s dairy living it makes it possible to identify the cultural inflows or the way of life of a people, you can able to establish people lifestyle when you go to their village or know more about their culture In all, when sex or gender is ‘dearly’ considered in interpersonal communication in each context on which these terms are applied, gender can affect interpersonal communication because of the different way men and woman express themselves and interpreted
    Sex can affect interpersonal communication because it is believed that men are more intelligent and smart then woman
    Gender can affect interpersonal communication, how we communicate our gender is influenced by the values and beliefs of our particular culture
    These two terms may sound similar in their ordinary usage but different the context in which each is used. Looking at this differences will lead us to the question how the two terms affects interpersonal communication. The context in which communication is taking place could be physical, cultural,. The immediate surrounding will certainly affects interpersonal communication. In some culture, it is not common to see people of the opposite sex sitting together discussing personal issue.{this could be seen as an act of infidelity in the case of married women}
    Gender on the other hand which is equally defined by a particular society at a particular era also slow down interpersonal communication. People who are not of the same social class could be said not to be of the same equal or of the same gender.
    Sex refers to the biological and physiological character and defined men and women. [WHO]. Sex is strictly biological. Gender on the other hand by definition describe the characteristics that a society delineates to masculine of feminine.
    Gender communication is cultural. Meanings for masculinity and femininity, and ways of communicating those identities, are largely determined by culture. A culture is made up of belief systems, values, and behaviors that support a particular ideology or social system. How we communicate our gender is influenced by the values and beliefs of our particular culture. What is considered appropriate gender behavior in one culture may be looked down upon in another. In America women often wear shorts and tank tops to keep cool in the summer. Think back to summer vacations to popular American tourist destinations where casual dress is the norm. If you were to travel to Rome, Italy to visit the Vatican, this style of dress is not allowed. There, women are expected to dress in more formal attire, to reveal less skin, and to cover their hair as a display of respect. Not only does culture influence how we communicate gender identities, it also influences the interpretation, understanding, or judgment of the gender displays of others. As cited by (Kyratzis & Guo, 2001; Ramsey, 2004).


    Understanding the meaning of these two words Sex and Gender is important, because it will be of great help in knowing how they affect interpersonal communication. Many people mistakenly use Sex and Gender interchangeably. However, these words do not mean the same thing. Sex refers to genetic and biological status of being male and female, while gender refers to the psychological and manifestations of being male or female, i.e the socially defined, learned, constructed, accoutrements of sex, such as hair style, dress, nonverbal mannerism, interests (Lippa, 2002). Gender focuses on the social construct regarding a behavioural, cultural or psychological traits typically associated with one sex.

    Man cannot live in isolation; there is the need to relate with one another. The relations can be in the form of same sex or opposite sex. For example a relationship between a spinster and a bachelor, during the period of courtship, they will discuss how they want their home to be after marriage. Parent buying clothes and toys for male and female children signify gender.

    Natural, women and men view on issue is not always the same; women folks will protect their interest while men will also protect their own interest. Women communicate through dialogue and emotions, male remain actions oriented. Women are considered as being polite and less aggressive. Practically, in interpersonal communication, female to female, male to male and opposite sex conversation take different forms, on same issue, their mood and tone will be totally different.

    In communication men sit side by side next to each other or stand at distance. Women sit face to face with other women or stand closer indicating a more open and intimate position while face to face position indicates challenge or confrontation.

    Gender differences may pose problem interpersonal interactions, leading to intolerance, stress and resentment.


    MAT NO: ICT/2131290188



    Sex or sex differences refer to behavioural variations between men and women based on
    biological differences of which includes chromosomes, hormonal profiles, internal and external sex organs while gender or gender differences on the other hand refer to behavioural variations between people due to cultural, sociological, and/or psychological differences it also describes the characteristics that a society or culture delineates as masculine or feminine.

    The question as to how does sex
    affect interpersonal communication could
    also be said to be how sex affect your own relationship as an individual. However, sex have positive and negative effect on interpersonal communication. Sex between two lovers could bring a positive effect like intimacy, and unity, while sex between two people who have no predefined relationship could be negative, because that might be the end of the relationship. and it might also lead to so many misunderstanding. From statistics, men sexual hormones are more needy than that of women and any misunderstanding from both parties can lead or disrupt the relationship.

    Gender on the other can also affect interpersonal communication because ones gender often pre-dispose the way we perceive realities
    differently. The way the society sees gender differences also play a role in influencing our interpersonal communication due to cultural belief and social attachment. Eg, in African societal belief, men are seen as the breadwinner of a family and are supposed to be well respected by the female folks and when the woman or the wife per say refuse to accord such respect to the man, the marriage or relationship might be bound to fail. Also, when a woman becomes the breadwinner of the house of which most African culture or belief kicks against, it also lead to interpersonal conflict which often lead to relationship breakdown. If also the same respect of a man as the bread winner is not accorded to her because of her gender issues when she in turn becomes the breadwinner, it also affects her interpersonal communication.

  125. Ekaezue Uchechukwu HND1. Ict/2131/207/112. Print option. Personally Interpersonal communication hovers around our day to day interaction  with more than one persons.Sex differs to variations between men and women behaviors based on  gender differences in reference  to socio-cultural differences..
    majorly one main effect of SEX and GENDER on interpersonal communication is all in the process information sharing of both sex, Women tend to articulate their information women review much of their private life when they engage in discussion than men who only tend to give abstract ideas and less personal. Many people fail to recognize this important differences which make interpersonal communication difficult on a day to day basis, also in this differrences lots of men see themselves as problem solver while women wants to be listened and pay attention when they air their problems and not providing solutions at that point of expression, these misconception affect the easy flow of interpersonal communication as it may bring up unfavorable argument and misunderstanding. More so Interpersonal communication can be affected by sex and gender because interpersonal communication is generally a form of communication that involves a close interaction between individuals whose dependency to each other is absolute which means that different sex and gender need to interact closely because they depend on each other for interpersonal communication to take place but because of sex and gender differences it may affect the flow of communication thereby affecting interpersonal communication SEX and GENDER in the effect of interpersonal communication are use interchangeably to mean male or female but these words do not mean the same thing,as sex refers to the genetic and biological status of being male or female; while gender refers to the psychological and social manifestations of being male or female.however both of them affect interpersonal communication indenpently to increase the effectivness of the message being related, they work together to ensure clarity and understanding. In total Interpersonal communication is affected by the different ways both sex gender express themselves, these usually exist in the communication of feelings,needs and desire, understanding a situation and relating to it and also their approach to situations

  126. In most relationships especially intense ones the member makes intimacy claims on each other such claims may includes expectation that the partners will sympathize and empathize. Attempt to such disclosures with total absorptions or share the others preferences with equal intensity. This intimacy claims often restrict personal freedom and may take the form of possessiveness. To be always responsive, always sympathetic, always loving, and always attentive is more than many can manage. In some relationships, the intimacy claims and demand are so great that the partner’s individual’s identities may be in danger of being absorbed or destroy, and this contribute or affect the interpersonal communication.
    In spite of these findings, it is generally believed women and men differ greatly in their styles of communication. The genetic make-up of men and women is partly responsible for these differences. Boys and girls are born different and even grow and develop differently. Further, they learn strikingly different behaviours. For example, it is postulated that men talk to ask or provide facts or assert themselves while women talk to establish relationships. It is also believed that women convey feelings easily and are quicker to ask for help, while men tend to compete more.
    To cut a long story short, men and women differ in their body language, facial expressions, speech patterns and behaviour. The interesting thing about these differences is that we may be predisposed by our gender to perceive realities in different ways. This means that the ways in which men and women use language (and non-verbal cues) to communicate can be so different that many people may actually be ‘blind’ to the effects their messages have on the opposite sex - each person generating a perception in his or her mind and believing that something must be inherently wrong with the opposite sex; for, they fail to grasp the obvious meaning of what is uttered or implied.

  127. ESUANA MUNIRETU HND1 BROADCAST ICT/2131208609. Sex and gender is swappable or transposable,but they do not mean the same thing.The concept of gender describes the social construction of male and female identity and social roles.Gender influences beliefs about what activities and behaviours are considered appropriate for men and women as well as the skills and personality attributes that are most valued depending on the person's sex.Sex on the other hand refers to the behavioural uniqueness between men and women based on biological differences.Gender and sex deeply affects communication in terms of interpersonal styles,choice of word,voice modulation and content.Men and women approach conversation with different set of rules.Men focus on staus and their independence, while women focus on intimacy and connection.This difference makes communication between them a problem.When communicating,there is a difference in thinking,reaction,feeling,love,need,response and appreciation between men and women.Men use the loudness of their voices to emphasize a point,while women use pitch for emphasis.Also,men tend to interrupt more often than women do.All these attributes men and women exhibit during conversation goes a long to affect interpersonal communication.


    "Sex" refers to the biological and physiological characteristics that define men and women.

    "Gender" refers to the socially constructed roles, behaviours, activities, and attributes that a given society considers appropriate for men and women.To put it another way "Male" and "female" are sex categories, while "masculine" and "feminine" are gender categories.
    some countries have this sex barrier about male and female.they tend to be so authoritative making interpersonal communication not fufilled. The sexes in every community, country, or society determines the interpersonal communication level.
    Difference in gender can also result to difference in the topic of discuss between men and women which can also lead to conflict in interpersonal communication. These topical differences can result to misunderstanding between the communicating parties. Heather R. Huhman, author of “How to Be a Part of the Male Conversations at Work”, reports that women focus more on feelings and tend to talk about people while men focus more on facts and logic and tend to talk about tangible things such as business or sports.This tends to cause argument in communication making interpersonal communication forfeited.

  129. In most relationships especially intense ones the member makes intimacy claims on each other such claims may includes expectation that the partners will sympathize and empathize. Attempt to such disclosures with total absorptions or share the others preferences with equal intensity. This intimacy claims often restrict personal freedom and may take the form of possessiveness. To be always responsive, always sympathetic, always loving, and always attentive is more than many can manage. In some relationships, the intimacy claims and demand are so great that the partner’s individual’s identities may be in danger of being absorbed or destroy, and this contribute or affect the interpersonal communication.
    In spite of these findings, it is generally believed women and men differ greatly in their styles of communication. The genetic make-up of men and women is partly responsible for these differences. Boys and girls are born different and even grow and develop differently. Further, they learn strikingly different behaviours. For example, it is postulated that men talk to ask or provide facts or assert themselves while women talk to establish relationships. It is also believed that women convey feelings easily and are quicker to ask for help, while men tend to compete more.
    To cut a long story short, men and women differ in their body language, facial expressions, speech patterns and behaviour. The interesting thing about these differences is that we may be predisposed by our gender to perceive realities in different ways. This means that the ways in which men and women use language (and non-verbal cues) to communicate can be so different that many people may actually be ‘blind’ to the effects their messages have on the opposite sex - each person generating a perception in his or her mind and believing that something must be inherently wrong with the opposite sex; for, they fail to grasp the obvious meaning of what is uttered or implied.

    Before I explain how sex gender affects interpersonal communication, it is expedient to know the meaning of interpersonal communication and sex gender. Therefore interpersonal communication can be defined as a face to face communication between two or more persons. While sex gender refers to male and female
    Gender differences refer to behavior variation between people due to cultural, sociological and or psychological differences. This entry focuses on the manner in which sex difference affect interpersonal behavior.
    Gender role play too big of a role in a society today .communication can be affected or hinder because of the different ways men and women express themselves and interpret other. Recognizing these differences in communication will allow us to prevent these misunderstanding when communicating with the opposite sex.
    Sex gender affect interpersonal communication from the different ways of reasoning, communicating and handling issues, therefore by so doing, it (gender problems) can cause misunderstanding that rule relationship. Gender can also occur as a low level of thinking and exposure.
    Men and women are different, they think different, act differently, they look differently and they condition differently, because they are different in almost all ramification, it affect interpersonal communication.
    Men and women communicate differently and tend to discuss on different topic s but the way we communicate base on our gender can also be learned and control therefore interpersonal communication assist the both gender learn to know more about the opposite gender’s strength weakness and able to cope with the differences . Interpersonal communication affects gender by establishing connection through concern with preserving independence.
    More so problem arises because men and women try to live up to their gender’s roles, in the same way their same gender did. In other to limit it is by being ourselves, not who we are supposed to be.
    Above all, interpersonal communication affect the gender in the sense that, it assist the sex different gender to understand better about their individual differences and know how to cope with them by applying wisdom , because wisdom and understanding matter a lot, it can either make nor mar any relationship, also aid swift flow in interpersonal communication.

  131. Gender is the fact of being a male or a female. In other words, in trying to know the gender of a particular person, we look at those features in a human being that makes him either a male or a female. Sex on the other hand, is the state of being a make or a female. These gender difference in human beings either male or female, affect the way they communicate with each other. In interpersonal communication, the diversity and the gender characteristics of those involved in any form of interaction can thus affect the communication. In the interpersonal communication environment,the gender and sex of a person can affect the communication due to the different styles and language he may employ in communicating. Gender and sex difference in interpersonal communication may create problems leading to stress,decrease in productivity and ineffective communication. According to John Gray (1992),he stated that in interpersonal communication,women use superlatives, metaphors, and generalisations while men will interprete literally causing mis-communication between both sexes. He added that men are more direct and straight forward when communicating. Apart from that,interpersonal communication can be affected because of the difference between the male and the female in terms of thinking,feeling,and reaction and as a result, this goes a long way to affect the way they communicate within the interpersonal communication environment. In an interpersonal communication between a male and a female, we find that when listening, women makes noises such as mm,hmm and even uh huh while men are more likely to listen silently. More so, women are more inclined to face each other and make eye contact when communicating while men are more likely to look away from each other and as a result,it goes a long way to affect the communication especially within the interpersonal communication environment.

  132. NAME: ORAHEMO EVAWERE MAT NO: ICT/21312O635 CLASS: HND1 MASS COMMUNICATION(PRINT OPTION). Gender is the fact of being a male or a female. In other words, in trying to know the gender of a particular person, we look at those features in a human being that makes him either a male or a female. Sex on the other hand, is the state of being a make or a female. These gender difference in human beings either male or female, affect the way they communicate with each other. In interpersonal communication, the diversity and the gender characteristics of those involved in any form of interaction can thus affect the communication. In the interpersonal communication environment,the gender and sex of a person can affect the communication due to the different styles and language he may employ in communicating. Gender and sex difference in interpersonal communication may create problems leading to stress,decrease in productivity and ineffective communication. According to John Gray (1992),he stated that in interpersonal communication,women use superlatives, metaphors, and generalisations while men will interprete literally causing mis-communication between both sexes. He added that men are more direct and straight forward when communicating. Apart from that,interpersonal communication can be affected because of the difference between the male and the female in terms of thinking,feeling,and reaction and as a result, this goes a long way to affect the way they communicate within the interpersonal communication environment. In an interpersonal communication between a male and a female, we find that when listening, women makes noises such as mm,hmm and even uh huh while men are more likely to listen silently. More so, women are more inclined to face each other and make eye contact when communicating while men are more likely to look away from each other and as a result,it goes a long way to affect the communication especially within the interpersonal communication environment.

    MAT NO:ICT/2131208468
    Interpersonal communication is what we do on a daily basis, it is communication that takes place between two or more individuals. Gender refers to the external manifestation one’s gender identity through masculine feminine or gender neutral behavior, clothing, hairstyles or body characteristic. It is claimed that boys learn to manipulate their physical and social environment through physical strength while girls lean to present themselves as objects to be viewed. When messages are transmitted from sender to receiver there is a potential for distortion of messages due o how it may be perceived. Differences in communication between men and women may be as a result of this distortion 0r differences in the style and content of the messages. These different styles of communication affects interpersonal communication.

  134. Mass communication Hnd 1 Broadcast. -ict\2131278560. MAHMOOD RAMAT. Gender,sex and communication is a relatively new specialization of the communication field that focuses on the ways female and males of the human species communicate in different contexts. In the process of communicating there is a great difference between the way a woman talks and the way a. Man talks. When we talk of gender in interpersonal coommunication we mean communication between men and women. As human beings we cannot seem to get away from one are easier going and laid back than women are.Women generally get along better with men and vice versa.Body language is the key in detecting conflict amongst sex and gender.Humans are difficult to understand and with sex and gender playing into effect makes life even more difficult to understand.In the process of interpersonal communication between a male and a female. Gesture can affect. Communication especially when a man is communicating with a woman,the movement of a body,her eyes,etc can send either a positive or negative signal to the other party.

  135. umoh Blessing, Ict/213120/439: Interpersonal communication is defined as the interaction between two or more people. Sex is the coming together of male and female. Before a male and female can get their self involved sex there must be interaction and intimacy amount them. While gender means generating a masculine and feminine. Therefore,gender and sex can affect interpersonal communication through man and woman coming together and having sex. Men are more strong and tend to compete more. While woman easily ask for help and pures their feelings and compete for more attention.

  136. ABU CHRISTIAN ILUEBE,mat no ICT/2131208324 PRINT OPTION.gender communication,many people use the word gender and sex interchangeably,however these Words do not mean the same thing.the word sex refers to the genetic and biological status of being a male Or female,while gender refers to the psychological and social manifestation of being male or female is the socially ,defined,constructed accountrements of sex such as hairstyle,dress,non verbal mannerisms and interest (lippa,2002). Generally,the communication style of women Has been described As being more emotoinal than men.women focus on feelings and building relationships while men focus on power on status.besides the culture of a society is also a major determinant in male and female communication summary,interpersonal Communication Being self presentation of one,s daily living can easily affect the sex and gender of both sex.

    MAT. NO: ICT/2131207254

    In the interest of healthy interpersonal communication, women need to recognize, appreciate, and seek not to exploit the male’s omni-present awareness of, and need for sex. Men, on the other hand, need to learn to wear their highly charged sexuality respectfully, with awareness and respect both for how women differ, and for the need women have for safe and respectful boundaries.
    In sum, where high quality interpersonal communication is embedded in relationships characterized by love and respect, men are connected to their tender feelings and women are connected to their erotic needs. In this state, sexuality and affection appear symmetrical and balanced. In these balanced relationships, gender differences regarding sexuality tend to fade. Conversely, where communication breaks down, and negatively charged walls are erected, women cannot get to their erotic side, and men cannot get to their tender side. In these unbalanced relationships, gender differences regarding sexuality become walls rather than pathways to intimacy.
    Foremost, men and women in relationships need to talk with each other about how each person experiences and communicates emotions. These dialogues need to be without judgment or blame. If we do not understand how the other often feels, as well as how these feelings are communicated, misinterpretations will abound. Resultant confusion and misunderstanding creates unnecessary distance in relationships. Secondarily, men and women need to talk about how the other’s experiences; the other’s emotions, as communicated. In essence, we need to understand how the other feels when certain emotions are communicated. Again, these dialogues need to be without judgment or blame.

    LEVEL: HND 1
    MAT. NO: ICT/213120382

    "Sex" refers to the biological and physiological characteristics that define men and women.
    "Gender" refers to the socially constructed roles, behaviors, activities, and attributes that a given society considers appropriate for men and women....Aspects of sex will not vary substantially between different human societies, while aspects of gender may vary greatly.
    Some examples of sex characteristics :

    Women menstruate while men do not
    Men have testicles while women do not
    Women have developed breasts that are usually capable of lactating, while men have not
    Men generally have more massive bones than women

    Some examples of gender characteristics :

    In the United States (and most other countries), women earn significantly less money than men for similar work
    In Viet Nam, many more men than women smoke, as female smoking has not traditionally been considered appropriate
    In Saudi Arabia men are allowed to drive cars while women are not
    In most of the world, women do more housework than men

  139. Akhigbe Blessing
    HND 1 (Print Option)

    According to Wikipedia, gender is the range of physical, mental and behavioral characteristics pertaining and differentiating between masculinity and femininity while sex is the biological and physiological characteristics that define men and women e.g. some examples of sex characteristics are, men have testicles women does not. While gender characteristics is in some nations of the world like Saudi Arabia, women are not allowed to drive cars. Since we have seen the differences between the two, it is clear that gender is a major factor in interpersonal communication. Take for example, gender has a lot to do with culture in most nations of the world which makes the male folks having an upper hand in matters of discourse. Talking about politics, at work place the male gender dominate since tradition is a tool and as a result leading to problems in understanding the context of interpersonal communication.
    Interpersonal communication is generally a form of message relay that occurs between two parties that would wish to create and sustain a meaningful relation of mutual understanding. Sex and Gender affects interpersonal communication in numerous ways, sometimes for the better and sometimes for the worst. Looking at sex and interpersonal communication, sex is the classification in behavioral variation between male and female at birth based on biological and psychological characteristics.

    MAT.NO: ICT/2131207356

    Sex = male and female
    Gender = masculine and feminine
    So in essence:
    Sex refers to biological differences; chromosomes, hormonal profiles, internal and external sex organs.
    Gender describes the characteristics that a society or culture delineates as masculine or feminine.
    So while your sex as male or female is a biological fact that is the same in any culture, what that sex means in terms of your gender role as a 'man' or a 'woman' in society can be quite different cross culturally. These 'gender roles' have an impact on the health of the individual.

    In sociological terms 'gender role' refers to the characteristics and behaviours that different cultures attribute to the sexes. What it means to be a 'real man' in any culture requires male sex plus what our various cultures define as masculine characteristics and behaviours, likewise a 'real woman' needs female sex and feminine characteristics.

  141. Anuka Francisca
    HND 1 (Broadcast Option)

    Interpersonal communications can be affected by sex and Gender because of the difference that exist between both sexes. Sex differences refer to behavioral variations between men and women based on biological differences; gender differences refer to behavioral variations between people due to cultural, sociological, and/or psychological differences.
    During interpersonal communication, messages must be carefully selected through choices of words used. For example; a boy may say to another boy during interpersonal communication, "Stop being a woman", this literally means be strong, or toughen up, don't act like a woman. But if that same line is use by a boy during interpersonal communication with a girl, the message is bound to be affected. Interpersonal communication,you will agree with me that there are Some religion that see it as a sin, where a boy and a girl relate together closely not to talk of being friends. In
    This situation the level of interpersonal communication will be very low.
    Communication between men and women can be considered cross-cultural communication. People in different cultures speak different dialects. In fact, John Gray in his book, Men are From Mars, Women are From Venus, suggests that men and women communicate in such different ways that they seem to be from different planets. Communication can be affected or hindered because of the different ways men and women express themselves and interpret others.

    Mat. No.: ICT/2131208193
    Option: Print
    Class: HND 1 Mass Communication

    Gender refers to the socially constructed roles of and relation between men and women, while sex refers to biological characteristics which defines Human beings as females or male. This biological characteristics mutually exclusive however, as their individuals who posses both.
    Interpersonal communication is the relation between one or two persons by way of exchanging ideas or passing information for better understanding of issue.
    As a matter of fact two characteristics of a human being affect interpersonal communication in several ways because it has to do with attitude or behavioral pattern as well as the power of reasoning and reactions to communication situation. every human being are not the same weather male or female. Gender or sex affects interpersonal communication positively or negatively, depending on the understanding of the parties involved at a time. It is most often clear that “women” sometimes takes issue very high as far as to ruin relationship as unexpected by the opposite sex (male). They are easily pissed up with silly argument which could sometime turns into a full – brown battle. This could be traced to our manner of communication with each other, although it is not almost the same with every individual.
    One of the phenomenon of sexes according to Meghan M is the differences in brain as regards to intelligence which is due to among male and female. Also Rex- John who gave credit to the way we were been brought up as children. Another area of taught is our thaught processing that also bring differences in communication between man and woman. Julia Cole say that a relationship many people fail in their relationship due to their inability to handle communication firmly.
    In order to avoid misunderstanding which sometimes results to argument, the opposite Sex (male) should be aware of differences in style and reaction in helping each other in communication female counteracts.

  143. Eigbebemen grace.
    These two words do not mean the same thing. Though many people use them interchangeably.
    Sex refer to genetic and biological status of being male or female. While Gender refers to the psychological and social manifestation of being male or female.
    It is believed that women and men differ greatly in their body language, facial expression and speech patterns.therfore the ways in which men and women use language and non verbal cues to communicate can be so different which in turn affect interpersonal communication.

    MATT NO:ICT/2131282964

    Sex and gender can affect interpersonal communication in the following ways:
    sex and gender have more effect over interpersonal communication, though both appears to be one thing in meaning. sex in the gender world either means male or female, these can be seen in filling of credentials. e.g, school forms, cv presentationn and other related request while sex in biology refers to intimacy which some other people would refer to "LOVE MAKING" which in essence is a vital stage in reproduction, but it is obvious to everyone that women and men differ greatly in their style of communication because the genetic make up of men and women is partly responible for these difference. boys and girls are both different and grow and develop differently.
    However, the phonetic nature involved in communication can be easily discovered even when you are distance apart. among the genders, women are seen to be more communicative (talkative) and men are reticent, also individuals are more expressive to people of same sex.
    moreover it was noted that the society evolves to reduce stereotypes expectation from the gender, interpersonal communication among the genders uses the language of dominance and subjectivity. i.e that women claims to be equal with men. There will be significant reduction in interporsonal conflict among the genders and life will be more easier for both, afterall, men and women must perform their specific obligations.

  145. Name: Freeborn Anebi Beauty.
    Department: mass communication

    Class: Hnd 1

    Option: print

    Course: Interpersonal

    H̶̲̥̅̊☺W̶̲̥̅̊ can Gender and Sex Affect interpersonal communication?


    Let’s face it women and men are always going to have problems understanding one another.  As a woman I have to understand (though, it is difficult) how the male species functions.  Though sadly, men have to deal with us women who have mood changes, and things that men would never desire to have.  The phrase "men, can't live with them can't live without them" and vice versa are exactly true.  As human beings we cannot seem to get away from one another.  Men are easier going and laid back then woman are.  Most females like to know what is going on, and have a structured pattern on what is going on in her life.  I do not understand how men can go from beating each other up to being best friends overnight.  What I really do not understand is how girls and woman can be such nasty, crude creatures towards one another.  Women generally get along better with men and vice versa.  Body language is key in detecting effect amongst sex and gender.  One tactic you may observe is a person being passive aggressive.  Passive aggressive is a pattern of behaving vengeful while denying that one has aggressive feelings.  Another tactic is a demand-withdraw pattern, in which a pattern of behavior, one party makes demands and the other party withdraws from the conversation. As completely different species we should really learn how to understand one better, but it is nearly impossible if every person is different. Humans are difficult to understand and with sex and gender playing into effect it makes life even more difficult to comprehend.

  146. Name: Freeborn Anebi Beauty.
    Department: mass communication

    Class: Hnd 1

    Option: print

    Course: Interpersonal

    H̶̲̥̅̊☺W̶̲̥̅̊ can Gender and Sex Affect interpersonal communication?


    Let’s face it women and men are always going to have problems understanding one another.  As a woman I have to understand (though, it is difficult) how the male species functions.  Though sadly, men have to deal with us women who have mood changes, and things that men would never desire to have.  The phrase "men, can't live with them can't live without them" and vice versa are exactly true.  As human beings we cannot seem to get away from one another.  Men are easier going and laid back then woman are.  Most females like to know what is going on, and have a structured pattern on what is going on in her life.  I do not understand how men can go from beating each other up to being best friends overnight.  What I really do not understand is how girls and woman can be such nasty, crude creatures towards one another.  Women generally get along better with men and vice versa.  Body language is key in detecting effect amongst sex and gender.  One tactic you may observe is a person being passive aggressive.  Passive aggressive is a pattern of behaving vengeful while denying that one has aggressive feelings.  Another tactic is a demand-withdraw pattern, in which a pattern of behavior, one party makes demands and the other party withdraws from the conversation. As completely different species we should really learn how to understand one better, but it is nearly impossible if every person is different. Humans are difficult to understand and with sex and gender playing into effect it makes life even more difficult to comprehend.

    Sex and Gender are closely related terms.However the latter is widerin scope than the former.
    Sex simply refers to the biographical and physiological characteristics of men and women,it uses the terms male and female.
    This can affect interpersonal communication through the following:The social tittles that are used to address men and women;Mr,Mrs,Miss,Chairman,Chairperson,Proprietor,Proprietress,Actors and Actresses and so on
    Also found in salutatory aspect of writing;dear sir/madam.
    gender on the other hand is used in language to classify nouns,pronouns,adjectives and verbs.
    Gender can also be seen from the social point of view as that which helps to classify the roles or behaviour of males and females as assigned to them by the society.
    This can affect interpersonal communication through the following:
    Language;this is evident in our communication because different terms are used for masculine, feminine and neuter genders when communicating.
    Courtesy;in greetings for instance,the faminine genuflect while the masculine bow his head in greeting.
    Since visual is a form of communication,the dress code of an individualcan affect interpersonal communication.This is because an individual can be a feminine in appearance and could also be masculine in nature and this communicates..
    Vocal expression:as masculine voice is different from that of the feminine.

  148. Name: Egbune Nwadime Jennifer
    Mat no: ict213120153
    The word sex refers to the genetic and biological status of being male or female while gender refers to the psychological and social manifestation of being male or female. Ire the socially defined, learned,constructed accoutrements of sex, such as hair style, dress, verbal and non verbal mannerism of communication and interest. Gender focuses n the social construct regarding the behavioral, cultural or psychological traits typically associated with one sex. Sex and gender affect interpersonal communication when there is gender inequality i.e. when the male fell superior over the female or the female over the male which cause inbalance in interpersonal communication when communication to the society or tom one another when communicating with opposite sex (male and female), there is usually conflict or interest on both side which is usually not comfortable for them onlike communicating with same sex. It also affect communication process in the way then express themselves or the form of communication which has to do with communicating with a close individuals or person which may have to do with your opposite sex but because of sex and gender problem, it has affected the free flow of communication. The word sex refers to the genetic and biological status of being male or female while gender refers to the psychological and social manifestation of being male or female. Ire the socially defined, learned,constructed accoutrements of sex, such as hair style, dress, verbal and non verbal mannerism of communication and interest. Gender focuses n the social construct regarding the behavioral, cultural or psychological traits typically associated with one sex. Sex and gender affect interpersonal communication when there is gender inequality i.e. when the male fell superior over the female or the female over the male which cause inbalance in interpersonal communication when communication to the society or tom one another when communicating with opposite sex (male and female), there is usually conflict or interest on both side which is usually not comfortable for them onlike communicating with same sex. It also affect communication process in the way then express themselves or the form of communication which has to do with communicating with a close individuals or person which may have to do with your opposite sex but because of sex and gender problem, it has affected the free flow of communication.

    MAT NO: ICT/2131290487
    Sex refer to a state of being male or female on the other hand, gender is the fact of being male or female in term of masculine and feminine. They can be seen as synonymous but they are also different both the male and female uses interpersonal communication to express feelings, emotion, opinion, value and also to impact knowledge and also to improve their state. To have an effective communication process, both the sender and receiver must understand the code of the communication. The two concept (sex and gender)
    Can affect interpersonal communication because gender and sex difference in communication may pose problem in interpersonal interaction, which may leads to inconveniences, stress, resentment, boredom and even emotional conflict. For example, the female( especially girls) may communicate more conveniently, with their eyes. The male counterpart may try to comborts themselves in using the eye to communicate. And also, in a context involving only the male or female, communication can flow freely especially in a discussion that deals with the moral or emotional aspect. Two male may have misunderstanding and settle or reconcile the next moment or immediately while the female may keep it in mind. Sex and gender also brings about individual differences which in turn, affect interpersonal communication whether verbal or non verbal communication.

    MATRIC NO: ICT/2121370183

    Often, the terms sex difference and gender difference are used interchangeably. This collapsing of terms is somewhat in error. Specifically, sex differences refer to biological differences between men and women. Gender differences, on the other hand, refer to social expectations and stereotypes attributed to men and women by virtue of the biological sex. Similarly, the terms man and woman should be used when referring to sex differences and masculine and feminine are the applicable terms when referring to gender differences. Finally, although the concepts of sex and gender are different, gender is implicitly influenced by sex.
    Indeed, much of the empirical scholarship on sex and gender differences indicates quite the Empirical studies on sex and gender differences indicate that men and women are more similar than they are different in terms of communicating in their close, personal relationships. Within the context of gender differences, this would account for men and women reporting what they stereotypically believe men and women should do from a social expectation standpoint versus what they actually do.
    Gender-related communication behaviors are affected by certain biological influences and the gender orientation of communicators. These elements affect how people communicate as well as how they interpret the communication efforts of others. Another source of influence on communication behavior and interpretation is awareness of potential gender-related communication barriers. People choose their communication styles based on their strategies, context, and the unique combination of influences on their cognitive behavior. The purpose of the study was to determine the impact of biological influences, gender orientation and awareness of communication barriers on the recognition of communication effectiveness.




    MATRIC NO: ICT/2131208251

    Gender and sex can affect communication in different ways.One main difference in communication between men and women is all in the thought process. Women tend to articulate their thought process. For example, as they go through a process such as decision-making, women tend to talk about their internal psychoanalysis as they go. Men go through the same process; however, they tend to wait until they have the answer before they say very much about the subject. Findings explain that in relationships, men and women maintain good rapport through communication. The woman simply desires to feel that she is understood, and that she isn't crazy for being bothered by certain things. Women want to know that there are others who have the same kinds of problems that they do. Many men see themselves as problem solvers, so they become frustrated when their sincere advice or solutions are met with disapproval from a woman. In order to avoid misunderstandings that can lead to arguments, men and women must understand their differences not only when in an argument but also when helping each other. We need to remember that men and women have different needs, and we communicate our thought processes differently.

    MAT NO :ICT/2131148691

    Interpersonal communication is the process through which tender feelings are established and maintained, deductively. It is the quality of interpersonal communication {through its links with tender feelings} that either women to men through the erotic. Also the quality of interpersonal communication represent a primary link between women and men, either thwarting or helping to maintain sexual connection in intimate relationships.
    Sex and Gender can affect interpersonal communication, were high quality interpersonal communication it embedded in relationship characterized by love and respect, men are connected to their tender feelings and women are connected to their erotic need. In this state, Sex and Gender appear symmetrical and balanced. In these balanced relationships, gender difference regarding sex tend to fade.
    Conversely where communication breakdown and negatively charged walls are erected, women cannot get to their erotic side and men cannot get to their tender side. In these unbalance relationships, gender difference regarding sex become walls rather than pathways to intimacy.

    ogieva racheal

    MAT NO: ICT/2131148751

    Sex which is naturally designed by God for procreation. Gender can affect interpersonal communication in the sense that when a female student is sexually attracted to a male lecturer it can hinder interpersonal communication in the way that what the lecturer suppose to impact to the student that urge for sex will terminate it and with these interpersonal communication cannot be achieve.



    MATRIC NO: ICT/21318451

    According to concise Dictionary, Gender is the state of being male or female mainly in cultural or social context. While Sex is the state of being either in the category of male or female. Gender and sex can affect interpersonal communication by the way Men and women communicate in different ways and about different things. Women use conversation basically to establish intimacy and relationship, while men use it to gain status. The best seen differences in communication between men and women are in listening, verbal and non-verbal communication. Most men do not listen to all words in a conversation and ask fewer questions. Women are more active and good listeners and more responsive in their verbal communication. As human beings we cannot seem to get away from one another. Men are easier going and laid back then woman are. Most females like to know what is going on, and have a structured pattern on what is going on in her life. Since both genders are made for each other, it takes” understanding for both parties to strive. In conclusion, men and women differ in their body language, facial expressions, speech patterns and behavior. The interesting thing about these differences is that we may be predisposed by our gender to perceive realities in different ways. This means that the ways in which men and women use language (and non-verbal cues) to communicate can be so different that many people may actually be ‘blind’ to the effects their messages have on the opposite sex - each person generating a perception in his or her mind and


    Interpersonal communications can be affected by sex and Gender. This is because of the difference that exist between both sexes.
    During interpersonal communications with opposing genders, there is usually this conflict of interest, both sexes may not be fully comfortable. That's why there's always a different atmosphere when people of same sex engage in interpersonal communications. For instance the females; they get very chatty, and seem to express themselves more. But this only happens in the company of like sex. This is same with the male genders. They tend to converse more carefully when with opposing sex.
    During interpersonal communication, messages must be carefully selected through choices of words used. For example; a boy may say to another boy during interpersonal communication, "Stop being a woman", this literally means be strong, or toughen up, don't act like a woman. But if that same line is use by a boy during interpersonal communication with a girl, the message is bound to be affected.
    Gender can be tricky in interpersonal communication. Females are generally soft & more emotional than males. And this reflects during communication.
    Separating the terms gender and sex is very difficult. Especially since they play almost a similar role, however, they remain different. What remains very certain is that they can have a strong effect on interpersonal communication.If we do not understand how the other often feels, as well as how these feelings are communicated, misinterpretations will abound. Resultant confusion and misunderstanding creates unnecessary distance in relationships. Secondarily, men and women need to talk about how the other’s experiences; the other’s emotions, as communicated. In essence, we need to understand how the other feels when certain emotions are communicated. Again, these dialogues need to be without judgment or blame.


    MAT NO: ICT/2131208153


    Gender and sex actually affects interpersonal communication.

    The word gender tells whether a person is male or female while the word sex refers to the genetic and biological status of being male or female. Until recently, it was believed that men and women have similarities in terms of body language and styles of communication. But not so now.

    The genetic makeup of men and women is partly responsible for this differences. Furthermore, some scholars have postulated that men talk to seek or provide facts or clearly defined their points, while women talks to establish relationships. Due to this gender differences, we maybe predisposed by our gender to perceive realities in different ways. Women are generally believed to speak more words than men on the average. This is because recent studies have shown that they speak in volume to establish relationship, pour out their problems and also tend to reveal their private life style especially when engaged in discussions with fellow females.

    Also testosterone, the male sex hormone is responsible for higher levels of aggression in men just the same way varying levels of estrogen and progesterone, during different stages of the mental circle, alter neuron-transmitter levels in the brain and affect moods and emotions and therefore women's perception, cognition and interpersonal communication.


    Gender is the fact of being a male or a female. In other words, in trying to know the gender of a particular person, we look at those features in a human being that makes him either a male or a female. Sex on the other hand, is the state of being a make or a female. These gender difference in human beings either male or female, affect the way they communicate with each other. In interpersonal communication, the diversity and the gender characteristics of those involved in any form of interaction can thus affect the communication. In the interpersonal communication environment,the gender and sex of a person can affect the communication due to the different styles and language he may employ in communicating. Gender and sex difference in interpersonal communication may create problems leading to stress,decrease in productivity and ineffective communication. In interpersonal communication,women use superlatives, metaphors, and generalisations while men will interprete literally causing mis-communication between both sexes. Also men are more direct and straight forward when communicating. Gender can affect interpersonal communication in the sense that the way a man would communicate to a woman is different from the way he would communicate to a man because women are regarded as being very delicate so wen communicating with them one should b polite and calm but this doesn't count when communicating to a man.This affected or hindered because of the different ways men and women express themselves and interpret others,recognizing these difference in communication will allow us prevent these misunderstanding when communicating wit the opposite sex.


    In our society, the effect of SEX and GENDER in interpersonal communication is immense. Sex difference refers to behavioural variations between men and women based on biological differences gender differences refer to behavioural variations between people due to cultural, sociological difference.
    Popular research has also shown gender differences in communication styles, from men being primarily goal-oriented and result-focused and women being relationship-oriented and placing a high value on closeness and intimacy in interactions with other people.
    One main difference in communication between men and women is all in the thought process. Women tend to articulate their thought process, as they go through a process such as decision-making, women tend to talk about their internal psychoanalysis as they go. Men go through the same process; however, they tend to wait until they have the answer before they say very much about the subject. A man may mistake a woman's pondering as her final answer and accuse her of changing her mind too often. A woman could think that a man isn't even considering an issue and accuse him of not caring
    Another interesting difference is that men and women, when each faced with a problem, tend to try to help each other out in different ways women tend to desire a sympathetic response to their troubles, so this is what they do when someone comes to them with a problem. However, men tend to respond to problems with solutions
    Studies indicate that women, to a greater extent than men, are sensitive to the interpersonal meanings that lie “between the lines” in the messages they exchange with their mates. That is, societal expectations often make women responsible for regulating intimacy, or how close they allow others to come. For that reason, it is argued that women pay more attention than men to the underly¬ing meanings about intimacy that messages imply. Men on the other hand, to a greater extent than women, are more sensitive to “between the lines meanings” about status. For men, societal expectations are that they must negotiate hierarchy, or who’s the captain and who’s the crew
    Men and women differ psychologically in the way they act, from the style in which they communicate to the way in which they attempt to influence others. These gender differences in communication and influence tactics also have implications for gender differences across leadership styles of men and women.
    The biggest difference between men and women and their style of communication boils down to the fact that men and women view the purpose of conversations differently while women use communication as a tool to enhance social connections and create relationships, men use language to exert dominance and achieve tangible outcomes. Men and women also differ in their relations towards others in society: while women strive to be more social in their interactions with others, men value their independence while men view conversations as a way to establish and maintain status and dominance in relationships, women see the purpose of conversation to create and foster an intimate bond with the other party by talking about topical problems and issues they are communally facing
    In relation to intelligence, a male brain represents more information processing centers, and a female brain represents more networking between these processing centers. This doesn't mean that men are smarter than women or vice versa--sorry to disappoint you! It simply implies that men and women tend to do things differently.
    In order to avoid misunderstandings that can lead to arguments, men and women must understand their differences not only when in an argument but also when helping each other. We need to remember that men and women have different needs, and we communicate our thought processes differently.


    The knowledge of this two words Sex and Gender is very important in order for one to know how they affect Interpersonal Communication. Many a times, people use both words interchangeable, however they did not mean same thing. Sex refers to biological and genetic make up like male and female gender refer to behavior variations between people due to cultural, sociological or psychological difference. This entry focus on the matter in which sex affect Interpersonal Communication behaviour Gender and discourse . Some scholars assume that men and women differ until proven otherwise while other assumes both are similar until proven otherwise. Men and women are different otherwise they think, look, conditioned and act differently. Both sexually and otherwise.

    In spite of these, it is generally believed that women and men differ greatly in their style of communication. The genetic make-up of men and women is partly responsible for these differences. They learn strikingly different behaviour.

    It is also believe that women convey feeling easily and quicker to ask for help while men tend to complete more.

    Since, men and women are make up differently, they are supposed to have clearly defined role because they are different they are able to satisfy the requirement and expectation of those roles.

    For instance, when thinking of typical male-female relationship, people like to think that each party is equal in terms of having control. Sine man cannot live in isolation; there is the need for them i.e men and women to relate with each other in doing this they want to share idea, feeling in common. Since, both are differently in their genetic make up, they will want to show the issues from their own side of view. In so doing, they tend to consecrate mostly on that which they think suit into their believed.

    In conclusion, sex and gender has much to play in Interpersonal Communication by relating to how men and women behave towards issues other in terms of interaction, feeling, emotion and even in their place of work since they are both different in their genetic and biological make-up.

    MATRIC. NO: ICT/2131290140

    Gender describes the characteristics that a society or culture delineates as masculine and feminine.
    Sex affects interpersonal communication in the sense that, the level of relationship that ensues between a male and a female, determines the level at which interpersonal communication will take its course. A woman, has to understand (though, difficult sometimes) how the male specie functions. Though sadly, men have to deal with women who have mood changes, and things that men would never expect, might surface. This is why, if they are a couple, mutual understanding regarding how to go about the issue of sex, has to come to play. As human beings we cannot seem to get away from one another. The reason for the existence of men and women, has to be achieved. And for it to be achieved, interpersonal communication has to play a key role.

    Interpersonal communication is the process of people exchanging ideas,feelings,and thought through verbal or non-verbal messages.
    Differences in communication between men and women may be a result of this distortion or differences in the style and content of the messages. When the message is transmitted to the other person depending on which medium used, the receiver tends to do intrapersonal translation of the message sent in the process of communication.
    are problem solvers. Emphatically, and undeniably problem solving is a fundamental and critical function, both in the maintenance of relationships, and in the maintenance of families as systems. Often men take a leadership role as problem solvers. While this role is extremely valuable, it becomes a liability if it is an exclusive form of communication, or if men are unwilling to share their problem-solving interests with their female partners. An exclusive tendency to problem-solve lends itself quite well to success in many blue and white-collar work settings. But, when exclusively applied in intimate gender relationships, it militates against gender-balanced communication, thwarting relationship connections made through non-problem oriented dialogue. Communicating simply to share and connect does not come spontaneously or comfortably to many men. Often men have to work on their communication patterns to provide balance in their relationships with women. The simple act of sharing in order to establish and maintain connection in a relationship is foreign to many men. It is a behavior that men often need to learn and cultivate.

    Men and women in relationships need to talk with each other about how each person experiences and communicates emotions. These dialogues need to be without judgment or blame. If we do not understand how the other often feels, as well as how these feelings are communicated, misinterpretations will abound. Resultant confusion and misunderstanding creates unnecessary distance in relationships. Secondarily, men and women need to talk about how the other experiences the other’s emotions, as communicated. In essence, we need to understand how the other feels when certain emotions are communicated. Again, these dialogues need to be without judgment or blame. This step is perhaps the most critical step in the process of establishing real and non-toxic connections in gendered relationships. Again, intimate relationships make us both vulnerable and volatile. How resultant emotions are communicated determines whether we build well-worn pathways to intimacy, or whether hard to find paths become overgrown and obscured with time and experience.


    MAT NO: ICT/2131290153


    The word sex could refers to the biological and genetic status of being male or female, while gender refers to the social manifestations of being male or female, i.e. the socially defined, learned, constructed accoutrements of sex, such as hairstyle, dress, nonverbal mannerisms, and interests. Gender therefore focuses on the social construct regarding the behavioral, cultural, or psychological traits typically associated with one sex. It’s also psychological in nature.

    The major effect of Gender on interpersonal communication could be noticed in the thought process of the both sex, it is believed that women tend to articulate their thought process and as a result women review much of their private life when they engage in discussion than men who only tend to give abstract ideas and less personal. If both sexes do not take note of these traits it may lead to relationship breakup. Gender which is also seen as those activities that society seen in a man and woman for example it is believed in some societies that men are supposed to woo a woman and when this happen the other way it often not seen as good, and when a relationship begin on the reverse of the societal notion, such relationship may not stand the test of time.
    Meanwhile some opinions abound regarding sex differences in interpersonal communication. In spite of these findings, it is generally believed women and men differ greatly in their styles of communication. The genetic make-up of men and women is partly responsible for these differences. Boys and girls are born different and even grow and develop differently. And it is widely believe through some research that men sex hormone is highly active than that of women which leads to high urge in men sexual life than that of the women. So if this is also neglected and predefined in a relationship it may also lead to relationship breakdown

  163. AJIDE I. LOVETH, HND1 MASS COMMUNICATION, BROADCAST. Most time people use these words interchangeable but both concept differs. Sex: refers to biological differences, chromosomes, homonal profile, internal and external sex organs. Gender: describes the characteristics than a society or culture delineates as masculine or feminine. So while some sex as male or female is a biological fact that is the same in any culture, what that sex means in terms of your gender role as a man or a woman in society. Can be quite different cross culturally. In sociological terms gender role refers to the characteristics and behaviours that differences in attitudes. Sex is your physical body, your gender is whether you identify as male or female. Sex in another context means sexual intercourse i.e making love between two people of different sex. Sex is physical while gender is mental. Sex is your body, it's your genes and your organs, gender is your brain its your innate and unaterable sense whether you are male or female. Communication can be affected or hindered because of the different ways a men and women expose themselve and interpret others. Recognising these differences in communication will allow us to prevent these misunderstandings when communicating with the opposite sex. Let's face it women and men are always going to have problems understanding one another. As a woman I have to understanding (though, it is difficult) how the male species functions. Though sadly, men have to deal with us women who have mood charges and things that men would never desire to have. As human beings men are easier going and laid back than women. Most female likes to know what is going on and have a structured pattern on what is going on in her life. Women generally get along better with men vice-versa. Body language is key in detecting conflict amongst and gender. One tactics you may observe is a person being passive aggressive. Passive aggressive is a pattern of behaving vengeful while denying that one has aggressive feelings. Another tactics is a demand-withdraw pattern, in which a pattern of behaviour, one party makes demand and the other party withdraws from the conversation. As completely different species we should really learn how to understand one better but it is nearly impossible if every person is different. Human are different to understand and with sex and gender playing into effect it makes life even more difficult to comprehend. Until recently, it was believed that men and women actually differ in their language, abilities and garrulous, that men use 1500 words per day while women use 5000 words per day. It is also believed that women convey feelings easily and quicker to ask for help, while men tend to compete more.

  164. Ukueni christiana Hnd1 mass communication print options. Many people use the words interchangeably.However, these words do not mean the same thing.The word sex refers to the genetic and biological statue of being male or female while gender refers to the psychological and social manifestations of being male or female that is the socially defined, learned, constructed accoutrements of sex such as hair style,non verbal mannerisms and interest.Men and women in conversation shows how gender affects interpersonal communication.It is noted that women reveal a lot about their private lifes in their conversation, stick to one topic for a long time, let all the speakers finish their sentences and try to have everyone to participate. In contrast, men discussed things other than their personal relationships and feelings, change topic frequently,dominate conversations and establish a hierarchy in communication over time.Men and women approach conversation with a distinct set of rules and interpretations of talk.Men focus on status and independence while women focus on intimacy and connection.A difference that makes interpersonal communication between the sexes problematic.Women use superlatives, metaphors and generalizations in their speech which men interprete literally causing miscommunication between the sexes.Men are more direct and straight forward in their speech.

  165. Name: Onuigwe Chioma Janefrances
    Option: Print
    Matric no.: ICT/2131290029
    Sex refers to hormonal, biological and physical difference between a male and female. while gender refers to the societal attribute allocated to them i.e male and female.
    Bearing the above in mind, sex can affect interpersonal communication in the sense that, since there differences in hormonal, biological and physical differences their approach to solving problems that might arise during their course of relationship will vary. Societal attribute in line with gender tends to affect the way we relate inter-personally because of our background, educational exposure, religion, social statuses e.t.c because they differs, e.g you may want to enter into interpersonal communication with someone but because of their size, complexion, height e.t.c you may not want to. While in gender you may want to enter into interpersonal communication but because of their behaviour, position e.t.c you won't want to continue with such a communication.

    Gender related communication behaviours are affected by certain biological influence and the gender orientation of communication. These element affect how people communicate as well as how they interpret the common efforts of others.
    Another source of influence on common behaviour and interpretation is awareness of potential gender related communication barriers people choose their communication styles based on their cognitive behaviour. The purpose of the combination of influences on study was to determine the impact of biological influences, gender orientation and awareness of communication barriers on the recognition to address the recognition of communication effectiveness. Few topics interest lay people and scholar more than how men and women might differ from each other sex differences, refer to behavioural variation between men and women based on biological variation between people due to cultural sociological and or psychological differences.
    This entry focuses on the manner in which sex differences affect interpersonal communication behaviour, gender and discourse opinion abound regarding sex differences. Some scholar assume that men and women differ until proren otherwise.

    In spite of these finding, it is generally believed women and men differ greatly in their style of communication. The genetic make up of men women is partly responsible for these difference.
    Boys and girls are born different and even grow and develop differently. Further, they learn strikingly different behaviours. FOR EXAMPLE, It is postulated that men talk to ask or provide fact or assert themselves while women talk to establish relationship. It is also believed that women convey feelings easily and are quicker to ask for help, while men tend to compete more. Personally , I feel that nurture or social and cultural learning play a more significant role in influencing communication and behaviour than neuro¬-physiological differences between men and women
    But, it is obvious that these differences are a frequent cause of conflict between the sexes. To cut a long story short, men and women differ in their body language, facial expression, speech patterns and behaviour.

  168. Imonite Emmanuel
    (HND 1 Print)

    Sex may be seen as the genetic and biological status
    of being male or female; while
    gender refers to the psychological
    and social manisfestations of being
    male or female.
    In terms of gender and sex , Interpersonal Communication can be affected or hindered because
    of the different ways men and women express
    themselves and interpret others.
    For one thing, gender affect their style of communication with each other. men and women differ in
    their body language, facial expressions, speech
    patterns and behaviour.
    In terms of problem solving, especially during interpersonal communication , men tend to respond to problems with solutions.
    women tend to desire a sympathetic response
    to their troubles. Many men see themselves as problem solvers, so
    they become frustrated when their sincere advice or
    solutions are met with disapproval from a woman (Tannen 2007).

    In terms of sex, Fathers and sons tend to talk about sports and
    construction-oriented toys. With these topics, the
    men and boys are more likely to "emphasize
    directive, task-oriented communication."
    Mothers and daughters tend to talk about "feminine-
    stereotyped activities, such as playing house, [and]
    are more likely to emphasize collaborative
    communication" (Campbell Leaper 1998).
    Sometimes, the manner and tone of voice used by both sex during interpersonal communication
    Is different as against when communicating with same sex. Hence, affecting interpersonal communication.

  169. Kingsley Ikponmwosa
    Mass Communication HND1 (print option)
    Inter-personal communication’
    Q. How does sex on one hand and gender on the other hand affect inter-personal communication?
    Both Sex and Gender are words that synonyms of each other in the Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary. These words are usually used interchangeable, however, they defer in use when it comes to context.
    Sex is the quality of being male or female. It is the biological nature or composition of any individual. It is a natural phenomenon. It is the obvious difference that exists between a ‘he’ and a ‘she’. Differences in sex are rather very obvious in an individual’s appearance and not withstanding attitude.
    Gender differences are built on differences that occur in cultural and social makeup. The defining factors when gender is involved are the cultural and social status of the individuals involved. Biological composition is clearly out of the picture in this case.
    Now, in respect to inter-personal communication, sex determines it flow first in determining the right pronoun to use in ‘he’ or ‘she’. This is the first step when it comes to sex as a factor in inter-personal communication. Also, communication seems to be freer and flows properly when individuals of both sexes are involved. Even when such individuals are blood or martially related, there is still this restriction that exist in the flow of communication but when individuals of same sex are involved in a communication, there is usually no limit to the extent to which the discussion can go and there is also no limit to the extent to questions that will be asked and comment.
    A male stranger misses his way and has to quickly get back on track. He meets two people along the way- a male and a female. Both are most likely to give him correct answers, but the truth remains that as truthful as they may try to be, the male will be more accommodating in showing the way than the female. The male may be close enough to the stranger, so much so that they may share a hand shake. On the other hand, the female may keep a considerable distance all the way. It goes to explain how sex can determine the space in which one can go when it comes to communication.
    Gender as said earlier has to do mostly with cultural and social makeup of the individual. In some societies in the world, especially Islamic societies where sharia is in full practice, there is usually this restriction to free flow of communication between people of opposite sex especially when they are not blood or martially related. In societies like this, males and females take different public vehicles. This is the extent to which a gap exist between the female and male folks which goes a long way to affect inter-personal communication.
    When social makeup is concerned, there is a level a woman will attain that she will be accrued the qualities of a man. The society respect social status a lot and is willing to completely respect that woman who has attained manly strides. The Rector of Auchi Polytechnic for instance will most likely be given every attention a man deserves in her inter-personal communication will whoever is involved. This is simply as a result of her exalted position.
    In the same vain, a man who has a man will be regarded as a woman in inter-personal communication when it is obvious he has not climb to the top of the social ladder.
    Sex and Gender play a whole lot of role in inter-personal communication, so much so that it involves biological, social and cultural makeup.


    MAT: ICT/2131290299


    Sex is the biological and physiological characteristics that define men and women e.g. some examples of sex characteristics are, men have testicles women does not
    Gender refers to the psychological and social manifestation of being male or female; it also has to do with the attributes the sexes possess, their behavioural patterns. Each behavior or attitudes can affect the flow or cause a bridge in interpersonal communication. Gender could also refer to the range of physical, mental and behavioral characteristics pertaining and differentiating between masculinity and femininity. While gender characteristics are in some nations of the world like Saudi Arabia, women are not allowed to drive cars. Since we have seen the differences between the two, it is clear that gender is a major factor in interpersonal communication. Take for example; gender has a lot to do with culture in most nations of the world which makes the male folks having an upper hand in matters of discourse.
    Sex can affect interpersonal relationship when only one person is enjoying the sexual activity, the one person that is not enjoying may not be able to talk or express his/her feelings and this might cause grudges, malice or unpleasant behaviour in the home and it will affect the intimacy between the two. This factor can affect interpersonal communication.

    Gender also affects interpersonal communication when some groups are feeling superior and others feel inferior. This feeling affects interpersonal communication and causes a break down in communication. This can also occur because both the male and female express and interpret each other in different ways in some situations wrong interpretations are usually given to such expressions this also has affected interpersonal communication severally.


    MAT NO: ICT/2131205907


    The two words though seem same but they are distinct in nature. Sex refers to genetic and biological status of being male and female, while gender refers to the psychological and manifestations of being male or female, i.e the socially defined, learned, constructed, accoutrements of sex, such as hair style, dress, nonverbal mannerism, interests(Agency definition). While gender on the other hand focuses on the social construct regarding a behavioural, cultural or psychological traits typically associated with one sex.
    Studies indicate that women, to a greater extent are sensitive to interpersonal communication that lie ‘’between the lines” in the messages they exchange with their mate especially opposite sex, some may feel harassed with the way the opposite sex relate with them, at the same time will see it as normal when its same sex. Interpersonal communication is restricted when it comes to sex and the present of this factor may lead to interpersonal crisis in relationship which may disrupt such relationship.
    Gender on the other hand affect communication in the sense that the way a man would communicate to a woman is different from the way he would communicate to a man because women are regarded as being very delicate, so when communicating with them, one should be polite and calm but this doesn't count when communicating to a man. Communication can be affected or hindered because of the different ways men and women express themselves and interpret others, recognizing these difference in communication will allow us prevent these misunderstanding when communicating wit the opposite sex.

  172. Name: Ozere Henry


    Dept: Mass Communication(Broadcast)

    Interpersonal communication as the process of coordinating meaning between at least two people in a situation that allows for mutual opportunity for both speaking and listening has been seen to be affected by the variation in the behavioral patterns that exist between both sexes and gender differences. Sex differences refer to behavioral variation between men and women based on biological differences and gender differences can be seen as behavioural differences between men and women due to cultural, sociological and psychological differences. Research has shown that the brain make up between men and women differs. Women develop more white brain matter while men develop gray brain matter, in other words a male brain represents more information processing centers and female brain represents more networking between these processing centres which shows that men and women reason differently which affect the way they communicate interpersonally. interpersonal communication is also affected from the difference in thought process between male and female. women tend to articulate their thought process as they go through a process such as decision making, while men tend to wait until they have the answer before they voice out. A man may mistake a woman"s pondering as her final answer and accuse her of changing her mind too often, a woman on the other hand could think that a man is not considerate and accuse him of not caring. sex and gender can also affect interpersonal communication from the way men and women react or behave when faced with different challenges. If Women are often frustrated because men do not respond to their troubles, men are also frustrated because women do. In other words women tend to desire a sympathetic response to their troubles while men respond to problems with solutions. women get offended when a man proffers solution to their problems. summarily to avoid misunderstanding that can lead to arguments, men and women must understand their differences not only when in argument but also when helping each other. their is the need to remember that men and women have different needs and communicate their thought process differently.

    Interpersonal communication, A practical approach by Omoruyi Gentle and ikhazuagbe Nasiru.
    Gender and Relationships , Meghan. m.

  173. ONOVUGHE TINA,ICT/213120786: The word sex have two different meaning. Sex also means male and female. Sex and gender affects interpersonal communication in various ways. Through alot of research it is said that men are stronger than the woman nut some cases,its not ture. Man tend to be independent while the women tend to reliable on the men and ask for help.

  174. Name: Alaoma Joseph Chimezie
    Option: Broadcast
    Matric No.: ICT/2131290541

    "Sex" on one hand refers to the biological and physiological characteristics that define men and women.

    "Gender" on the other hand refers to the socially constructed roles, behaviours, activities, and attributes that a given society considers appropriate for men and women.

    Then interpersonal communication is exchange of information between two or more people.

    Therefore, sex on one hand affects the exchange of information between people base on the biological and physiological stance of the individuals involved in the communication in the sense that there are things that are seen from the biological and physiological aspect that may enhance or mar the communication.

    Then, gender on the other hand affects interpersonal communication when the the roles and behaviours that the society considers appropriate for both individuals involved in the communication are found or are not found.

    However, notwithstanding the above, what affects interpersonal communication are mostly from individual perceptions and thoughts.


    Sex and gender are often mistaken or used interchangeably but in its actual sense they simply state the behavioural variation between a male and his female counterpart and how it affect them during interpersonal and gender affects interpersonnal communication in the area of culture,politics,society e.t.c.
    men are always domineering in nature always wanting to on top thus, seeing their opposite sex as weaker and lesser beings. Women on the other hand likes to listen, analyse and gives emotional conclusion situation even when it is uncalled for. In the area of culture, not all women are allowed to stand where men are talking or take part in decision making because again they are considered not fit to talk.
    In politics, women are not allowed to hold key positions because they are also considered weaker sex as most men believe that their place is reserved in the kitchen except for few women who are begining to spring up in the likes of okonjo iweala . In relationship or even marrita affairs, gender and sex surfaces again as it in no small way responsible for most relationship breakage and rampant divorce cases currently being recorded on a daily basis in this case, men always refer to themselves as the head and the women neck, and these instances has affected interpersonal communication and most often create problems. Gender and Sex differences is a societal menance that has eaten deep in the society and if not properly checked or cubbed could lead to societal anarchy..

  176. Okuns lydia ose.

    Sex and gender can affect communication,men and women are differnt in behaiour nd the way they communicate to each other,women have white brain while men have gray brain.while gender has to do with the social behavior,of both men and female the way they associate with each other,they can affect communication,when they both mis_understood themselves,


    Interpersonal communication is the communication that exist between two persons who have speaking and listening mind and there is immediate feedback.
    Sex is refer to the genetics and biological status of being a male or female while gender refers to the psychological and social manifestation of being male or female e.g. hairstyle, dress, non-mannerism and interest. It also concentrates on the role, responsibilities and attitude of men and women that are learned as a result of interaction of culture and society.
    Sex and Gender affect the way we ask question, react on issues and give feedback on question ask. Gender difference in communication may pose problems in interpersonal interaction leading to intolerance resentment, stress and decreased production.
    According to James Pennebaker of the University of Texas and Mathias Melu of the University of Arizena published as they in science involving 400 student they found women spoke an average 16215 word daily while men averaged 15669 word a day because men communication to ask or provide fact while women communication to establish relationship.
    Women convey feeling easily and are quicker to ask for help while men tend to compete more.
    Sex and Gender are greatly affected in interpersonal communication positively and as well in the negative.
    Positively the effects sex will cause is intimacy and mutual understanding while negative effect will cause misunderstanding in a relationship and will affect the relationship.
    Gender in interpersonal communication is when there is gender inequality or a situation when some group are feeling inferior and superior. It will not give good result to communication because they won’t be able to express their mind or feeling freely.

  178. Umoru Rukayah, print,ict/2131208356
    Sex and gender affect interpersonal communication because sex can be refer to as the gentic and biological status of being a male or female while gender refers to the social and psychological manifestation of being a male and female.
    Gender differences tend to post problems such as resentments,stress and decreased productivity. Gender affect interpersonal communication because.
    it is generally known that the communication style for women are more emotional than men.gender differences includes some certain behaviours and expressions such as choice of clothing,hair style,non verbal mannerism,stimulious and interest. Women are based on feelings and building relationships while are based on power and status.these differences between sexes tend to slow and stagger interpersonal communication unlike when they of the same sex.those of the same sex tends to have swift flow of communication because of non interference of communication.

    Sex is the biological state or fact of being male or female. While Gender is the state of being male or female with reference to social or cultural differences.
    It is generally believed that women and men differ greatly in the style of communication. The genetic make-up of men and women is partly responsible for those differences that is why boys and girls are born different and they grow and develop differently, they learn strictly different behaviours. It is postulated that men talk to ask or provide facts or assert themselves, while women talk to establish relationships. It is also believed that women convey feelings easily and quicker to ask for help, while men tend to compete more.
    This shows that with the differences in them when with or communicating with the opposite sex, there is supremacy and loyalty, and this sometimes leads to communication conflict. We may be predisposed by our gender to perceive realities in different ways, due to this people may be blind to the effect their message have on the opposite sex.
    If society evolve to reduce stereotyped expectations from the genders then there will be a significant reduction in interpersonal conflict between the sexes and life will be much easier for both sexes in fulfilling their biological and social roles in tandem for mutual fulfilment.

  180. NAME:IDEMUDIA BENITA LINDA. MAT NO :ICT/2131208464. CLASS:HND 1 (PRINT OPTION). Interpersonal communication is a communication between atleast two people in a situation that allows mutual opportunity for both speaking and listening. Sex refers to biological differences,chromosomes, internal and external sex organ. Gender describes the characteristics that a society or culture delineates as masculine or feminine. Communication can be affected by sex and gender becuse humans find it difficult to understand eachother,how the male species function is different from the female,women are more emotional than men,women think faster than men,male are more patient in decision making than female,male and female expresses themselves in different ways and this cause missinterpretation most times,same sex are more best friends than with opposite sex because they understands eachother better and easily communicate. Having said this it will take a lot of understanding for an effective interpersonal communication to take place. As human beings we cannot seem to get away from one another,as completely different species we should realy learn how to understand one another better.


    The word sex and gender are commonly used interchangeably, but many linguists would argue that their usage is quite distinct. Sex refers to a natural or biological feature. While gender is the category of which an individual is assigned by self or other, on the basis of sex. Sex sometimes unconsciously creeps into interpersonal communication. Girls flow more with girls, boys with boys and also boys with girls depending on the relationship they share. A girl in the midst of boys may not be able to decode everything they say because they use words they are used to e.g. (slang) and also lack of understanding may occur because the girl is in a different word from them (Boys) so them see her as being inferior and would not want to relate freely with her.

    The gender issue is the role that are naturally associated or expected from a particular sex, sometimes because of culture or the environment we find ourselves. Making this so, in some traditional setting for instance, they do believe that a woman is not suppose to talk when men are talking. So if a woman finds herself in such a gathering, she won’t be able to express herself because she has been denial her freedom of speech and feedback in interpersonal communication is defeated because of gender differences.

  182. Akokhia AbdulAkeem
    HND 1 Broadcast

    Few topics interest lay people and scholars more than how men and women might differ from each other. Sex refers to the behavioural variations between men and women based on biological difference while gender on the other hand refers to behavioural variations between people due to cultural, sociological and psychological differences.
    Sex and gender affects interpersonal communication through interaction between a man and a woman and also how women think differs from men and vice versa. Let's face it,women and men are always going to have problems understanding one another but as human beings, we cannot seem to get away from one another and body language is a key in detecting conflict amongst sex and gender.

  183. Alonge Ifo Blessing
    HND1 Broadcast

    Sex refers to the biological and physiological characteristics that define men and women while gender refers to the socially constructed roles, behaviours,activities,and attributes that a given society considers appropraite fir male and female.
    Interpersonal communication is affected by sex and gender through the behavioural differences of men and women,the ways and manners in which they interact with one another.For instance,culture as an agent of socailization tends to affect our interpersonal relationship with one another due to discremination or something.
    Another example is religion,religion also affect interpersonal communication because of the different believes adopted by different faiths.

  184. Umoru Rukayah,ict\2131208356,print
    Sex and gender affects interpersonal communication because,sex refers to the genetic and biological status of being a male or female while gender has to do with the social and psychological manifestation of being a male or female.Gender difference pose some problems such as resentments, Stress,reduced productivity. Gender manifestation involves behaviours like choice of clothing, hairstyle,manners,stimuli and interests. It is said that the general communication style of women are more emotional than men.Women are based on feelings and building relationships while men are based on power and status.Sex differnces tends to slow interactions between persons especially those of different gentic characteristics unlike those of the same sex Which tend to have swift flow of communication. This really is caused based on Stimuli attached.

  185. momodu idris hnd1 (broadcast)Friday, August 23, 2013 4:32:00 am

    The contents of this distinctive volume frame the conversation regarding the extent to which sex differences are found in social behavior, and emphasize different theoretical perspectives on the topic. Chapter contributors examine how sex differences and similarities can be seen in various verbal and nonverbal communicative behaviors across contexts, and focus on communication behavior in romantic relationships. The work included here represents recent research on the topic across various disciplines, including communication, social psychology, sociology, linguistics, and organizational behavior, by scholars well-known for their work in this area.

  186. ONOFUEVURE MERCY ICT/2131290406 HND1 MASS COMMUNICATION BROADCAST OPTION Many people often use communication to express feelings,emotions,opinion and values,to learn and teach and to improve their status.The words gender and sex are often use interchangeably but they are not the same.Sex refers to behavioral variations between men and women based on biological differences while gender refers to behavioral variations between people due to cultural,sociological and psychological differences.For centuries men and women have sometimes felt as if they were from different planets.The root of this problem may just be the ways they attempt to communicate with each other. Communication can be affected because of the different ways men and women express themselves and interpret others.Recognizing these differences will allow us to prevent these misunderstandings when communicating with the opposite sex.We should also know that our brains are different.That is,men and women tend to do things differently.

  187. Jafaru Joy-Mass Communication-HND1(Print option)-ICT/2131208140....,Interpersonal communication is the exchange of information,skills or ideas varbally or non-varbally.Communication can be affected or hindered because of the different ways men and women express themselves and interpret others,recognizing this difference in communication will allow us to prevent these misunderstandings with communicating with the opposite sex.After a little research,ℓ̊ came up with a little explaination of this"Battle of sexes" phenomenon.Men and women communicate differently and tend to discuss on different topics but the way we communicate base on our gender can also be learned and control therefore interpersonal communication assist the both gender learn about the opposite gender's strength'weaknesses and able to cope with the differences.

  188. AGBORUME JEREMIAH.O. MASS COMMUNICATION HND 1 PRINT OPTION ICT/213120710 Communication is the means by which ideals and information are spread from person . People used communication to express feelings,emotions,opinion and values to learn and teach,and to improve their status in communication. The word gender and sex has been used interchangeably,however there words do not mean the same thing;the word sex refers ve the genetic and biological of being male or female,while gender refers to the psychological and social manifestation of being a male or female.that is socially defined learned constructed, accoutrements of sex such as hair style,dress, non verbaly mannerism and interest. Gender there focuses on the social construct reissdinoi the behavioural,cultural or psychological traits typically associated with sex. It concentrates on the roles and responsibilities,expectations and aptitude of man and woman that are learned and modified as a result of the interaction culture,society and environment. The hierarchica view in common lhas also been emphasized in scholarly work males are said to establish a status hierarchy to compete,exact control and maintain the upper hand (Eckes 2000). Females also establish hierarchies however there are based on friendship rather than power and accomplishment Robb (2004). Therefore gender and sex can affect interpersonal communication in terms of feeling, thinking, perception, reaction, response,love,need and appreciation. Women are said to use superlative,metaphors and generalisations in their speech which men interprete literally causing mis-communication between the sexes.

  189. Ogbebor Akugbe Lucky hnd1(print)Friday, August 23, 2013 7:58:00 am

    Gender differences refer to behavioral variations between people due to cultural,sociological and psychological differences. This entry focuses on the manner in which sex differences affects interpersonal communication .sex differences in how men and women communicate, set within the context of sex similarities, offering a balanced examination of the topic. The contents of this distinctive volume frame the conversation regarding the extent to which sex differences are found in social behavior, and emphasize different theoretical perspectives on the topic. Chapter contributors examine how sex differences and similarities can be seen in various verbal and nonverbal communicative behaviors across contexts, and focus on communication behavior in romantic relationships. The work included here represents recent research on the topic across various disciplines, including communication, social psychology, sociology, linguistics, and organizational behavior, by scholars well-known for their work in this area.

  190. NAME: IWERUMOR NKEM EDITH MAT MO ICT/213120871 (BROADCAST OPTION HND1). Gender communication; many people use the word gender and sex interchangeably, however these words do not mean the same thing. The word sex refers to the genetic and biological status of being male or female,while gender refers the psychological and social manifestation of being male or female, that is the socially defined learned, constructed, accoutrement of sex, such as hair style,dress, non verbal mannerism and interest. Gender therefore focuss on the social construct regarding the behavioural,cultural or psychological traits typically associated with one sex. It concentrates on the role and responsibilities,expectation and aptitude of man and woman that are learned and modified as a result of the interaction of culture, society and environment. Interpersonal communication focusses on the expressions used by one gender in the relationships that arose between people. Men focuss on status and independence ; women focuss on intimacy and connection. Interpersonal communication has a way to maintain and establish relationships in the society.

  191. NAME: MUSA AISHAT AINA MATRIC NO ICT/2131208422 HND1 MASS COMMUNICATION (BROADCAST OPTION) Communication can be define as the process of whereby information is been pass across from one person to another. Communication can be used to express emotions and feelings. Interpersonal communication is the process of interactions with different set of people. Therefore sex and gender can affect interpersonal because sex and gender are almost the same thing but can be use to express different meaning to issues. Sex and gender can affect interpersonal communication of the different cultural background of the people and this can affect interpersonal communication. For example, some culture do not allow individual of different sex to communicate or live discussion among the two of them and in that case,interpersonal communication is been affected and will not be effective. Gender can also affect interpersonal communication when there is inferiority complex. i.e the process where some set of persons are superior to the other set of persons and this can prevent them from having good contact among themselves in terms of expressing their personal feeling and emotions and this can result to ineffective interpersonal communication,because men and woman are not equal minded. The men can base their mind set on self dependent and rank while women mind set are based on farmiliarity and contact.

    HND1 PRINICT/2131208138
    Sex and gender though often mistaken to be the same but not the same. Sex is either of the two major forms that occur in many living things and designated made or female, while gender is the psychological and social manifestation of being make or female.
    Sex and gender can affect interpersonal communication either positively or negatively. Gender and sex difference in communication may pose problems in interpersonal communication leading to intolerance, resentment, stress and decreased productivity.
    According to Eclaes (2000) make are said to establish a status hierarchy to compete exert control and maintain the upper hand while females establish hierarchy based on friendship rather than power and accomplishment (Robb 2004).
    More so women and men approach conversation with distinct set of rules and interpretation of words, men focus on status independence, while roomen focus on intimacy and connection, a difference that makes interpersonal communication between different sexes problematic. Communication between men and women can be likening to cross cultural communication which is prey to clash of conservational style (Tannen 2001).

    Sex- is said to be a biological and physiological characteristics that define a man and a woman for example a woman is characterized by the presence of breast, hips and long hairs e.t.c. While Gender- refers to the society constructed roles, behaviors, activities an attribute that a given society considered appropriate. Not that sex and gender in Interpersonal Communication stand a great chance of affecting the flow of interpersonal communication greatly. Interpersonal Communication can be affected or hindered because of the different ways men and women express themselves and interpret others. Women and men differ greatly in their styles of communication as it is seen in the way they talk, the way they act, in their emotions and their behavioral attitude which is being exhibited in their day to day activities. Boys and Girls are both born different, grow, develop and they learnt strikingly different behavior as a result it affect the communication flow of the interpersonal communication that exist between them.
    They can both affect interpersonal communication emotionally, to express feelings, opinions and values to learn and teach and to improve their status.
    Gender on its own affects interpersonal communication leading to intolerance, resentment, stress and decreased productivity. This is extremely critical in business organization but even more so in everyday world.

    MAT. NO: ICT/2131290162
    SEX and GENDER are two basic differences between Men and Women. Sex is the physical, biological differences between men and women. It refers to whether people are born female or male. Gender on the other hand, is not physical like sex. Gender refers to the expectations people have from someone because they are female or male. Gender attitudes and behaviours are learned and the concept may change over time. Therefore, we can say that sex is biologically determined and gender is socially determined.
    They can both affect interpersonal communication emotionally, to express feelings, opinions and values to learn and teach and to improve their status.
    Gender on its own affects interpersonal communication leading to intolerance, resentment, stress and decreased productivity. This is extremely critical in business organization but even more so in everyday world.
    Many people use the words gender and sex interchangeably; however they do not mean the same thing. The word sex refers to the genetic and biological status of being male or female, while gender refers to the psychological and social manifestations of being male or female, that is; the socially defined, learned constructed accoutrements of sex, such as hairstyle, dress, nonverbal mannerism and interest (Lippa, 2002). Gender therefore focuses on the social construct regarding the behavioural, cultural, or psychological traits typically associated with one sex. It concentrates on the roles and responsibilities, expectations, and aptitude of men and women that re learned, and modified as a result of the interaction of culture, society and environment.
    There are two views regarding gender, the essentialist and the social constructionist views (Robb, 2004). The essentialist view gender as that with which we were born being part of our genetic make-up. The male and female roles are therefore distinct identities and they shape behavior. However, this view might be somewhat limited since it does not account for the masculine and feminine attributes inherent in people. The social constructionist upholds the idea that psychological conditioning early in life leads to who we are and become as a result of the social interactions. Therefore, in this view gender is shaped by society, culture, and time.
    Sex on one hand and gender on the other hand can affect interpersonal communication in the following ways:
    1. Differences in the brain: men and women tend to do things differently.
    2. Thought processing: there is also a difference in the articulation of thoughts by male and female. In this light, women are said to be irrational while men are said to be rational.
    3. Problem solving: the way men and women express themselves and interpret others differ.
    4. Learned communication: this has to do not only with the way men and women communicate differently, but rather the topic they choose to discuss.
    5. Things to remember: this is understanding differences not only in argument but also when helping each other since men and women have different need and communicate their thoughts process differently.
    Sex and Gender can also affect interpersonal communication by determining the interpersonal space they (men and women) keep at any point in time. There are four major types of interpersonal space. They are:
    1. Intimate Space: it measures between touching and about 18 inches.
    2. Personal Space: it measures a distance of about 18 inches to 4fts.
    3. Social Space: it measures a distance of 4fts to 8fts
    4. Public Space: it measures a distance of 8fts apart.


    Sex- is said to be a biological and physiological characteristics that define a man and a woman for example a woman is characterized by the presence of breast, hips and long hairs e.t.c. While Gender- refers to the society constructed roles, behaviors, activities an attribute that a given society considered appropriate. It is therefore very imperative to note that the please or role of sex and gender in Interpersonal Communication can never be over emphases as the use be each them stand a great chance of affecting the flow of interpersonal communication greatly.
    1. IN EXPRESSION: Interpersonal communication can be affected or hindered because of the different ways men and women express themselves and interpret others. Women and men differ greatly in their styles of communication as it is seen in the way they talk, the way they act, in their emotions and their behavioral attitude which is being exhibited in their day to day activities. These why they grow differently Boys and Girls are both born different, grow in a different way, develop and they learnt strikingly in a different way
    2. IN BEHAVIOURAL ATTITUDE: The behavior of both sex and gender are different as a result it affects the communication flow of the interpersonal communication. Some schools of thought believed that men talk, task or provide fact for themselves, ambitious competitive for materials success and respect whatever is big strong and fast. While women talk to establish relationship, modesty presenting them as object to view.
    3. IN EMOTION: The way they communicate messages have an effect in the opposite sex as it is shown in their various fallings just as it is recorded in the scriptures that women are weaker vessels that is why they all ways look for who to depend on at all point in time, because of their weakness in their emotion they tend to away look for support
    So therefore sex and gender is really a problem in interpersonal communication so therefore for this to be resolved the societies evolve to reduce stereotyped expectations from the genders then there will be a significant reduction in interpersonal conflict between the sexes. Also if the society understands the facts that individuals are of different behavioral attitude the flow of interpersonal communication will be effective and will resolve this conflict which has broken homes, relationships and marriage.

  196. Name: otoboh Priscillia Amenawon
    mat no:ict/2131290039
    broadcast option
    The assertion that gender affects communication in different ways has been accepted by a large part of the population today. Gender differences in communication may pose problems in interpersonal interactions leading to intolerance, resentment, stress and decreased productivity.
    The word sex refers to the genetic status of beign male or female while gender on the other hand refers to those behavioural traits associated with one sex.
    According to Jennifer Coates wrote about her studies involving gender seperated discussion groups. From her observation she noted that women reveal more about their private life during conversation. In contrast men discuss things other than their personal relationship. There are four areas where gender differences in communication is believed to have exist.these are problem solving, communication of fellings, needs and desires, understanding of a situation and relating to it and the approach to situations.

    A gender role is a set of social and behavioral norms that are generally considered appropriate for either a man or a woman in a social or interpersonal relationship. There are differences of opinion as to which observed differences in behavior and personality between genders are entirely due to innate personality of the person and which are due to cultural or social factors, and are therefore the product of socialization, or to what extent gender differences are due to biological and physiological differences.Gender roles differ according to cultural-historical context, and while most cultures express two genders, some express more. Androgyny, for example, has been proposed as a third gender. Others societies have been claimed to have more than five genders, and some non-Western societies have three genders – man, woman and third gender. Gender expression refers to the external manifestation of one's gender identity, through "masculine," "feminine," or gender-variant or gender neutral behavior, clothing, hairstyles, or body characteristics. Communication and gender cultures: According to Julia Wood, there are distinct communication "culture" for women and men in the US.[50][not in citation given] Wood believes that in addition to female and male communication cultures, there are also specific communications cultures for African Americans, older people, Indian Native Americans, gay men, lesbians, and people with disabilities. According to Wood, it is generally thought that biological sex is behind the distinct ways of communicating, but in reality the root is "gender". Communication and sexual desire: Mets, et al. explain that sexual desire is linked to emotions and communicative expression. Communication is central in expressing sexual desire and "complicated emotional states," and is also the "mechanism for negotiating the relationship implications of sexual activity and emotional meanings." Gender differences appear to exist in communicating sexual desire. For example, masculine people are generally perceived to be more interested in sex than feminine people, and research suggests that masculine people are more likely than feminine people to express their sexual interest This can be attributed to masculine people being less inhibited by social norms for expressing their desire, being more aware of their sexual desire or succumbing to the expectation of their gender culture. When feminine people employ tactics to show their sexual desire, they are typically more indirect in nature. On the other hand, it is known masculinity is associated with aggressive behavior in all mammals, and most likely explains at least part of the fact that masculine people are more likely to express their sexual interest. This is known as the Challenge hypothesis. Gender neutrality: Gender neutrality is the movement to end discrimination of gender altogether in society through means of gender neutral language, the end of sex segregation and other means.


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